More old weird ammo, this time .30-30

"...structure of the powder and effecting burn rate..." That has pretty much been refuted. Still wouldn't tumble live ammo myself either though.
"...100 year old .30-30 or .30-06 is not worth as much as..." Nope. That'd be some 100 year old ammo. If you find a bunch of W.W. I or II vintage .30-06 in decent condition and in the original boxes, you have a small pile of money. Pre-1900 vintage .30-30, in boxes, might be worth some money too, but it depends on condition and brand.
"...Collectors are wary of stuff that's..." Yep. Just like collectors of anything. It's friggin' daft what people will collect. Like pop bottles(soda to some of ya'll. snicker.) or dinner plates. Or empty cartridge boxes. Geez!
I have 5 boxes of mid WWII surplus '06 ammo that has been well stored but the boxes are begining to fall apart. I've been following listings for similar on gun broker and it doesn't sell for much...

To start with I had about 110 rounds of .30-30 ammo and some of it was nasty looking and others not so bad. I had no idea that a few were over a 100 years old but I might not have know until I got them cleaned up. I'm not asking anyone to buy my .30-30 rounds, I just wanted to know what they all are. I remain unapologetic, it's my ammo and I wanted to clean it up.

I sort of considered selling my stash of vintage AP ammo but it's not selling for much and my reasons for collecting it in the first place remain...
