Mitt in MI

I really think I would prefer McCain over Romney... at least you know where you stand with McCain. Romney flip flops so much you will never be able to tell what his real agenda is. I also think Obama is more likely to beat Romney than McCain.
I don't see any difference between McCain and Obama except I think Obama would be a better and more stable President. I wouldn't vote for either. McCain has a very, very, long history of saying one thing in an election year and doing the opposite. A lot of his legislation passed after his loss in 2000 I personally think was done to spite Bush. The man is unstable.

As for Romney's record:

- Allowed 4 illegant immigrant sanctuary cities to thrive in Massachusetts, now claiming to be against illegal immigration.
- Pro-abortion changed to pro-life; donated money to a pro-choice organization.
- Although states that he reduced taxes as Governor, savings were offset by increasing fees by $500 million in four years.
- His healthcare plan contains a mandate that if a person is not insured, they will be required to pay a heavy fine.
- Stated that he saw his father march with Martin Luther King - he was not in the vicinity and his father was not there.
- States that he'd like to "double" the size of the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, where inmates have been held for years without formal charges or access to the courts.
- Used "shelter" companies in at least two offshore havens while running Bain Capital LLC, the Boston-based private-equity firm.
- Stated that he is happy his sons are working with him on his campaign rather than fighting in the war.
- States that he is not affected by special interest groups, although he was the beneficiary of an early fundraiser held by the Dutko Group, a Washington-based lobbying firm. He receives the third most campaign donations from lobbyists (after Clinton and McCain).
- Has used $17 million of his own money to fund his campaign.

These guys all have records. Most of them are running far and fast away from them. Romney is at least trying to sell his record as good, but the way he calls even a question about his record a "personal attack" numerous times during the debates reminds me too much of Bill Clinton's claims that accusing him of felonies makes the victims and claimants a party to "the politics of personal destruction."

Wow- maybe just by process of eliminating the worst, most unstable, dishonest candidates, the Republicans can find their boy to take on Obama or Hillary.

All I know is the price of black rifles ought to be sky-rocketing in about 14 months. I'm stocking up now. Thank God the Houston gun show is this weekend!
So you have no problem with McCain/Feingold, McCain/Leiberman, McCain/Kennedy ?

There is not one politico out there who is perfect, and a daresay not one candidate who can meet ALL the expectations of any random one of his or her supporters.

Thats life. SWMBO picked me, and not everything I do pleases here.

WildinfactprobablynothingidopleasesherAlaska TM
There is not one politico out there who is perfect, and a daresay not one candidate who can meet ALL the expectations of any random one of his or her supporters.

Maybe McCain doesn't meet all expectations, but I certainly wouldn't expect him to oppose free speech the way he did with his stinking bill. And his total amnesty program, in cahoots with Kennedy, for illegal aliens SUCKS !!!!
So you have no problem with McCain/Feingold, McCain/Leiberman, McCain/Kennedy ?

No I have major problems with all those. Especially campaign finance reform (which I agree should have been unconstitutional) and his illegal amnesty bill.

But I know where I stand with McCain. I don't agree with him on some big issues, but since his stand on the issues is pretty unwavering, at least you know how to fight him. With Romney you just don't know. Whether he is pro-gun or anti-gun depends on which way the wind is blowing. Same with him on abortion and immigration.

I think McCain is an honorable man and would make a good leader.

I am voting for RP in the primary, but would be willing to vote for McCain in a general election. I probably would not vote for Romney. I think he is a liar.