Mosin 91/30 question

I stopped using the safety....

I stopped using the safety on my 91/30 after I cycled the bolt and the bolt came apart. I must have twisted it the wrong way or something.

I only load it when I ready to fire now.
Opening the bolt (not pulling back, just turning) works as alternative safety. IIRC, half-opening it may work as well - accidental pulling of the trigger would cause the bolt close, but no shot fired. I'm not confident about this last one though - different Mosins may act differently and I wouldn't want to propose something dangerous.
Turning the bolt fully into "open" position should be safe though.
why leave a round in the chamber and a half upturned bolt on a mosin when you can just pop the bolt out? Plus, on my mosin, when I leave the bolt half upturned and pull the trigger: the firing pin does infact come down, which leads me to believe it would fire a round. Maybe it would just dent the primer, but it makes me nervous just to think of it.
I would remove the bolt on the range. If I was going in the field I would probably close the bolt on an empty chamber, maybe pull the trigger in a safe direction, then carry it with the bolt closed so crud doesnt' get in it.