Mosin Nagant bolt problem

Wait till you warm that puppy up witha bit a rapid fire..... don't leave a spent case in there and allow it to cool ..... the lacquer on the steel cased stuff will melt and leave the chamber stickier than it is now....
my mosin was 109 at big five and she is odd ball, very accurate, great trigger, beautiful bolt with smooth action. only issue was rust damage on the barrel under the heat guard which i treated and repaired .

to the topic at hand, a mosin bolt is your main firing and loading so you want it as clean as possible, use simple green or another good cleaner, TAKE BOLT apart, this can be frustrating when putting together and you should try gaping the pin, but clean all the pieces individually and apply oil/grease were it touches other metal and slides (will quicken the bolts movement) . this will improve speed of loading and may help with firing. also note that the when the bolt is at a 90 degree angle for firing. at the time look at the point that is behinf the bolt it usualy is the point that i find my bolt slides on , add grease here(after removing the bolt) and speed will increase
+1 Clean chamber well; I use an over sized thick, heavy brass wire brush on an extended shaft with an electric drill. Hoppes seems to do the trick well.
Make sure the extractor grove is clean, too. Take the bolt apart and soak it in gas; I use just enough in a heavy ziplok, to shake it up. The guide is a tool for unscrewing the firing pin; note the position of the alignment notch on the safety knob face before disassembly.
A 20ga shotgun brass brush is just about the perfect size. Attach it to a short cleaning rod, or one segment of a larger one, and chuck the other end into an electric drill. Use the lowest setting, drench it in your choice cleaning product, and back it in and out of the chamber several times. That'll pretty much clean it out thoroughly.
Another issue could be a burr in the chamber...even old rifles with lots of use can throw a burr sometimes. Check your cases for scratches after extraction.