More women than men are anti-gun

[rant]No offense, but polls are a crock: I take them with a grain of salt. Anyone can manipulate the numbers to achieve the results they are looking for, to then wave around in the face of the general populace saying, "See? everyone wants more gun control, more Spam, more New Coke..." just to get more sheeple to jump on the bandwagon. Sickening...[/rant]

I've never been called upon to answer one of these polls, have you? I get so sick of the gun-grabbers manipulating the numbers. Heck, I'm just plain sick of gun-grabbers!

Excuse me while I go pop a Nitro tablet. ;)

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
je suis prest

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited September 08, 1999).]
I put no faith in polls, and never have since the time when I was @ 15 and it dawned on me that pollsters can control their poll to get whatever results they want.

As an example (and borrowing from Coinneach)of how they do this....

Q. If you were to be sodomized with a python wrapped in sandpaper, would you prefer that it be 100 grit or 200 grit sandpaper?

There is nothing in that question that allows any other choice. Anyone responding to the poll must either choose 100 or 200 grit- those who prefer to not be sodomized at all must remain silent. Once the results are in, they will then ballyhoo it, saying "See, most Americans prefer to be raped with 200 grit!!"

They further control the results by carefully selecting where the poll is conducted and who it is distributed to. If you want your poll to show that people want to be assaulted by rough snakes, you distribute your poll in those quarters of San Francisco where such activities are likely to be condoned, and ensure that no one who's likely to give an answer you don't like never sees it.

Have you ever had the chance to respond to one of these polls? I never have, and very much doubt that 80% of 1,473 respondents is indicative of the opinions of the people at large.

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.
When I was a little kid my Dad explained the media to me:

"1)When a story breaks, something probably happened, but the details you hear aren't correct...the likely details come a few days later.
2) if you hear the same thing over and over, for days and weeks at a time with no incident and no attributable sources, they are selling you a bill of goods....don't believe them cuz that's the same tactic conmen use...get your emotions up but no where to verify what they say is true. Honest people give you the source to verify...liars and cons don't."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I just can't understand these antigun soccer-mom women! "I don't want a gun in the house!" But when an intruder gets into the house, she wants her husband to go check it out and defend the family without an effective weapon. What happen if he got shot? Has she ever think about that? Dumb ******!.

Funny/disgusting, ain't it. Is it just wimin being wymyn :) or just plain irrational liberal candy-assesdess. It's likely that they still want an armed response, they just want it from the cops. However, there are a couple of fundamental problems with that:
-The police can't be everywhere
-The police have no obligation to protect individuals, and if they don't come, there's no recourse
-If they want more police protection, they won't pay for it (more taxes, oh noooooo), opting instead for more soccer fields
-If you won't fight for your own life, why would you expect some underpaid civil servant to do so?
-As some have pointed out, polls can be constructed to prove any point you wish to make. How come they don't report the fact that gun ownership is up among women. Seems the smart ones have figured out what an "Equalizer" is.
M2, sick to death of whiners.
I always knew it was a mistake to let them (women) vote. This proves they are not capable or rational thought.
One of my friends is happily married to a woman who has called herself "capitalist pig" in a way of a compliment. Her preference is for a pump 12-gauge Yes, a shotgun :)), whereas the hubbie would use an M1 carbine or a Mini-14 as a matter of preference. Real women are out there :)

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited September 09, 1999).]
You're not serious are you???
Nawww....he's not serious.

[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited September 09, 1999).]
The poll indicates that more women are anti-gun than men? Well, in my
limited experience I’ve found that to be true.

But IF that’s true, and IF we are going to engage in stupid gender-based
innuendo and accusation, THEN we must find who is to blame!

I say the fault lies with the men! Specifically with the fathers who did
not take their daughters seriously enough to teach them about firearms
because “they are girls”. Oh, to be fair, I would also have to blame the
husbands who would rather run around with men talking about how tough
they are and bragging about their (mostly imagined) female conquests than teach their ladies about firearms.

So, again IF women are more anti-gun than men, it’s the fault of the

BTW, my wife and all three daughters shoot rather well.

Though I must accept the blame for their minor interest in shooting, I
can take the credit for all four being very, as in VERY, pro-gun and
vociferously anti-gun control.

My youngest daughter sometimes outshoots me, dammit!

Now, can we get off this gender-specific crap and congratulate and
welcome the ladies of TFL who ARE shooters, HAVE BEEN shooters,
and/or ARE BECOMING shooters?
I wish women were the problem! No offense to women on this board, but congress is mostly men, right? So the problem is men; for listening to women that want more gun control ;) If every male member of congress did what the men in my family do-ignore women-we would have zero gun laws :)

Ha! I'm kidding! You have to be listening to ignore someone.
Gender based accusations could be fun...and guess who comes up short? (pun intended).
Grab ahold of them boys...they come off real real easy *evil grin*

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Back to manipulating polls for a second. That should remind us all of the extreme power the media has just in the questions they ask: "Mr. Presidential candidate, are the rumors that you're gay true?". Just asking this type of question will greatly damage the person in the eyes of many, unfortunately - no matter that it's untrue, and had no basis whatsoever for the asking of the question.
Another poll/article to look at...
Polling the sheeple

Note that the percentage of the first stastic cited adds up to 189%! Curious that people support something they don't think will work.

Here's my reptile related poll question for the type of people that answered the above survey...

"If you were bitten repeatedly by a swarm of eyelash vipers, and the hospital had no anti-venom on hand, would you pay for them to give you a couple of units of normal saline, knowing it's not going to make a bit of difference?"

Care to make a bet on a high number of "yes" answers?
Jedi Oomodo:

Yes, Actually I've responded to a poll about gun control by the LA times, and an online gun control poll from dateline. I didn't mean to say that the poll should be taken at face value, but to tell the truth, most mothers I know are vehemently anti gun. Their logic runs something like this: Guns can kill and hurt, I dont want my kids killed or hurt, so if there aren't any guns my kids have less chance of being killed or hurt. I don't know any pro-gun women(sadly enough). I agree that it is the fault of the men, though. I see it among friends and at the range all the time. Usually, when a woman wants to learn to shoot, she gets a lot of patronizing comments and snickers from the men. Case in point: I'm at the rifle range last week, when some pretty little blonde thing, early 20's, about 5'5" walks in wanting to know where she can shoot her AR. She got a lot of suggestive comments, leers, snickers, and offers of help from guys who were sure she couldnt "handle that big thing all by herself." She takes the spot next to me, and proceeds to punch in a 1 inch group at the 100 yard line. There were a lot of slack jawed, speechless rednecks that day. Hell, he outshot most of the men there. She gave the guys there a few choice words before she left, and embarrased the whole lot of them. My kind of girl. Men like these turn women off to shooting.

[This message has been edited by RPM (edited September 10, 1999).]

I sure hope you were being facetious with your remark about women! There are quite a few women shooters on this forum (myself included) that might take offense to that...

LOL, othermarc!!!

RPM, that's a great story! I myself haven't run into that type of attitude, but I only frequent stores/ranges where the people know me. Last year, the owner of an outside range offered to let me shoot his pistol-grip Moss 12 ga. when he saw that I was having so much fun w/ our shoulder-stock 590,he even gave me a few #00 shells to shoot.

True, there are quite a few women out there that are anti-gunners, but we women who are firmly against gun control can get out there and change some of their minds! Point in case: My husband and I recently converted a longtime friend of mine. We're taking her shooting next weekend (too bad she bought a Sigma though...) Oh well, I guess we couldn't have our cake and eat it too ;)

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited September 09, 1999).]
Well, this is one of those "skewed" surveys. More women than men may still be anti-gun, but the number of women who own guns is growing, too.

If not, why does S&W have the "LadySmith" line? It's marketed to a specific part of the gun-owning population, namely women. If the market hasn't grown, and women are so anti-gun, S&W wouldn't be spending the money to market to them.

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.

I hope these evil men come to understand our peaceful ways soon - My trigger finger is blistering!

[This message has been edited by Danger Dave (edited September 10, 1999).]
I agree Danger Dave. I've been surprised and pleased to see the numbers growing. Women are tired of relying on their men to protect them. My husband has been gone on this latest trip for four weeks.

A lot can happen to me in FOUR weeks. I spoke with him on the phone last night and told him I purchased a firearm. Our conversation did not go "bad", but it could have gone much better.

I guess I'm really having trouble understanding why he doesn't want me protecting myself and learning how to shoot.

EErrrr... J

Article by a pro-gun...woman :)

[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited September 11, 1999).]