Mosin update


New member
-please no hate posts for altering the gun, thank you:)

I used to have this long thread on this one build, but ill just share this update

I was still having problems taking the rifle to shoots as its case being a 9130 mosin nagant was fairly long, so it was hard to travel, carry

so I had the barrel cut to 22" , had the iron sites remounted and sited [still functional ] and polished up by a local gunsmith, gun is black ceramic coated now by gunsmith
whats been done so far

prior to this I installed a boyds laminate thumbhole stock, older stock I had to free float, used rock solid pillars to bed ,mosin plus muzzle break ,rock solid scope mount and bent carrier group [so as to not waste my original carrier], warner no move scope rings with a vortex scope mounted [cant remember the model off hand]
a cnc custom machined magazine extension system
now with all this its a rather light and easy to use gun, I can detach all the mods and slap in the original setup for use

but as it is now its very fun and smooth to fire. it donst have much kick and with the 10 rounds I have now I dont have to reload as often.

all in all I call this project pretty much done [unless I get a new stock with a riser.... or make one]

It has been a very dependable gun with some ups/downs down the years, this was my 1st rifle ive owned myself and its my favorite to shoot still

i noticed my groups did tighten up with the new length, but at night it sure does have a nice fireball now, anyway thanks for checking it out

Having two modified Mosins myself, this is one area where I don't criticize for altering a "collectable" rifle. :)

They CAN be fun to play with.
Seems like an awful lot of money to spend on a Mosin, and especially now that the super cheap ammo has dried up.

For the money, I'd rather have something newer in a more reloadable caliber, but it's great if you like it.

What kind of weight and accuracy are we talking?
My take is have fun, if it tickles you then its not wrong. Life is short and fraught weight enough issues and peril that enjoin doing something is priceless. TH stock is cool.

Mixed bag. Who can really LOVE an MN?. Interesting gun, got one when I was a kid of all things (long long ago) (my dad bought ti for a play gun then realized what he had done and had what we now call and OMG epiphany about real guns, safety and OS)

At this point they are not rare, so mods are not going to loose history.

I sold mine as it had some history to it and needed to go to someone who wanted to do something with it.

In this case he wanted full restore, pre war and a likely Spanish War piece from Sam Cummins era.
old setup with its barska scope was sub groups [before that scope broke]
this is a new scope so I havent had much time to gauge the groupings and accuracy , my local range keeps getting shut down /reopen with more restrictions on distance and because of this i dont get to shoot very often.

its a project gun i have dumped money on i probably didnt need to, but is fun when i get to shoot it

the major benifits ive seen is in recoil and sway reduction , overal i need to test fire it more but again with ranges closing around me its hard
Seems like an awful lot of money to spend on a Mosin, and especially now that the super cheap ammo has dried up. For the money, I'd rather have something newer in a more reloadable caliber, but it's great if you like it.

This, ... and glad you said it, not me. ;)

What kind of weight and accuracy are we talking?

Likely weighs more than a Garand, ... and irons sights v. iron sights, it's not as accurate as an M1 (although a scope on any rifle does level the playing field :rolleyes: ).
If your going to chop a Mosin, this is the way it should be! I really like what you've done, and respect the patience to do this to a rifle many consider worthless.
I have a customized Mosin, re-stocked, chopped, scoped.
Worth the money?
Of course not.

Who cares?

How does it compare to a Garand?
Equally who cares?

It was a fun project, that's all that matters. :)
Looks nicely done! Of course, its still a sow's ear, but we love what we love, right??

My generation did that kind of thing with Mausers, Springfields, Arisakas, and :eek: even Krags!! Of course, we mere more focused on making better sporting rifles, not as much on what's called "tactical" today.

I didn't see where you mentioned anything about any trigger work, something we often did...

personally, I've never been a fan of long magazines on bolt actions. Too long and you can't get a good low prone position. I accept this with semi autos, but don't see the point with a bolt gun. If you want 10rnds and a bolt gun, look to the SMLE. They did it right, fast, slick working bolt gun, and 10rnds in a compact double stack mag that allows a low prone position, which is no small matter when someone is shooting back!!

One of the biggest limitations to the Moisin Nagant, is that you are pretty much limited to the 7.62x54R or wildcats based on it. With a Mauser system rifle, you have a much wider factory caliber conversion choice. I've had Mausers, in calibers from .22-250 to .458 Win Mag.

Congrats, clearly a labor of love.
Well I have seven of these rascals 91/30's and M-44s one for parts. I have to say I like what you have done!
In fact, I too got involved with all of the Milsurps back in the day when every gun shop had tons of "relics". That being said, if you enjoy milsurps, ya gotta call a spade a spade. Sure, they are a piece of history but, would you compete in the Indy 500 with a 1977 Vega? Of course not.
Looks like a fun gun. There's people out there that mod their Hi-Point hand guns. And they enjoy doing it. That is all that matters.

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It can be fun to transform a clunky old Mosin into something quite different, and that TRULY is all that matters.

Nobody intends to run races with one, and we could not care less how it compares to anything else.

And my brother did a fair amount of Vega modifying, too.
He had no intentions of running any races with any, he just liked 'em.
I went ape-**** with milsurps like a lot of folks did when they were introduced to surplus relics. But, the thrill went away rather fast for me because I wanted modern firearms. Granted, owning a Winchester that was made in 1890, to me doesn't qualify as a relic. Where as a jap rifle holds no sentimental value to me. However, I don't begrudge anyone who likes "relic" firearms.
It was a fun project, that's all that matters.

He is sharing what he did, lot of negativity from some.

Its not like he put a Mustache on the Mona Lisa (not that I ever saw that as anything special )

Probably from a lot of guys who have middle age crisis and buy vets and all that sort of stuff.

Unless you are an MN guy or former, I vote those comments off the Island!
I remember the original long, and perpetually resurrected thread. you got a way better product out of your mosin than I did. glad it's still going strong.