Mosin Nagant!?


New member
Well I got Christmas money still left over and for those who read my AR thread I decided I probably wont be shooting past 150yards which is fine with me. Anyways I was looking through the J&G Sales ad and came across the M91/30 Comes with bayonet and some other accessories is 7.62x54R all for the huge price of 79.95$ (Pun intended).. And a Monte Carlo stock costs 59.99$ My only concern is how bad is the recoil on it? I have shot my .280 and my 12GA which I shoot for pleasure alot of times lol. Does anyone have any expeirence with them any pros/cons??

I'd say surprising recoil to me, given the shape of the stock. Not painful or too much, but more than I expected. I' rather shoot that for an hour than my Dad's trapdoor 45-70

The recoil wasn't a problem...but the crappy long trigger was, at least to me
Recoil isn't bad except if you shoot it off the bench, I use a PAST magnum recoil shield if I'm shooting off the bench with mine, the steel buttplate on the factory stock can do a pretty good number on your shoulder off the bench. Off hand and shooting from field positions it's not bad at all.

Make sure you have a long enough cleaning rod 36"+, trigger pull is standard for a service rifle, and when using Lacquered cases the bolt tends to stick, so you might have to give it a kick.

Beyond that it is a fun rifle to shoot.
Thanks guys! Will probably order this from them soon! Along with the monte carlo stock make it look like more of sporterized rifle.. I was really worried about the recoil but now that I know it's less than a 12GA I really wanna buy it!!!

The Mosin-Nagant M91/30 is a fun rifle to shoot. I have a few, and I have some of the shorter Mosins. It's an easy gun to fall in love with. The history of the Mosin-Nagant is rich, and it's a rugged rifle with great out-of-the box accuracy (as it should have with a 28½ in barrel). I love the iron sights on those Russian style guns, like the Mosin and SKS. Oh, and ammo is dirt cheap right now. Most of the 91/30's being sold right now are WWII vintage (1938-1944 stamped on the reciever). Buy one. You won't regret it. If you like it a lot, look around for an M38 or M91/59 or M44.

Oh, the recoil. Right. The M91/30 is pretty hefty, so the recoil, while significant, is manageable even for a little guy like me (5'2" 125#). I've seen videos of 7 year olds shooting them. The recoil is less than a 30-06 to be sure, and less than a 12 gauge. Pretty close to a .308 bolt action rifle. Maybe even a hair less recoil than the .308, even though the 7.62x54R is slightly large. The Mosin weighs more than the average domestic .308 rifle.

A friend of mine put his Mosin on the couch so that they could watch "Enemy At The Gates" together.

I took another friend shooting who had never held a gun in his hand. His first rifle experience was one of my M91/30's. He loved it.
they are nice little guns. and depending on the boreof the weapon you actually end up, you may have to reload for it yourself. actually if you dont want to get surplus ammo you should be reloading for it.

they have mass to them. its like the not so polite saying "more padding for the pushing is always good".recoil when shooting correctly with sling wrapped around off arm it like a remington 770 in 243 win. sling around arm, using a good kneeling stance its like a 30-30.
I have 3. One 91/30. One 91/59 carbine. One Hungarian M-44. In my experience the carbines are the ones that kick like a mule. Like others have said, they are fun guns, the ammo is cheap and a little trigger time as with any gun and you are its master. I killed a doe 3-4 yrs. ago with my M44 using S&B 174GR. ammo at nearly 300yrds. Amazing amount of destruction to the exit wound shoulder. Awesome rifle for the price. Enjoy. :)
recoil is managable for sure and im 90% sure by going to the monte carlo stock the butt on it will reduce some of the felt recoil compared to the steal plate on the back of the original stock
The recoil is sharper than your average .3 something rifle with surplus ammo. A little meaner with the 200 gr hunting ammo but not too bad. I have the ati stock and while it does come with a butt pad it's a considerably lighter stock. It almost feels like the gun kicks more with the new stock due to not having that mass to absorb the kick. My mosin sniper rifle is my favorite rifle hat I've owned. It's a blast to shoot. Although I have a love hate relationship with cosmoline.
I like what Bamashooter and zombieslayer said.

And let's face it: For $80, even if all you do is mount it on the wall as a handsome historical relic, it beats the living hell out of a painting of Elvis on black velvet, don't you think?
I see alot of people compllaining about cosmoline!? What exactly is that? What does it do to the actual gun? I hear it's a pain in the butt?! Could ya'll enlighten me on what it is?!

Cosmoline is a brownish, greasy, waxy rust preventative that has been used to preserve rifles such as the Mosin-Nagant, SKS, etcetera. The good news is that it protects metal parts from rusting with great efficiency. The bad news is that it can be a bitch to remove. With time it becomes increasingly waxy and difficult to wipe off. I bought one Yugoslavian SKS so heavily loaded with Cosmoline that you could barely pull the bolt open. Best options seem to be mineral spirits, kerosene and heat.
So if it comes where I can operate the bolt pretty well should the cosmoline come off like a heated liquid? Is it best just to strip it and clean out all the innards?
You need to remove the barreled action from the rifle, and strip it down completely- including disassembling the bolt.

Brake cleaner and mineral spirits work well in softening/dissolving cosmoline. Pay particular attention to the chamber, as this is the hardest area to "get to" and is what will cause the bolt to stick if all of the cosmoline is not removed.
When I bought my 91/59 it had been in the gunshop hanging on the wall for quite some time and the cosmolene had mixed with dust. I sat at the dining room table and cleaned that rifle for nearly 4 hours until it was void of all cosmoline and it looked like a new rifle. I used a 20ga. brush on a drill to clean the chamber because sometimes the cosmoline can dry out inside the chamber and heat up when you fire it and cause cases to stick. All I used to clean it was hoppes and I nearly used a whole bottle. There are faster ways but I wasnt in a hurry. Its not a big deal, just break it down as far as you can and clean the crap out of it. I would check the chamber as well if I were you and make sure it is void of dried cosmoline.
Haven't had to clean one yet, but they sure are fun to shoot. I fired the Mosin and a .270 back to back, and I didn't really notice a difference in recoil. Both were quite manageable.