Mosin nagant accuracy.



I sold this customized Mosin because of unemployment situation. It would typically shoot into a 3.5 inch group at 100 yards with Silver Bear soft tipammo.

I've posted these before, but Mosins are capable of some impressive accuracy.. These were shot with Sellier and Bellot 180gr softpoints... the red target was 50yds, off sandbags, and the green target was 100yds off sandbags, open sights. Like I said, the biggest limiting factor is my over-50 eyesight. A scope should fix that.


My Son and I both shoot his Mosin and my Finnish rifle.
With the issue sights we get fair accuracy but have problems with both of them shooting a little high. It suprised me that with the finish rifle seems to have very mild recoil for such a powerfull cartrige. Must be the stock design and extra heft.
I've taken it to the range and with Russian surplus I was getting them all in the 8" black circle at 100 yards. Nexttime I go I'll bring a lot of different types and weights and brands.
Accuracy varies rofle to rifle.

The MN rifles are assembled in more than one place, from more than one batch of steel, by more than one worker. Some parts are machined out by penal labor, and others by skilled wage-workers. The MN rifles vary in wear and tear, from virtually pristine condition, to well worn, well used and abused.

Many rifles were given a bath, given a re-finish, and put back out there. To the untrained eye, even a well used one can look like a new one.

The first step in accurizing the MN rifle is knowing how to choose an MN rifle.

There are some that will drive tacks and some that will turn corners, right off of the sales counter.

All the bedding and pillaring in the world wont help a rifle that is just plain worn out. Hence, occasionally you will find rifles that shoot fine the way they are, so you DONT bed them.

Choose your rifle carefully. Get the best barrell you can find, with the brightest bore you can find with a pristine crown at the muzzle. Lokk then for the condition of the action. After that, look at the way the action settled into the stock. Then look at the stock. Check that headspace. Rimless cartridges headspace on the shoulder. Rimmed cartridges (mostly) headspace on the rim.

Get one that passes some very basic tests, and then setlle down with a loading the rifle responds to the best. You will find enough accuracy there to hunt with or benchrest shoot with. These rifles work reasonably well. Sure there are better shooting rifles out there, and better cartridges; just as certain as there are WORSE rifles out there. The key is to enjoy shooting these old rifles. These are great pieces to collect and occasionally fire. We are not talking shooting knat flies off of fence posts as a 1000 yards. We are talking shooting old rifles and enjoying them for what they are.

If you are going to chop one up and play sporterize, then get one that has already been chopped to do your experiments with. Military rifles in original condition should be left in original condition so future generations will be able to enjoy them.
Accuracy isn't the rifle, its the shooter.

I beg to differ here, although every man's definition of accuracy may vary. If I can't get better than 3 MOA out of a rifle, I get very frustrated with it and leave it in the safe. Trust me, MOA is well within my ability as a shooter, but is not within the ability of some (Cough, Cheap and poorly assembled AKs, Cough) rifles

A 3 MOA gun is capable of hitting the military e-silhouette target at 600 yards (that target is 19x40 inches).

How many can lay down with a Mosin with iron sights and hit the e-silhouette target with any regularity. The 9-10-X ring on a NRA 600 yard high power target is 18 inches. With a 3 MOA Mosin you should be consistently shoot 195/200 at a HP match. That's High Master score.

I contend its the shooter more then the rifle.

Many people post or talk about sub minute rifles, but cleaned targets at 600 & 1000 yards are rear. Why is that, we can't blame the rifle.
The sporter I just finished shoots under 1.5 MOA (3" groups at 200M) with 174 gr. SMK handloads if I do my part. Timney trigger, receiver and pillar bedded, barrel free-floated like you'd do on any rifle to improve accuracy.
With a good bore and tight action, they're capable of decent accuracy including long range. Not a precision rifle- but worthwhile if you can do the work yourself.

The O.P. asked what he can do to improve accuracy. All have had good imput. My two cents. As others have said practice is key. When it comes to the gun, the first thing should be a trigger job. All other acurizing details are important, but trigger and practice are in my opinion most important.
I collect M91s. Two weeks ago I rcvd a Spanish Civil War, 1917 M91...been thru US, Russian and Spanish hands...and maybe more. Classic, dirty old SCW M91. Finally got her to the range and best 5-shot, 100yd goup (with Russian spam can Lt ball) was 1.5inches. Go figure!
Kari - 12 years old (grand daughter )
surplus ammo
200 yards
first time with rifle


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