Mosin Nagant for deer hunting?

Anything over 500 yards with a Mosin is great! Are hand loads for the Mosin really that effective? I might need to buy a hand loader then! I've been wanting to reload for awhile now but I never saw the need to since the only gun I really wanted to reload for accuracy purposes was my 6.5x55 swede. But after hearing that I might need to look into it

They're not precision rifles by any means. But, I worked on this one myself- aftermarket stock, free-float the barrel, pillar and receiver bedded, Timney trigger, cut/crown, and d&t'd a Weaver mount to it for a 6-24 scope for long range. Like I said- first, make sure the rifle shoots. Mine has a great barrel, and tight chamber. Lands are slightly rounded (not sharp), but well defined and zero pitting in the barrel. Arsenal refurb.

Like any rifle, handloads will make a difference. In comparison to the cheap surplus ammo- a HUGE difference. It will shoot minute of angle, with the 174 grain SMK's. See how she shoots, then decide if it's worth the effort- to put the effort- into it.

Just my $.02...

The original stocks can be sloppy. Often a gap between the recoil block and the recoil crossbolt, and a poor fit of the action to the stock. Any rifle benefits from a bedding job at least, and pillars as well to improve consistency. If you want to hunt with it, I'd consider an aftermarket stock (Boyd's), bed the receiver- consider a Timney- and you'll likely be yards ahead in accuracy than you would be if you left the action in the military stock.
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My gun club only has a 200 yard range but I can hit a 6in plate all day long off hand with iron sights. I have to aim high and left about 2inches per 100 yards but I would have no qualms about shooting a deer if it were legal in iowa. Once you have it dialed in its a fine rifle.
It's absolutely capable of taking deer with the right ammo. There are several companies that offer 7.62x54R ammo with a soft point bullet from 150gr-203gr. Check MidwayUSA for it and I'm sure you'll find something. If I were going to hunt with it I would probably handload for mine, but for what I use the rife for it's just not cost effective (neither is 7.62x39 for that matter). My rifle will shoot 2" groups at 100yds with irons and surplus ammo which is about the best I can expect with my eyesight. If it were scoped I would expect that to shrink to 1"-1.5" with handloads.

Well that's some handy info :D Does any of the manufacturers make HP 7.62x54r rounds? I'd much rather hunt with HP than SP. I'd rather lose a little meat and not have it run off into the woods rather than save some meat and go hiking xD
Any deer hit with a good soft point in the "kill zone" won't go far.

I know it's a personal choice, but the only game I'd use hollowpoints on are varmints.
Sure a Mosin will take deer

I handload for my Mosin, a 1943 Izchevsk 91/30. I use Varget and Hornady's 150 gr. .312 Interlock soft point. My load chronographs at 2860 FPS and shoots a little over MOA. I plan to hunt elk with it this fall in Northern Idaho. Although it is heavy to carry, I have no concerns about the capability of the cartridge. If a .308 will do the job, so will 7.62X54R.
My gun club only has a 200 yard range but I can hit a 6in plate all day long off hand with iron sights.

Then you're one of the greatest shots in the state. Of coarse you only said the gun club had a 200 yard range, ya didn't say you were using it it. Sure you didn't mean 200 feet?

Then you're one of the greatest shots in the state. Of coarse you only said the gun club had a 200 yard range, ya didn't say you were using it it. Sure you didn't mean 200 feet?

Could be the youngster has some pretty good eyes and a decent rest. I just got my two Mosin's and I find I do 6" at 100 yards with both the M91/30 and the M38 but my eyes are old, the sights hard to see and I'm shooting from the bench. I am sure that better shooters with better eyes than mine could shrink those groups.
With good eyes, and a rest, maybe...but it's still surplus ammo.

Offhand, "all day long"....naahh... I'll chalk that one up to internet bravado.
from what I've noticed with both of my MNs, accuracy is not the greatest but still within the realm of hunting accurate. the sights are a real problem since they are non adjustable up/down so many shooters do not waste the time and money to give them the ability to zero at a specific range. another drawback is that every round I've ever seen in 54R has been full metal jacket or steel core, neither of which is very effective for hunting, yes they will punch a large hole in whatever you shoot but there is little tissue shock from expansion to drop the animal so you will end up having to track them until they bleed out. however if you have a scope and are not afraid of home loading, there is a small amount of brass cased ammo out there for reloading and since the 303 brit has been a popular hunting round among the milsurp enthusiasts, there is a wide selection of 311 caliber soft tip and ballistic tip bullets for home loading. 54r does not lack for the stopping power or accuracy to take an animal past 100 yards there is just a few hurdles for you to clear before you get there. I am currently in the process of sporterizing one of my MNs and intend to see if I can get it up to snuff in time for deer season.
Then you're one of the greatest shots in the state. Of coarse you only said the gun club had a 200 yard range, ya didn't say you were using it it. Sure you didn't mean 200 feet?

Careful--some of these old gals are amazing shooters in the right hands. My 1938 "Izzy" M91 is a sub-MOA gem that I'm working up for 1000m mil-surp competition. a pie plate at 200 yds. isn't even a challenge. Just because they double for a medieval war club when the ammo is gone doesn't mean they can't shoot to begin with. ;)
another drawback is that every round I've ever seen in 54R has been full metal jacket or steel core, neither of which is very effective for hunting

A quick check around the net shows soft point loaded ammo available from Prvi Partizan, Brown Bear, Silver Bear, Wolf, Sellier & Bellot, Winchester, and Lapua; and ballistic tip from Hornady.

Not exactly what I'd call rare.
Offhand, "all day long"....naahh... I'll chalk that one up to internet bravado.

See that, big + 1.

Not knockin the Mosin (although I personally hate them) but some things just ain't happening. Offhand all day long is one of them.

Mother Russia deer slayer!!! (I hope...)

I just bought and mounted an NcSTAR 2.75x22mm Scout Scope and Brass Stacker Mosin Nagant 9130 SeeThru Scout Scope Mount Combo on my custom sporterized MN. This was my first day out shooting at 50 yards off a bench. The three shots in the BS were normal right handed shots. I was so impressed that I switched over to lefty shots for the remaining 2 rounds in the magazine... and ruined my group:mad: Can't wait to get it to a 100 & 200 yard range;) Really hoping this scope/mount hold zero over time. Still need to reinstall the original front iron sight.

I'm thinking this gun gun would do great for deer in the 100-200 yard range. I'll let you all know in few months:D

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