Money Bomb for the NRA


New member
I've noticed on some other gun sites that there's currently an effort to send money to the NRA on 3-24-18 as countermeasure to a "March for Life" anti-gun rally to be staged in DC on that date.
The point was made that the NRA has five million members-if everybody sent just one dollar...
I'm not a wealthy man but I plan on rustling up fifty bucks to send the NRA on the 24th of March this year. It's my hope that other Firing Line members likewise would consider making a contribution on this date.
Thanks for your considerations.
Suggestion -- send the money to the NRA-ILA, not just to the NRA, so they can use it for purposes of lobbying against the draconian new laws being proposed. The parent NRA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is prohibited from political activity and lobbying. The ILA is a separate organization that is allowed to lobby.
FWIW I am auctioning some items for the NRA-ILA. One is in my signature line. I'm doing them in other venues than TFL. I'm also contributing personal dollars in addition.

If every member gave 20 bucks, which is not a lot of money, that would be 100mil. We need all the representation we can get right now.
Today, my wife told me that it was time she joined the NRA, too. So I bought her a life membership. Tomorrow I'll be donating to NRA-ILA. And I'll be there with the rest of you making my contribution on the 24th of March. It's time to stand up and be counted.
Good idea.

In addition how about posting THIS listing EVERYWHERE. It's from "The Hill". It lists the top 50 lobbying groups in 2016 and 2015 by how much they spend. Guess who is NOT in the top 50 for either year. Yep, the NRA. I think this needs to sent to all the main stream media.

Here's a couple other sites that discuss the NRA spending.
What guarantee's do I get if I send money to the NRA cause I don't feel it's a good return on investment at this point.

You're better off supporting your state pro2a group if you want my 2 cents (which probably no one does)
I think the point of DaleA is:
The dems and the media are constantly insinuating that all republicans are bought off by the NRA. Suggesting that the NRA is the biggest most influential lobbying group and that the giant payments to law makers from the NRA eclipses payments all other lobbies.
I actually kinda thought that.
DaleA is just pointing out another Dem/Media lie.
You're better off supporting your state pro2a group if you want my 2 cents (which probably no one does)

I sure don't. This is a time and circumstance when we should all be pulling together, not a time for nitpicking and assuaging perceived slights. Stay united and contribute to the National Rifle Association for our mutual cause as patriots. That's just my nickel.
Rickyrick did a great explanation for me.

Yeah, I'm very, very tired of constantly hearing the NRA has bought senators and representatives. The list of the top 50 lobbying groups for 2015 and 2016 doesn't have the NRA in them. Could that mean...gasp...that many folk don't agree with the more gun control mantra???

Anyway, I hope folk contribute to the NRA-ILA so they can continue to support gun rights but please tell folk it isn't so much the money, it just might possibly be actually true that the gun rights folk are right on this issue. (and 99.999% of Public Radio employees are now looking puzzled thinking 'what does he mean??? How could more gun control NOT be right???')

In fact I just think I'll wear that as a political button "We Might Be Right" just to get the anti-gun folk to consider that unthinkable concept.

BTW a politician that 'gets it' is Nick Freitas who speaks well about the polarization in the gun control debate and whose speech has went viral. Another poster here listed it but I'll list it again.
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