Mitchells mausers worth the money?'s odd that you defend Mitchell's because that is almost exactly how I would describe what they sell...

You misread me. I don't defend necessarily what they they sell. I defend their right to sell what they sell. It's just not for me. I don't smoke, but I find tobacco taxes abhorrent.

Where expectations come in is whether or not the person is happy with it and I think in that case ignorance truly is bliss.

Some people may want what they sell. I don't, but I'm not going to assume that everyone wants what I want. That's the same sort of arrogance that says "I don't like what they do, so they should be out of business..."

...Or, if you want something that's really nice, shoots great, has some excellent history, good collector's value, and doesn't cost like a German K98 mauser consider a Finn M39...

An M39 is already on my short list, but if I'm looking for a Mauser, why would you suggest a Mosin?
Well, the original question was whether or not a Mitchell's Mauser was worth the money. The consensus of the posts appears to be that it is not. Obviously it's not unanimous, but like all hot-button issues, nobody with an opinion on the subject is going to be swayed. But I will make this suggestion:

If a person is looking for a good K98-type rifle, he could do a lot worse than to pick up a Czech Vz-24 for around 250 clams. Great shooters and I'm sure that, someday, the market will realize their true value (or maybe not, but in the meantime, you can really enjoy shooting it!)

Classic Arms has some, crest included.
so obviously mitchels mausers are not the way to go my next option would be to try my luck at a gun show, is there any adivce to make sure i dont get ripped off? there any adivce to make sure i dont get ripped off?

1. Buy the gun, not the story.
2. German wartime Mausers tend to come in two flavors - original and Russian capture. Rc's tend to come in a wide variety of conditions, but though the parts may all fit and operate, they've been mixed and scrambled and therefore have lost most collector value. I've seen them range in price at local gun shows from about $250 to $400. Non-Rc K98k's will cost a lot more, but some are willing to pay the price for an all-matching rifle.
3. Buy the gun, not the story.
4. Another alternate to the K98k is the Yugoslavian M24/47 Mauser.
Even an RC K98 has more historical and collector value than a Mitchell's. A RC will be worth more in the future depending on the date code than any Mitchell's rifle will ever be. Just because you paid more for it, and just because they are raising the prices does not mean that is what the rifle is worth. The only simple way to say it is you've been suckered.

Go to and do a search there for an even more exacting description about what a Mitchell's Mauser really is (in essence just an RC K98 that has been scrubbed and taken of its historical significance [it at least has history if it was done by an opposing enemy force, not 2 weeks ago by an employee of Mitchell's]). There are old timers on that forum whom are affectionately referred to as Cruffler's who will forget more about military firearm collecting that many will ever know.

I will not say that MM's business practices are illegal, but they are without question very misleading in their advertisements. Stating that an M48 is preserved war time rifle is nonsense. The nomenclature "M48 K98k" is nonsense, the two although both Mauser action, are completely different rifles with their own differences. Their ads serve to mislead newcomers young and old to surplus rifle collecting. And juding by the fact they are still in business, they are selling their product very well. They are even endorsed by the History Channel ! :rolleyes:

HOWEVER, if you know what that you are purchasing a stripped, cleaned, scrubbed RC K98 because you don't feel like doing it yourself and are just looking for a shooter, then I suppose paying for that labor is "OK". But please don't consider your knowledge to be taken seriously when you buy their story about Nazi held M48 rifles sitting in a warehouse. Do you know how long they've been saying supplies of those rifles have been "running out"? Sure, of course they will run out someday, even the ubiquitous Mosin Nagants will run out eventually, but they've been using that line for years!

From a collector's standpoint, the most valuable and desireable K98k will be a non import marked, all matching bringback with the factory code further dictacting value, next will be RC K98k rifles scrubbed by Russian peasant factory workers or conscript soldiers post war, again with factory codes dictacting more/less value. A MM will never be worth more than what they advertised it for, and generally, it is the original purchaser just trying to recoup their money once he/she figures out they want to collect military rifles.
Even an RC K98 has more historical and collector value than a Mitchell's.

That's exactly right. There's something still very true/honest about a rifle that was captured by the enemy and re-arsenaled for their own use.

An RC in great shape with the Nazi eagles and waffenamts unmolested can actually be a pretty interesting piece!

Oh, let me add one thing however. The brand new "tanker" Mausers that Mitchell's sells are actually kind of interesting in my view. No historical significance whatsoever but that's at least understood with this particular Mitchell's offering. Hey, I own Uberti/Pietta/Chiappa replica's of cowboy guns, enjoy them immensely, and I don't see any reason why this replica Mauser 98 could not be a hoot to own and shoot as well.

I've been thinking of getting one in .243 for my wife to enjoy since she does not like rifles that recoil.

The only people I ever see defend Mitchell's are those who have sent them money and have ego in the game.


Go buy a Yugo 24/47 and a can of black paint and you'll have a Mitchell's Mauser at 1/3 the price.

Why can't they build a Big5 in the Memphis area?:( We have a store called Gander Mt., an hour from here, with very ignorant pricing policies. Never spent a dime in it.
If such a Mauser were in really good condition at $199, would buy my second M. in a heartbeat.

Now have a Yugo 48A. The previous owner took a deer at 200 yards with the irons sights (learned this two weeks after buying it). Looking forward to my second M., probably a second Yugo or Czech, and should have 'awakened' to them much sooner. Even Czechs' quality equaled the German quality, and many Czechs were exported under contract to foreign armies.

Many people are also very satisfied with Yugos from Samco.

Anyway....back to Mitchells'.
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I don't care for Mitchells business practices but not all the rifles they sell are junk. If you know what your looking at you may find a diamond in the ruff.

I picked up this M48 from an estate sale. A 1951 buld, unfired, unissued. The box of accessories that came with it had a Big5 price tag and a Mitchells Arms folder inside. I think it's worth the $200 I paid.
>>>I think it's worth the $200 I paid.<<<

Absolutely but you didn't buy it from Mitchell's and look at the thread title.

The post-war Yugo M48 at Mitchell's is probably the least molested gun they sell but they start at $400 and go up to $600 which does not meet the "worth the money" aspect of the thread title question in my view.

I had read on another board that their Yugo's were a special deal between them and the Yugo government, and they do get unissued rifles. This is not to say their K98's are worth the price, but an unissued milsurp is hard to find.
That Tanker M63 Mauser from Mitchels really looks interesting.

5 years from now when there are NO mausers left (yeah it can happen) you all will be screaming for any source you can find. I have had zero issues or complaints about the two K98's I own from them. They are neither scrubbed or re stamped in any way. They are clean, crisp and a very good shooter. I also have one of the never issued 24/47's and they are just fantastic. Can you find em cheaper ? YES. Are they still a good investment if bought from Mitchels? YES

I am sure some the purists feel unless they personally grabbed one from a German Soldier in the 1940's that all other Mausers are fakes or cheap knock offs, lies, shills and so on and so forth.

I for one am very tired of purists dragging what us regular folks can afford, find and enjoy. Some of us just do not have the time to scour auction sites for days and weeks to find that one and only Mauser K98 found in German sub off the coast of France that Hitler himself slobbered over and was only sighted in my his grandmother on weekends.

I bought my two K98's and my one 24/47 from Mitchels and I am proud of it, I am happy with them and do not find any deception in what they said I would get and what I got.

to answer the ops question: Yes, they are worth it.
I for one am very tired of purists dragging what us regular folks can afford, find and enjoy.

I view this as a personal problem of yours. Nobody is turning their nose up to ones that may not have the money to buy an arguably better rifle. What they are saying is why in the world would one buy from a controversial company with misleading advertisement when resources are readily found with 2 extra minutes of research to find worthwhile rifles? On top of that, cheaper prices at times? If anything, why are the "regular folks" keep labeling others as "purists" when it's never the "purists" labeling others as "regular folks"? Seems to me there's unneeded resentment and the thinly veiled name calling is being had.

ETA: I bought from Mitchell's in the past. Little did I know there were better, richer historical content rifles out there until I was shown the error of my ways when I first joined here. Never did I think I was belittled, only educated.
If anything, why are the "regular folks" keep labeling others as "purists" when it's never the "purists" labeling others as "regular folks"?

So you've never heard or read where those who buy from Mitchell's are regarded as ignorant, naive, un-informed, or have "ego in the game"?

And "purist" is not an insult - we are all "purists" about different things, such as the Second Amendment.
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olyinaz said:
>>>I think it's worth the $200 I paid.<<<

Absolutely but you didn't buy it from Mitchell's and look at the thread title.

The post-war Yugo M48 at Mitchell's is probably the least molested gun they sell but they start at $400 and go up to $600 which does not meet the "worth the money" aspect of the thread title question in my view.



After looking at thier site and seeing their prices they are a bit on the high side. I would have to want this rifle very badly to pay $400-600. If I can get that for it I may sell it.
After looking at thier site and seeing their prices they are a bit on the high side. I would have to want this rifle very badly to pay $400-600.

Yeah honestly that's what it's all about. You got a good deal and you can easily recoup (and by the way that M48 is really nice). A new-from-Mitchell's buyer cannot say the same.

And to the fellow that says his German K98 from Mitchell's isn't scrubbed or fiddled with in any way I'll just have to say, without malice, "I don't believe that." Now that I've learned a bit about German Mausers (and I do mean "a bit" - it's not that hard to get some education on the topic) I will say that I have never seen a Mitchell's K98 that wasn't molested in some way.

That doesn't mean that said fellow shouldn't enjoy his Mauser! Please do and pass it on to your grand kids. It WILL be worth more money...some day. But the OP asked a simple question and he deserves the full answer and not opinion that pretty much goes like this: "Well I bought one so YES - they're worth it."

Vast opinion from the gun community as a whole = NO.

Opinion from most who have bought from Mitchell's = YES.

Which will be my last comment on this thread. :D

So you've never heard or read where those who buy from Mitchell's are regarded as ignorant, naive, un-informed, or have "ego in the game"?

Um, you're misconstruing my statement, but I'll play...

Yes, I have heard. That's because I was one that was ignorant, naive, and uninformed when I bought my Mitchell. To top it off, I did have "ego in the game" because I was offended to hear I didn't spend just a few extra minutes of research. In the end, I blew my hard earned money on something that was misleading in description and doesn't compare to other rifles out there that are easily attained. A tough pill to swallow...

And "purist" is not an insult - we are all "purists" about different things, such as the Second Amendment.

There's a difference in labeling a purist in respect and using the same term as being dismissive of that said stereotyped group.
When I originally said "it infuriates the purists", it was meant as a light-hearted jab at the more hard-core Mauser collectors, the ones who even turn their noses up at R/c's. I thought I had included a smiley/winky, but no. It wasn't meant as an insult. Like I said, we're all purists about something.