More NFA Misconceptions


A few gun friends and I were talking yesterday and I mentioned that I'd been considering getting a (legal) suppressor for my 10/22 and my MKII bull-barrel pistol. Conversation went something like this:

Them: "What's the tax up to now? About $450 or $500"?
Me: "No. Still $200".
Them: "Yeah, but that's still a lot to have to pay every year just for a toy".
Me: "It's not yearly. It's a one-time-'tax' per item you buy. $200 per suppressor, $200 per MG, $200 per SBR..."
Them: "You sure about that? I thought it was every year"!
Me: "Pretty sure".
Them: "HECK! If I'd knew that, I would have bought something a long time ago"!

:D :D :D

Edited to add: These individuals are generally pretty knowledgeable about guns and gun laws. But they missed this one badly.
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Don't forget the favorite of the internet gun forum:

Yeah, you can own all that stuff but with all the hoops you have to jump through and the expense it is effectively illegal.

Or the other internet favorite: You have to be RICH to own any of that stuff.

On-line they make sure to use the word ALL in every sentence as in: ALL the paperwork or ALL those hoops you have to jump through.


That is what I am reading but for some reason what my brain is processing is: I am a drama queen and Oh my, the sky is falling
Two per set of Form 1s or 4s. Unless you are a corporation or a trust, and then you are exempt from prints and photos.
no this was at a gun show in allen county, ohio oh and a nother ive heard (not at a gun show) was that short barreled shotguns are compleatly illeagal in ohio. another ive alse heard is "ive got an sks that the sear pin has worn down so much that its full auto and its leagal" i dont think that under normal wear a gun will go on full auto.

"they can come in your house and search any time they want to."
ive also heard this one too many times and " pay the dues every year"
It must be particularly badly made and well-used example of an SKS, but I've heard of that happening.

2? Somehow I got the idea it was sixteen sets. I...can't explain it.
Here is a link to the ATF forms (aka ALL the paperwork. You can do ALL the paperwork (both sides of one sheet) on your computer from this site, then print it out for the picture and signatures (ALLthe hoops).
In the instructions included with the forms you will see that you need two sets of fingerprints (MORE hoops).

Oh the humanity !!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys....they (ATF) can't come w/o a warrant.....

Geez...for all the conspiracy theorists....they still have to have a warrant to "look" at your home/apt., etc....even with a class III firearm....I know many think that if you are in the registery they (ATF) can come and "no knock" your home, but they can't.....thank God for the Constitution....even tho it gets eroded yearly................NOW, for the FFL's that is another story...