Mosin-Nagant cleaning problem

My cleaning regiment is completely separating the action from the stock, soaking be magazine follower, ad the bolt head and firing pin in boiling water, then pouring boiling water down the barreled action, then using 1 1/8" patches, putting some hoppe's on a brass brush, then running it down the bore, followed by clean patches until the patches come out clean.

Damn, you do that every time you shoot? That is WAY more than necessary.
agreed, that set of steps is a MUST for the first couple times just to make sure you got all the cosmoline out but after that, just clean the bolt face, and clean the barrel, bolts don't let any of that crud inside that action or magazine, every once in a while it may be necessary to clean the mag if you live in a sandy/dusty area but given what I've seen of your google earth pic... you don't
Get a turkey baster, you can put the water right down the barrel. ~$5 at most grocery stores.

It can also effect accuracy. It won't go back in the stock the same way each time, and unless you have an inch-lb torque wrench, you won't get the same torque in the screws each time.

Whether or not you would notice in an iron-sighted Mosin is another question, but the inconsistency will be there regardless.