"Mom did it" says guy with rifle in bag at airport

What laws are you suggesting she might have broken?
I'm not saying she broke any laws, I'm saying it is possible she did as one who aids and abets the actions of another. I'm sure the authorities at least interviewed her. Again, prosecution is very unlikely, but I would never rule it out.

In my state, we call aiding and abetting "complicity" which requires an intent to further a crime and that person is considered just as guilty as the one who performed the act itself. We have a lesser mental state of facilitation which does not require an intent to commit the act. The person can be completely indifferent to whether the actor commits a crime or not so long as the facilitator knew of the circumstances; e.g., that the son was going onto an airplane.
Why blame the school system?
That is doing just the thing you are blaming millennials of doing for petes sakes

The schools have to deal with the lack of parenting nowadays
Husqvarna said:
Why blame the school system?
That is doing just the thing you are blaming millennials of doing for petes sakes

The schools have to deal with the lack of parenting nowadays
I have to disagree with you. I had a daughter in public school a few years ago, and it happens that just last night I spent the evening with friends who have daughters who are currently in the public school system. The schools are not making up for a lack of parenting. My friends confirmed that the schools (at least in this town, and there's nothing to indicate that we are unique) are teaching the students values that are diametrically opposed to the family's Christian teachings.
You are all not seeing whats going on! His mother wants his punk ass out of the house so she set him up, like any loving mother thats had enough would do...;)
WyMark said:
The other side of that coin: If he throws Mama under the bus, he may end up having her house to himself.
He's still the person who presented himself at the security screening station with a firearm in his carry-on bag. I seriously doubt he's going to walk away with no penalty. It's not golf -- I don't think you get Mulligan's for TSA violations.