More USPSA Open Division Hosing

Just got back from this really fun match. Had a great time with good traveling buddies. The guys and gals in the squad were fun to shoot with too.

I shot so-so-ish as I did not actively push myself to go fast or do well. I mentally took this match as good alone/vacation time away from family and work. That sort of manifested in how I shot as well, like I was on vacation :)

A shooting buddy of mine told me a few times while video-ing me, he said “Loke, I’ve never seen you move and shoot this slowly before. what’s wrong?”. Looks like I need to speed things up and actively compete.

So, next match, watch out! My hair will be on fire!
Shot a fun match at my home range today. Despite all my "pains" and "injuries" I did somewhat decently. I have to stop tanking stages and get more consistency. Also took the opportunity to test a new 170mm magazine by It worked flawlessly.

As usual, the squad I shot with did not skimp on providing laughter. Thanks guys for a great time!
This year's Area 1 Championships was held in Idaho Falls and it featured 13 fun and varying stages. It wasn't super technical but it was a blast to shoot. Everyone had a chance to do well.

One of the stages (#10) got thrown out because of a rule misprint so we got to shoot it for fun. It featured a unique swinger mechanism that has two plates on either side to destabilize it. I believe it's called a Leo's Leaner. It's was fun to decipher and shoot.

I'm pretty happy that I had only three "Mikes" the entire match, I did however shoot somewhat slower than normal because of match pressure. I came in 10th Open, 4th Master behind an amazing array of fast and young shooters.

Final scores :

A Huge THANK YOU to Tim and crew who spent weeks planning and executing this match.
Shot a fun match today at Paul Bunyan. They have one of the best bays that have lots of long courses which are my fav. Came in 2nd place behind TimR AS USUAL but it's all my fault coz of mikes on 4 of the stages. Thanks to all the volunteers who help to set this match up till late last night. We shooters really appreciate it!
Came in 2nd place at the Marysville Slot Match. Had some screw ups as usual.

First time using my GoPro Hero4 Session at a match. This camera is easy to use and the video quality is top notch. The only issue is the slightly anemic audio when the gun goes off. Otherwise, the mic picks up speech pretty well.
Nice job.
What's a slot match?
A way for your club to choose candidates for the USPSA Nationals?
Pretty sure it's not about racing slot cars.
When I was active in this, choosing suitable candidates wasn't a problem.
The very few members who could spend the money and time to actually go got the slot.
haha! yeah not about slot cars :)

you're right, We call it the Northwest Championship Series. Each of the 6 clubs in the section run a Series match. Shooting in one will get you a "point". Collect a minimum of 4 points to qualify you to obtain a slot to go to the nationals. Final decision is also based on your rankings.

There are also cash prizes given away at the end of the entire Championship Series Matches. One of the matches is a special two point match that's run like a Level 2 match which will be happening at the Renton Fish & Game Club on September 27th.
Great Match today. It drizzled a little but then quickly went away. The stages were well put together, super high hit factor all round. Lucky to come in 2nd place. Had a few minor screw-ups but no big stage bombs. Thanks to the Down Zero team for putting together another solid match!
Great match, fun stages and squad. I wish I did better... had a mike on so many stages and no-shoots too. Need to focus and concentrate on the dot a bit more. Grats to Tim for HOA win and to Dave and gang for putting up a great match!

Series / Slot matches are the slightly more important matches where shooters get to compete in a series of matches to determine overall placing over six different clubs. They stand to win cash prizes and an opportunity (slot) to go to the Nationals. Find out more at
Today's stages were fun with lots of interesting angles and shots. While I took the match win by the skin of my teeth, I wasn't very happy with my performance. I felt very uneasy shooting these stages and was inefficient with my movements.

I was going for "Hero or Zero" on the classifier and I lost which was pretty hilarious to watch. *lol*
I shoot multigun once a year, last time being Aug 2014. This is my 2nd time ever shooting Multigun in the Tactical Division. I sold my Glock 17 so I have to run my 19 this time which is so small I actually pinched my palm during a reload.

Not sure where I placed, I doubt it was very good as I have 3 big penalty stages. Doesn't really matter though, I shoot this for fun and boy it was. My shotgun reloads need a ton of work/practice if I'm to get into this seriously.

For now, I'll stick to USPSA Open Pistol.
-CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- is all i can say about my shooting performance. Here's my list of excuses: hurt my strong hand a week before, new trigger fitted but not tuned, no practice, blah blah blah.

The match was super fun though! lots of steel, fast movements and that one stage where we shot from a moving Gator! so bloody fun. Thanks to the Custer Mooseketeers for setting up this match.
Great match in fabulous weather! Gun is running well, I wish the shooter was. Saw some high paying risky situations I could exploit but I failed to deliver. No matter, at least I was brave/foolish enough to try it.

Always fun to shoot with squadmates that are better than you, gives you something to go after.

Thanks to Dave and crew for setting this match up!