"Mom did it" says guy with rifle in bag at airport


New member
Yep, some people just can't take responsibility. The TSA found a rifle in a guy's carry-on baggage at the Baltimore/DC airport. The story just refers to it as a "collapsible rifle." Looks like a Kel-Tec Sub-2000 to me. The 22-year old blamed it on his mother. He said she packed his bag. If true, who would rat out their mom? If not true, it's even worse. BTW, at 22, he's old enough to do his own packing.

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You don't understand. At 22 years of age, he is a product of our educational system ... which teaches that, no matter what the issue, it's ALWAYS somebody else's fault.
The kid was an idiot for not knowing what was in his bag, mom or not.
The real issues is that many weapons have been taken through security without detection by TSA or their private equivalent.
I call BS on this 22 yo looser ... who doesn’t double or triple check their bag for all needed travel items prior to walking out of the house. When I have my CZ Scorpion folded up in my bag I know it when I lift the bag. You can feel it through the backpack ... what a tool
He said she packed his bag. If true, who would rat out their mom?

His story may be absolutely true and if so, he didn't rat out his mom. He simply told the truth. If so, she did no wrong in packing his bag, particularly if she expected it to be checked.

The story sounds hokey, no doubt, but still could be true.

I call BS on this 22 yo looser ... who doesn’t double or triple check their bag for all needed travel items prior to walking out of the house

I have a buddy who works for TSA. They confiscate a bunch of things on a regular basis including knives and guns. In 2016, they found nearly 3400 guns in carry-on baggage. https://money.cnn.com/2017/01/12/news/tsa-guns-airport-checkpoints/index.html In 2017, nearly 4000. https://www.tsa.gov/blog/2018/01/29/tsa-year-review-record-amount-firearms-discovered-2017

In a previous life, I did a lot of traveling. Based on the number of times I had to provide colleagues with things, I can assure you that a whole bunch of people don't bother to single check, much less double or triple check what they are taking. There are a whole lot of people who are not good travelers.
You don't understand. At 22 years of age, he is a product of our educational system ... which teaches that, no matter what the issue, it's ALWAYS somebody else's fault.

Really? Must have missed that part in my methods classes years ago. Seems to me its a parenting issue from people who can't believe their little angel could do any wrong.
His story may be absolutely true and if so, he didn't rat out his mom. He simply told the truth. If so, she did no wrong in packing his bag, particularly if she expected it to be checked.
A "rat" in the sense we are talking about is usually telling the truth. They are willing to get someone else in trouble to take the heat off them. I very much doubt Mom would ever be prosecuted but the "potential" is there because we can infer she knew he was to fly out of the airport and infer he would leave the gun in the bag (why else pack it?). In this sense, it's like someone using an unsuspecting mule to courier drugs on a flight. The only difference is the profit motive for one and not the other. Strictly speaking, motive is not an element of the crime, although it does play into any decision the authorities make.

Again, what kind of guy potentially puts his mother at risk to minimize his own responsibility? Hint --- it's a rhetorical question.
Wow. So now in this new, PC, millennial age, it's okay to throw your mom under the proverbial bus. Not that it's surprising that honor and loyalty, especially in relation to one's mother, is apparently an artifact of a rapidly receding past, but just wow.
You don't understand. At 22 years of age, he is a product of our educational system ... which teaches that, no matter what the issue, it's ALWAYS somebody else's fault.
That is exactly right. Public education is socialist indoctrination.
His mother didn't violate any laws. The law says a passenger shall not bring a firearm onto an aircraft in a carry-on bag. It doesn't matter who packed the bag, it's the passenger who commits the violation when he/she passes through security with a firearm.

The unanswered questions are: Where was he going that he needed or wanted a firearm; why would his mother have packed a firearm in her little darling's carry-on bag unless he told her he wanted/needed a gun; why would a 22-year old embark on a trip without knowing what his mother had packed in his suitcase?

I confess to being mystified by the entire incident. I don't think my mother (or father) packed a suitcase for me after I hit about ten years of age.
Swifty Morgan said:
This guy's mom should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
On the assumption that this comment wasn't offered in jest ... on what charge should she be prosecuted? What law -- state or federal -- addresses placing a firearm in a suitcase, in the privacy of one's own home?

The mother didn't carry the firearm to an airport and attempt to carry it through security screening and onto an airplane. She didn't break any laws. Sonny boy is the one who committed the offense. If anyone is to be prosecuted, it's the person who committed the offense.
You can't expect a guy to pack for himself just because he's 22. He was probably very busy taking selfies and applying dolphin-safe pomade to his hipster beard.
His mother didn't violate any laws.
I let this go the first time you said this, but then you basically repeated it. The mother may or may not have broken the law, depending upon what she knew and her intent. As I said before, prosecution of the mother is unlikely but we can't absolutely rule it out based on the skimpy facts we have.