Modern Isosceles v.s. Modified Weaver?


I just took LFI-II this summer. Ayoob teaches that the strong side foot should be to rear when using Isosceles. Basically, put your feet in an interview stance, but shoulders square to the target. You don't have to have both feet even to use Isoscelese.

He uses a very similar foot position for Isosceles, Weaver, and Chapman.

I work in New York State. That would be nice to have only a few guys to teach at each session. Are you the one in charge of your firearms training? How about DT?
How often do you get to train?


If not you, then who?
Ivanhoe- I don't get caught up in foot placement. You may have to shoot from a car or desk. For me the Iso is simply both elbows locked out punching towards target. Try this drill. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Draw strong hand. Shoot one round in strong hand then keeping the gun up and in the middle of your chest bring your week hand up and shoot a round with it. Do this and shoot the whole mag. Can' you do this with a weaver, not without moving your feet. Train with one technique for 100 different situations. Not 100 techniques for a 100 situations. I train my officer's to the point where they have confidence that if they have a gun in either hand in any shooting position you can win a gunfight. F$ck paper targets you must train to kill bad guys. A gunfight is brutal and not for the faint hearted. And yes if you are going into battle you bring the biggest gun you can get your digets on.

Tprt- For right now I don't do DT except for Chemical Sprays. We train dept wide twice a year and my SRT team trains once a month. I have a lot of respect for my Ayoob. However to my knowlege he has never shot anyone. For my money it would be someone like Jim Cirillo from the old NYPD stakeout squad. I am a dyed in the wool Col Applegate man and his teachings are what I train with. Stay Safe.

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.
M1911, that's the dilemma; if you do the Ayoob thing with your upper body in an Isoceles form, and your lower body in Weaver form, some situations you get the best of both, however some situations its worse. The example which bugs me is weak-hand firing around cover/concealment. If you always train strongside foot back, then sooner or later it seems like you risk going *ss over teakettle.

Gunfighter, your statement "Train with one technique for 100 different situations. Not 100 techniques for a 100 situations." ought to be written down somewhere. That is good stuff.

With the feet side-by-side stance, if the BG closes to arms length, two things need to happen; the arms repositioned to a retention position, and the feet repositioned to a boxer-type stance to prevent getting knocked over. A complicated reaction in a high-stress situation. Maybe it'd be better to go to ground intentionally to prevent loss of the weapon and retain the ability to fire?
A gunfight is a fluid situation. If you stand still the enemy will out flank and kill you. Look at the Miami shootout. If I have my gun out and someone charges me I will shoot. They are coming after your gun. They want to kill you with it. Work on shooting while moving backwards and left and right. Get out of the hole. Going to the ground in the street is to be avoided. My .02cents. And thank you for your compliment.

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.