Ironically, I've actually discussed this and other hard topics with many of my friends and the ones I love. To that end, if any of them are on the recieving end of my decision, I know what choice they made while clear of mind and conscience versus blinded by pain. The general consensus was that- besides religions considerations- shooting them was a sign of giving up hope. It would really suck if the EMTs happened by seconds later with all the right equipment. Second, was that- out of love- they felt it unnecessary to have me suffer the consequences when they're about to go to God. Ultimately, this seems the best way... because your conscience is clear and you do what you believe to be morally (and legally, for that matter) right.
If it was a stranger? It depends on the moment but I suspect I still would not on the premise that there is still a chance of rescue in the specific case of trapped burning. People can burn quite a bit and yet survive and go on to live life afterwards. Being more realistic, it's obviously not so cut and dried... I can respect someone's decision regardless of which way they go.
The worrisome thing, for me, is if killing to end pain is alright, where is the line drawn for pain? Emotional? Physical? How much? Low long? Etc. It seems a bit of a slippery slope to me. Do we want honest-to-god murders getting off on a defense that said they were putting some out of their emotional pain? Edit: A little more on this last bit.... The worst part of such a defense is that the memory and legacy of the victim becomes one of the defense trying to show how pitiful, pathetic, and painful his/her life was- rather than the contribution to humanity he/she was.
[This message has been edited by PaladinX13 (edited September 27, 2000).]