Mossberg 930


Wondered if any one has one and what you think of it compared to the other semi tactical shot guns on todays market.

The Obvious Is Often Over Looked

The 930's are showing up in our local 3 gun league, both the assorted tac models and the JM as well. Opinions vary as to how reliable they are. Some seem to work, others not so well.

Clean'em up really good, lube, then run them hard with full power ammo for a couple of hundred rounds, has been one of the approaches that seems to help.

I keep trying to talk bamaboy into one, but he's holding out for something more exotic!
I have one. So far I put 300 rounds of #7 #8s and not one misfire. The 930 is an awesome shotgun. The prices have been going up rather quickly.
Mossberg has difficutly building a s.g. that differes from the time tested & proven M-500.
I don't know of any semi-auto s.g. built by Mossberg that ran right for very long.
I have the JM Pro 8 shot.

I had problems with it cycling full power slugs (1600fps). It would fire, extract, and eject fine, but the round in the magazine tube would fail to release onto the lifter.

Went back to Mossberg/Maverick Arms twice, with just a little improvement.

Started shooting reduced recoil slugs and has cycled all of those without a hitch.

It has always cycled birdshot perfectly.

I probably have 800-1000 rounds through it now.

I have 2 friends with the exact same model that have had no problems of any kind.
Awesome and 101% perfect

I got my Mossberg 930 SPX in early 2010- Super Bowl Sunday morning actually.

In late 2009 and early 2010, the M930SPX was the hottest firearm on the internet... I had decided to start buying my own firearms and start my collection in fall 2009, had to do the long application process and got it all submitted in November. I was beginning to read forums and learn etc.. EVERYONE was talking about, raving and lusting over, begging to get etc the M930SPX. When I went looking for one, I was told on a Saturday that they were a POS, junk junk junk... what you (me) really want is this Benelli M2 Tactical. Oh and the Mossberg isnt legal in NJ because of the magazine capacity... and the Benelli is 2x+ the cost. Want it? LOL. I passed (although the M2 Tac was amazing.).

The NEXT DAY I went to a Dick's Sporting Goods across the river in PA to look for magazines for my new Remington 597 .22LR rifle... and as I am looking at a $899.99 M2 Field (which wasn't $1250 but also wasn't the Tactical...) the manager of the gun dept. says.. "You look pretty cool, look like you appreciate the good stuff, and would know what to do with this and care for this...lemme show you something in the back..." and comes out with a Mossberg 930 SPX. Literally, there must have been 200 people in the gun area (I couldn't believe how busy it was for Super Bowl Sunday morning..) and *EVERYONE* started shouting "LOOK WHAT THAT GUY HAS OVER THERE!!" The gun was amazing, people started demanding to be allowed to buy one too (it was the last one) and then they started offering the guy more money to take it out of my hands and let THEM buy it... he laughed at them THEN They tried offering ME money to hand it to them to buy, and when I got offered $200 I realized it was worth an instant purchase. The MGR assured me it was legal in NJ, no problems and 5 minutes later I was walking out with it.

I cannot stress how awesome it was... I got home and posted pics all over the NJ forums, and jealous haters started shouting how illegal it was and I'm so screwed (and by the way, where did you get it....?????) - I made the instant decision to order a new magazine extension, +1 instead of +3, and had it overnighted. Ever since then, this gun has been 1001% reliable, never one single malfunction or problem, and is the last firearm I'll sell. I collect combat shotguns now, and would probably take a different gun out in my yard or out in the neighborhood during a SHTF/TEOTWAWKI situation... simply because, the M930SPX doesn't leave my bedroom/bed area as it's the last thing I want in my hands if I'm making a stand and defending my dog and I etc.

Many other good guns out there- I am sure of it. And maybe the people who buy Benelli M4's for $1699 say their gun is "nicer" ... probably more refined and silky smooth, I agree... BUT, as far as a $600 hard as nails, perfect running combat autoloader, you cannot ask for me.

I have run an Aimpoint Micro R-1 for a few years (*AMAZING*) but then I decided, I didn't care for the XS Sights ghost ring sights on my 870- so I put the Aimpoint on that gun, and installed full fiber optics on the LPA Ghost Rings on my 930- so it's an amazing gun with LPA Fiber Optic ghost ring sights and hard as nails.

Sorry to post a long post but I want to make it clear- I love my gun. People have bashed the Mossberg 930 SPX and even Mossberg in general, and I am not callling them all liars because hey, maybe their luck is not as good as mine? But man, for them to have all these terrible problems, hard to feature for me as I got an absolutely PERFECT 930 right off the shelf of Dick's Sporting Goods.
I own the Mossberg 12 gauge 930 spx and the blackwater tactical 930.
They are the finest shotguns I have ever owned. They are amazing
To shoot. It does not take long to acquire a lot of empty brass at your
side. They are fun guns to shoot.
The 930 spx works well in my experience - good value too. Gave mine to my brother a few years back but it never jammed on either of us so far - granted, not that many rounds through, though.

I really kinda want the Blackwater 590 pump, and for that matter, another 930.
I am totally not in to tactical, but a buddy bought a Mossberg for waterfowl and it was failing to feed with heavy loads. We theorized that the heavy recoil was too much for the magazine spring to overcome, especially pushing more heavy loads, so he made a dowel magazine plug that compressed the spring instead of sliding inside it. Presto, no more failures to feed. He called Mossberg and they told him they had a few mag spring issues and had changed springs and they sent him a new one free, but he has stuck with the old one. I prefer the feel of the Remingtons to Mossbergs myself, but they are solid guns and their customer service is top shelf.
The Benelli M4 is gas operated - the only one - so it will function with accessories bolted on, an issue with inertia guns. IMO Benelli asks for more money because some people are totally enamored of the Benelli name. I am not saying they do not build good quality guns, but I much prefer most any good gas semi to an inertia gun.
What do you plan to do with it? That is the fundamental question.

I recommended them based on the price point, having shot a few matches on a squad with the Miculeks, and all looked good. However, time has proven that was erroneous.

If you want a value priced shotgun that won't get used heavily, it might be an okay choice. In that vein, if you put a few hundred round of high brass through them, keep it clean and lubed and don't plan on running it past maybe 4 or 5K total rounds, most of the time, it will be fine. Sure there are a few more lemons in the line than it's competitors, but it is not total junk, and it is American made.

If you plan on shooting 3Gun, taking a lot of classes, using it hard, don't bother. The cost to get them to run right pushes them past what others cost, and somewhere in the 5K to 8K rounds range, it will lose so much reliability you will either sell it or junk it. We had 10-12 of our local shooters buy them...all have since moved on to something else due to problems with the shotgun. We still get a newer shooter show up here and there, and sure enough, if they stick with it, it will eventually show why no-one uses them for serious work or tactical competition.
My 930 SPX has been flawless with a wide variety of loads to date. It is kept loaded with 00 buck as my HD SG. It is the single-most soft shooting 12 I've ever fired, and can be fired to empty quicker than any other of my limited experience, as well. Love it.
I have a strong dislike of Mossberg because of their customer service. I also don't care for most of their products. But I have a standard 930 for hunting and it is a great gun.

Takticool's post seems to say that the SPX he purchased in PA was legal in NJ, but he also seems to be saying that he immediately opted to swap on the +3 extension for a +1. (One issue with the legality of the SPX in NJ is the capacity of the magazine.) Tacticool seems to have relied on the guy at Dick's in PA as to the legality of the SPX in NJ.

It appears that he realized upon returning to NJ that his gun was illegal with the +3 extension and it would be nice if he clarified whether that is what he determined. Be cautious accepting the opinion of a gun store salesman as to what is legal; especially in another state than that store is located.
While mine is a field model (28" barrel with wood stock and forend), it has been pretty good for me.

The only hiccup I have encountered is that it does not like Winchester target loads for some reason, it will not feed them reliably at all. In the end it is not a huge deal since it runs 100% with Remington or Federal target loads.

When using hunting loads, I have not had a problem, and many a waterfowl have fallen to it in the two years I have owned it.
If the Winchester target loads are the ones sold by WalMart in value paks, the problem you are experiencing is indeed the ammunition and not your Mossberg. Its the ammo.
Glad this topic popped up.

I'm thinking of getting the Mossberg 930 JM Pro for 3-gun matches to replace my 870, I was wondering about the reliability.

Hope to see more post regarding reliability.

Normally I shoot hand load shotshells, 1 oz slugs, one oz of buck and one oz of birdshot pushed by 14.5 grs of Reddot. Loaded with the same shells and wads, they work good accuracy wise, but don't know if they would work in the 930. I could change the load if its a problem.
Kraig, if you are looking for a Budget gun for 3Gun, consider the Stoeger M3000. I'd say a good 75% of the people locally who bought a JM930 who became active 3Gun competitors have sold them at a loss and got something else.

If you can buy once, cry once, the M2 and VersaMax are the better choices. The 1301 is coming on, but if you go that route, make sure you know about the ergonomics and controls as they are different than most. The SLP is good as well, but not as good as the M2 and VersaMax.