More USPSA Open Division Hosing

Here's my view of the PB match on Sunday. Silly, stupid mistakes. My dot was too bright on Stage 4 - Pushy and what I thought was my dot was actually the reflection artifact from having the dot too bright shining on the lens. That's why I missed that headshot from such a close distance.

and my weak hand is.... weak.
So bloody wet!! Rain came down on us like crazy today and we all got really wet. Shot a pathetic match today making lots of dumb mistakes. From light primer strikes, to being over confident with close shots. I think 30-40% of the time I didn't even bother looking at my dot. I need to work that bad habit out of my system. The only time I practiced good dot discipline was on that one stage I won.
We called our December 7 Reactive Steel Challenge and 8 December ICORE Matches. We have 12 Inches of snow at the range here in South Central Missouri.

I am looking forward to warmer weather again. Going down to 2 degrees tonight says the weatherman. :(


did you guys have to pop out umbrellas? what do you do when it rains like crazy? shower cap for gun? what about mags?
I wore my London Fog

Most wore rain gear; a few tried umbrellas but the wind was too strong.
Guns and gear get soaked.
Hands are wet and cold, and sodden handwarmers don't work.
Targets are bagged, and difficult to paste.

As noted, I shot from concealment.
And of course, it was our special Classifier match, with four Classifier stages and one field course.
Heavy rain means scores suffer.

49 shooters showed up; we have a vibrant club.

I shot L10 Minor, and was 13th overall!!!

Mags brushes are mandatory :D

Observers watch where mags get dropped so they don't get lost in the mud or puddles.