Mossberg Persuader and Wal Mart


New member
I have found out that Wal-Mart will not be ordering anymore Mossberg Persuaders after the existing in store stock is gone.
I guess that some of the muckety-mucks think that this shotgun is not PC.
I avoid wally world when I'm looking for a new gun or ammo.
BTW,I'm a newbie. I know I'm going to like this place :)
Heard folks talk about this subject before. I guess since the gun looks sinister, it is to be banned. Sorta the AR-15 Black Rifle Syndrome. Black Rifle so it must be sinister. Home defense shotgun, so it must be sinister. Well the glass is half full. They still cater to sportsman and hunters. At least that's something.

Courage is only fear that has said its prayers.
Welcome Brenda. If your shopping for a shotgun, go to a real dealer who could provide better selection and support. Wal-Mart is a joke. Remember getting a good deal is one thing but service after the sale is just as important.
WalMart apparently caters mainly to the WalMartians, who apparently don't need many 'persuaders' in thier world.
Find a good dealer that knows something about what he's selling. Most will ASK YOU several questions before showing you anything and you're more likely to get what best suits your needs.
Most of the kids that work the counters in the discount superstores don't know squat about what they are selling.
Avoid those WalMartians.
The advice of the others members is correct. I had no idea what to look for in a HD shotgun. Shopped at several places: sporting goods store, guns shops etc. But one gun shop I walked into had a whole rack of Hd/tactical shotguns. Had no idea what I was looking at but certainly seemed impressive. Most knowledgeable person filled me in. I wasn't able to take the tactical shotgun class that came to my club this past fall. Cost $300 for two day class. But I hope it comes again. This time I will take the course.
I emailed Wal-Mart about this, and I got this response:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Wal-Mart sells hunting and sporting firearms. The decision to
selling the persuader and defender home defense guns was done at the
level and effects all stores. All buying decisions are done in
and the stores follow these programs. They can however adjust to
needs when appropriate. Please be assured Wal-Mart will continue to sell
guns and ammunition. Its our heritage as a company from the beginning
Sam Walton and will continue. Many of our corporate executives are
and fisherman. Thank You for your letter and for shopping our stores.

Michael Shaw
Sporting Goods[/quote]

Take it for what it's worth. On the face of it, I'd say that Kingcreek is probably correct: Most people who buy guns at WalMart go there for "sporting" guns, and buy their "business" guns elsewhere.
I don't think that WalMart has a very good selection of guns...certainly not what can be obtained through an independent dealer. Having said this, I find that WalMart is an excellent supplier of low cost equipment and ammunition. For example, I found Winchester AA 12ga trap loads there on special for $4.79 a box....much less than anywhere else locally. Regards, Mikey
Self defense is just not 'PC' enough for Wally World. They'd like you to come back and buy again, but if you don't survive a BG, they really don't care. It's that hunting and fishing that's really important ...
Are they not carrying the pistol versions or the fully stocked ones also? The Defender comes in both versions. I find their answer non-responsive.

I would want to know if it was because the product wasn't selling. That's legitimate.
But if it was for PC reasons, screw 'em.

They sell a lot of Mossberg camo 500s. I know that the camo is for turkeys but it looks evil to me. They better get rid of them. You know that the 500 camos shoot the same rounds as those evil guns.

Maybe we should go hassle them about the
the 500s and 870s. They kill cute ducks.
Me thinketh people bitch too much. While I'm no great fan of Wally World, and I don't go in there unless it's a have to case, I don't see why people are coming down on them so hard about the guns they decide to sell. Thry are not a specialty store, they don't specialize in guns, they sell all kinds of stuff. They must buy and sell to the masses. If you want something special, then you go to a store/shop that specializes in what you're looking for. At least they still sell guns and ammo. If they don't have what you want, then you're quite free to go somewhere else. No I'm not a Wal Mart employee, stock holder, or anything else
Let the flames begin!!

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited January 04, 2000).]
wyhen i was in wallymart before xmas they had a mossberg 590 on the rack!

a very un PC arm

Longhair, the argument is not that they should't follow market forces. However, if they decided not to sell a gun that was
desired by their customers because the gun was not PC - then they are being enemies of the RKBA.

They buy into the idea that firearms are only for hunting or recreation. That way leads to
the UK model. No handguns at all, ownership and storage completely controlled by the government.

If you buy the sport model - then why not have all guns kept at your registered club?

That's the problem with stores stop selling
non-PC guns due to pressure or PR
Walmart will special order many long guns for you.(They stopped selling handguns years ago because of the hassles) What Walmart carries on a day to day basis depends on what thay can get cheaply and in bulk from gun manufacturers. (Remember, Walmart's buyers purchase regular inventory items for over 2500 stores) Their primary sales market is low end hunting guns and cheap 22s, not necessarily because of political correctness, but because these items sell nationwide and have a larger profit margin, especially in the quantities that Walmart buys in. Occasionally, when they get a deal, they will stock guns like the Mossberg Persuader or the Winchester Defender.

That being said, support your local gun dealer. The extra few dollars will help pay for an atmosphere that Walmart will never be able to match.
Walmart may not sell the 500 but k-mart does. However, Walmart does sell the mini 14. Go figure. They also sell lot's of other shotguns. I really don't think the intruder cares which model you have. I picked up my 590 at a chain sporting goods store.
Don't hate me cause I shop Wal Mart. I love the TICO TOOL for cleaning shotguns. My gun store carries it for $14.99. Wal Mart carries it for $9.69. Now where are ya going to buy it? :)

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Will, that sounds like cutting off your nose despite your face.

Should we maybe say then: Since the government is prohibiting the sale of some guns, then what the hell, they may as well prohibit them all, right?

There are plenty of large department stores and small dealers who are not playing the political correctness game and who are putting their livelihoods on the line to offer the public a full range of firearms selections.

Walmart is playing this mickey mouse role of eliminating all handgun sales and sales of shotguns that look menacing. What will they do next? Stop selling any longarm that is capable of shooting more than once. The Second Amendment is not about hunting or target practicing or even guns that are pretty. It is about We The People having in our possession the ultimate check and balance against tyranny from the government.

Yes, Bob I will gladly cut my nose off to spite my face with Wal Mart since their firearms philosophies fall in line with those who would restrict our right to keep and bear arms to something that must be highly restricted versus the God-endowed right that it is.

Furthermore, I will glady pay more to support a concern who is supporting our freedom by letter and by spirit. When you support Wal Mart, you are helping them to further this agenda currently underway to relegate the Bill of Rights to the Bill of Needs. I for one, refuse to do this. If it means prioritizing my time to trade with a store that closes at 7:00 PM------great. If it means paying more-----so be it.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Hey guys,

I find it really hard to believe that walmart, kmart or Joe Blows sporting goods chooses to sell or not sell firearms or a particular type of firearm based on any philosophical belief. It's purely a matter of profit and loss and acceptable or unacceptable potential loss. The local sporting goods store is not likely to be the victim of a negative world wide or national media smear campaign or a named defendant in a frivilous multi-million dollar law suite just because the firearm passed through their hands. Do you think the corner diner would have been sued for millions over a hot cup of coffee? If you believe that any of these businesses are in it for the philosophical belief in the bill of rights or anything remotely related to that then I'll bet you believe that McDonald's is only concerned about the possibility of all of the poor little earthlings starving to death.

I'm a small business man myself. I've supported the small stores and knowingly paid as much as $100.00 more for a given firearm out of the principle of supporting a small business. You know what, they didn't give a damn when I had problems and were no more supportive than Walmart. The only difference is a little more entertaining conversation when you walk into the store. They didn't pitch in anything extra for my grocery bill and I'm not pitching any more to their's unless they are the only ones in town with the product I want. They have done absolutely nothing to earn my dollar.
Ruger: Some gun stores do go the extra mile. Many will after you show up as a repeat customer. Will throw in some ammo on the deal, or at least a few targets/ear plugs. You can offer a lower price or accessories. "They don't have to take it" I have fond memories of some gun stores. Most "unfortunately" were over 120 miles away. BUT when I walked in the door I was greeted "as most everyone was" as if I had just been in yesterday. That store was sold and after two visits I have never been back. "494 and Lyndale ave" Bought 2 guns there for less then tags and got a spare mag on one and 2 boxes of cheap ammo on the other.

[This message has been edited by larry_minn (edited January 12, 2000).]