More NFA Misconceptions

misconceptions even amonst NFA fans:

Class 2 = dealer and manuf of NFA/Title 2 firearms
Class 3 = dealer of Title 1 and Title 2
Title 1 = non NFA firearms (garden variety rifle, shotgun, pistol)
Title 2 = SBR, SBS, MG, AOW, SUPP, DD
Well in Illinois private ownership of all silencers and machine guns are verbotten - unless one is a licensed as an NFA dealer/manufacturer - then one doesn't really own them they are possessed as part of a business inventory. There might have been a grandfather clause decades ago - on that I'm not sure - doesn't do any good now. So filling out all the BATF forms and paying all the 200 dollar fees and getting all the signatures you want won't make any difference. So the answer really depends on the state in which you reside. NFA + Illinois = ZIP.
mack- thought you still had AOW privileges and possibly DD.
did those vanish as well? if so, then you really have ZIP now.
NY(upstate), (I dont know about the Dark Evil City) is another place where MGs legal or not are a no-no, but DDs are OK. That is why I moved to Maine. Our county CLEO thought it was great when he signed off my form, he appreciates full auto. He said that he does not worry about people who go through the paperwork, they don't cause problems. There are two other people in my neighborhood who have full autos.
I owned auto weapons from 1968 on and the only time I ever had any contact with the Feds is when I called them for some reason. But I had to register the guns with the state every year. I never heard from them either except for the registration form they sent me.

NY(upstate), (I dont know about the Dark Evil City) is another place where MGs legal or not are a no-no, but DDs are OK. That is why I moved to Maine. Our county CLEO thought it was great when he signed off my form, he appreciates full auto. He said that he does not worry about people who go through the paperwork, they don't cause problems. There are two other people in my neighborhood who have full autos.

Grenade launchers? Mortars? Street sweeper shotguns? Etc.?

That's hilarious.
Semi-auto firearms can and do become machine-guns through regular wear-and-tear. I know because my Kahr-made Thompson developed a "burst" ability after no more than 1000 rounds. It would typically fire anywhere between 2 and 4 rounds per pull of the trigger at a very high cyclic rate.

While this was tremendously entertaining, I had to send it back to the factory for jamming issues and it never fired multiple rounds again after I got it back.

If I had just left it the way it was would it have been legal?
The worn-sear typically present when older weapons double and triple will eventually give you a weapon that will fire if it's dropped, bumped hard, or "just feels like it".

It's also never apparent when it will do it's automatic-fire routine. You might fire hundreds of rounds before it occurs, or one. A buddy of mine bought a Model 1917 Savage in .380 ACP. Neat little critter, but it tended to double and triple after about thirty rounds. With a small weapon, it's hard to shoot accurately when you never knew just how many rounds would fire at a time. Once ot twice, it stopped because it was out of ammunition.

Some states, like Maryland, charged an annual fee for the possession of Machineguns. When we moved, it was $10.00 per year. Single fee for one, or fifty, weapons. Due in June of the year. Maryland was actually friendly towards the owners of automatic weapons. You went to the closest State Police Barracks with your paperwork, paid $35.00 for your fingerprint cards, and they mailed you the results in about two weeks. The paperwork, when it arrived, was complete. You dropped in your photo, and your check, and mailed it to BATFE in Chicago. Because the MSP had already done a background, and a NICS, it seemed to help with the processing time.

When the paperwork returned, you picked up the weapon. No additional STATE paperwork was necessary. Just a 4473. This obviated the mandatory 7 day wait, and the application process that the libs had shoved down our throats.

Georgia is also quite friendly to such weaponry. It just requires hunting down your Chief LEO, and heading to the jail for fingerprints.:)