More bad news for Taurus

Nice drive by OP but I will play anyway. Not to get into the faulty trigger but probably a really good lesson in not being an absolute dumb*** and having a loaded weapon pointed at your wife and child.
It says that he was inserting the magazine, and bumped it to get it properly seated. I know that when I insert a mag, I have one hand on the grip and one on the bottom of the mag. How did a round go through his hand, then, assuming he was inserting the mag like a normal human being? This one smells fishy to me.
Somehow he pulled the trigger while holding the gun with his hand over the barrel and another one on the mag?

Sounds more like he was playing with the gun when it went off.
Let me add that this isn't bad news for Taurus. It's bad news for us. Lawsuits like this are going to eventually destroy handguns. Why wait for Obama to make them illegal when idiots can do it for him. What do they want Taurus to do, have a key that you have to insert and turn before each shot.
Whether or not the gun was pointed in a safe direction is immaterial in regard to there being a defect if the gun went off when it was not supposed to go off. That people were injured or killed just ups the settlement. Taurus has already lost one or more suits for this problem and has others pending. People should not have been hurt, but then again, as per the suits, the guns should not have gone off.

We have safety rules in case stuff like this should happen, but the safety rules are not legally binding and don't absolve the manufacturer from responsibility. This point has been hammered home with numerous cases, many of which Remington learned about the hard way.

And yes, this is definitely bad news for Taurus.
Immaterial yes but sure makes me scratch my head when someone has a gun, especially an obviously loaded gun with family in its sights. Complacency and stupidity at its best.
We don't know why the gun went off. There are too many unanswered questions. Racking the slide should never make a gun fire and I really doubt that's what happened.

Bad new for Taurus yes, but more bad news for us. Taurus will survive this but Hillary and Barack Obeyme now have more ammo to get guns banned.
Shame on Taurus for making a gun that will fire without pulling the trigger. Shame on the guy who pointed the gun at someone, but that doesn't excuse Taurus from liability.
I agree, bad news for Taurus IF the gun fired without a trigger pull. But, I am trying to visualize the accident. I am picturing this guy slamming the gun against a solid platform, magazine loaded and inserted and with the slide locked to the rear, with his hand and his family in the direction of the muzzle. He then did it again. The claimant did not touch the trigger, so the article says. Given his obvious disregard for basic safety protocols, I also picture his finger in the trigger guard. Anyway to verify this claim?

Has Taurus issued a recall for this particular model?
While I too suspect the mans finger was in the trigger guard this gun has had similar issues in the past. That doesn't bode well.
If someone was shot, then the gun in question was NOT pointed in a safe direction. Period.

Regardless of the other details, this is a MAJOR screw-up on the part of the operator - and SHOULD certainly negate much, if not all, of any liability on the part of Taurus. Of course, in the "real world" of insane tort law, it probably didn't.....but it SHOULD have.
The case is in brazil correct? My understanding is that Brazil holds the gun owner more responsible because they make it harder to get and keep guns. Can someone confirm or deny that?
mkiker2089 said:
The case is in brazil correct?

2nd sentence in the article linked:

Taurus has been named in two civil suits filed in a Florida court on Oct. 30 by plaintiffs from other states.

I don't think that Florida is in Brazil.

Although the accidents happened in Alabama and Kentucky (neither of which is in Brazil :)), I would guess that the lawsuits were filed in Florida because that's where Taurus USA is incorporated.
It would be interesting to know how he was holding the gun. How do you seat a magazine with one hand in front of the barrel? I would assume he had one hand on the magazine, one hand holding the gun and another hand in front of the barrel, but unless he has 3 hands that's not possible. On top of shooting his own hand the barrel was pointed at his wife and child.
It sounds like the Taurus is defective but I would think the shooter is just as negligent as Taurus if not more so.
This is one of those articles which provides enough info to tantalize but not enough to let you know exactly what happened.

The article says the man who shot his wife and son installed a rubber sleeve over the grip (a grip enhancer) of his PT 609 then had trouble getting the mag to set in place. That raises questions for me right there. (Was the grip sleve being pinched? Was it covering the mag release?) Then we don't know if the bullet ricocheted or how all he shot his hand and two other people with one bullet when his hand should not have been near the barrel. Was he holding it by the slide and pounding it like a hammer? Not enough info is supplied.

Well it does sound like Taurus has a problem. Seems that if the Sao Paulo police recalled 98,000 24/7 pistols because they could fire without the trigger being pulled (if dropped or bumped?) then the Officer in Kentucky drops a 24/7 in Kentucky (USA not Brazil, unless there is a Kentucky, Brazil) and it discharges, then they likely have an issue. If the internal defect is common to the guns. It seems they have made some guns that can discharge if dropped or bumped in certain ways.

If Taurus made defective guns then unfortunately the only way to get a redress of grievances is with a lawsuit. Same as with air bags in a car, defective gas tanks that can explode, etc. Had Taurus recognized the issue earlier and recalled the pieces then no issue, but they didn't.

I recall Glock made a couple of undisclosed settlements with their 40 S&W guns before fixing the issue. I'm not sure if they ever owned up that there was an issue.

When S&W began building the Walther PPK/S 1 they made a number of modifications that caused the guns to discharge when using the de-cocker. They issued a recall but only after several thousand had been sold and consumers discovered the problem, at the range while pointing downrange I hope.

Hillary Clinton wants gun firms liable for shootings

Gun control advocates want to make gun manufacturers liable for the criminal acts of others, even if their product was designed and manufactured correctly and was fully functional. That is, at least in my mind, quite a different issue than firearms that are unsafe because of design or workmanship, in this instance allegedly firing without the trigger being activated. The courts are a legitimate recourse for people who are harmed by product defects; they should not be a recourse for people to blame innocent parties for the the actions of bad actors.
First NRA Rule...Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction! Why was this dad doing this around his family while fiddling with a magazine, grip and frame?

Third NRA Rule...Always keep your firearm unloaded until ready to use it.
iIn July, a judge approved a class action settlement that could cost Taurus up to $30 million. According to court documents, nine Taurus pistol designs have an alleged defect that allows the gun to fire while the safety is engaged.

This has bigger implications than the two ND incidents. A firearms retailer takes unnecessary risks by offering and recommending Taurus products to a customer, there are too many other available alternatives.