Mitchells mausers worth the money?


New member
looking to get a K98 just wondering if the mitchells mausers are worth the price.. looking at thier select service grade
I've done some reading to past few days about the yugo M48 I'm thinking of buying and Mitchells Mausers name came up a lot. From what I read they scrub and remark and claim new and original. Everything I read was negative so I would avoid them unless you really knew what you were looking at.
I have two Mitchels Mausers K98's and all the accessories that come with em. I bought one as a shooter and one to put away. I find no scrubbing or remarks on the MM. I even called them this morning when I had seen this post and directly asked them about scrubs and remarks. The positively said "NO, they do not." They are however clean, accurate and beautiful rifles that I see the price going up on the auction sites each 3 months. As supplies in Euro dwindle these will go up even more.

So my short answer is YES, they are worth it.
Most of the complaints I hear are that they mislead in their advertising more than they alter the rifles. It infuriates the purists.
I'd answer NO to shooter and collector, here's why.

As a shooter, barrel condition is what really matters. You'd be MUCH better off to find a rifle in a shop that you can examine as opposed to mail order, and that goes for any place, not just Mitchells. A private seller with GOOD camera skills will suffice if its an online auction.

As a collector, you'd be better off buying from a place that specializes in numbers-matching rifles. The mitchells are VERY pretty, and if you just want a looker-they're the best....but thats not how they left the factory. Collectors look for correct features in these rifles. Numbers matching on every part commands premium prices. The polished bolt turns collectors away, even if everything matches.

As Upandatit said, I have found Mitchells in a local shop that were not scrubbed or renumbered, they were russian captures though. If I wanted a shooter and found a Mitchells in a shop with a good bore, i'd probably buy it, but not for the $399 they usually ask for them.

FWIW I just bought a German K98 from Gunbroker for $245 with a beautiful bore and stock, not scrubbed, without the gunky black russian finish. If you look hard enough, you can find Yugo 24/47 and 48 mausers for under $200.

I'm no expert, but have been researching mausers heavily. My opinions may not mean squat to anyone but myself, but I hope i've helped you. Research before you buy, more educated means a smarter purchase.

As a shooter, barrel condition is what really matters. You'd be MUCH better off to find a rifle in a shop that you can examine as opposed to mail order, and that goes for any place, not just Mitchells. A private seller with GOOD camera skills will suffice if its an online auction.

A large number of us purchase items sight-unseen from various internet retailers without any problems.
Second the above post.....if you want one, go ahead and buy one, but might try Classic Arms and Gunbroker, you can get nice specimens there.

I differ with the earlier posters in one way, the Mitchell's may be a bit overpriced, but that will mean nothing when they are all gone.
Classic Arms is good, couldn't think of their name earlier. I also like Todd Lacher at Family Firearm and finishes. Both of these will do you right if you want to buy sight-unseen. Todd is a super nice guy to talk to also. Even AIM surplus has taken a few returned rifles back from guys on a mauser forum I cruise, but man what a pain to send one back.

as some one who bought a number of Mausers over many decades, at prices ranging from $20 to $100, I would say no.

Their ads are misleading, and there have even been stories of how they get matching numbers by using their own stamps.

Too much for a shooter grade (plinker), and not the guns true collectors are after. It's your money, but I won't waste mine on their stuff.
I'll expand on my earlier "No."

This is what I read in forums: That Mitchell's Mausers refinishes many of the rifles that they sell. Also that they force match serial numbers by either removing existing serial numbers and stamping their own or by stamping unserialed parts with their own stamps.

I've also read that their advertising implies that some of their product is from a particular country when, in fact, it is not. That their advertising is not flat-out lies, but is just unspecific enough in details to create the thought that you may be buying something that you're really not.

If you want a Mauser to shoot and that's all you're after, there are better deals than Mitchell's. If you want a Mauser to collect and hold its value, then Mitchell's is certainly not the place to go - the only thing that can be positively, for sure said about them is that a rifle from them is guaranteed to be a Mitchell's Mauser. Beyond that, it's hard to say.

Now, I'm just repeating what I've heard. However, the places that I have dealt with, AIM, Classic Arms and Century, have sold me Mausers (VZ24, M48) that I thought were in excellent condition at prices much lower than Mitchell's.

If you do buy from them, let us know how it works out.
Go to this forum and ask that question and you will get an ear full:

By all knowledgeable accounts they are over priced, over hyped, over cleaned & "restored", obtrusively import stamped and pretty much flat out ruined from a collector's perspective. The only people I ever see defend Mitchell's are those who have sent them money and have ego in the game.

Do your homework and find something more authentic or more collectible (or both) or just save some money and get something similar (a no numbers matching or Russian capture K98) for less off of Gunbroker.

I have one and I feel like I've gotten my money's worth.
I bought the: "History Preserved German K98k Infantry Rifle" and I have been more than pleased with mine. It has tons of barreling left and even the finish is good on the stock. Not good enough for it to be a safe queen but it's the rifle I have no problem tossing around and beating on.

Did I overpay for it? Probably.
Is it a completely and historically authentic battle rifle? Probably not.

I know a lot of people complain about how they feel as though Mitchell's re-stamps some of the numbers, markings, and generally misrepresents the condition and even fabricates/mixes and matches from stock piles around the world.

If you can find a better deal on gunbroker or a user on this forum who can provide a detailed description with pictures,etc.. then go that route. I'm certain you can find a Mauser for a lower price and you'll have the added benefit of that description and hopefully nice pictures of what you will be receiving. Whereas at Mitchell's I assume they just pick one out of pile in a warehouse.

Maybe I lucked out with my purchase - but all I can say is that I'm pleased with mine.
Go to this forum and ask that question and you will get an ear full:

Of course you will - these are the purists I mentioned before.

By all knowledgeable accounts they are over priced, over hyped, over cleaned & "restored", obtrusively import stamped and pretty much flat out ruined from a collector's perspective.The only people I ever see defend Mitchell's are those who have sent them money and have ego in the game.

I bought mine from SOG. The only time I defend Mitchell's is when folks hyperventilate about their "illegal" business practices - if they are illegal, call the cops, call the BBB, press charges, file a suit, but just because you don't like what they do doesn't make it illegal. It might just be bad business, but, then again, they are still in business.

Bottom line - you'll pay more and maybe get less, but that depends are your expectations. I didn't want an over-priced over-worked "pretty" K98k.
Bottom line - you'll pay more and maybe get less, but that depends are your expectations.

Actually I think it's a truism that has little to do with expectations. Where expectations come in is whether or not the person is happy with it and I think in that case ignorance truly is bliss.

I didn't want an over-priced over-worked "pretty" K98k.

Then it's odd that you defend Mitchell's because that is almost exactly how I would describe what they sell.

Look at their K98 bolt and butt plates - all pretty and silver. It certainly wasn't issued like that but Mitchell's doesn't want to take the time to reblue some of the parts (or thinks they're "pretty" they way they sell them) so they leave them incorrect and indeed they must strip off what blue they have left so then the shine makes pupils dilate and dollars leap from the pockets of those who truly don't know any better. To which I say :barf:!

And for proof a bit of gunshop searching and/or Gunbroker browsing will yeild results here's my K98. I've got far less into it than I would have a Mitchell's, it's got a new Norwegian .30-06 barrel (after the Norwegians kicked the German's back out they re-worked their captured K98s), it's a parts rifle without matching numbers, has had some re-bluing and as such is just as un-collectible as a Mitchell's, but it's not import stamped, is correct in it's general appearance and as such looks great and shoots even better with the new barrel:


For something different this is my all numbers matching, like new and totally unfettered Spanish M43 Mauser 98. I've got less into it than what Mitchell's charges for a freakin Yugo, it has no fugly import stamps, shoots GREAT in original 8mm and looks even better:


Seriously people, skip Mitchell's pimped (and thus ruined from a collector/heirloom perspective) rifles and either find a cheapo non-matching K98 and pimp it yourself for less money or spend just a bit more for something nicely authentic with lasting value.

Or, if you want something that's really nice, shoots great, has some excellent history, good collector's value, and doesn't cost like a German K98 mauser consider a Finn M39:


They're re-worked Mosin-Nagants, have the sweetest trigger you can imagine, shoot the powerhouse 7.62x54 Russian, come with much better sights and stocks than a Ruski Mosin, and can be had with really neat Sako cartouches and proofs. You can buy them in like-new, never issued condition all day long right here:

Mitchell's Mausers. :barf:

Just one man's opinion however...

No thanks on the 39's, reworked Mosins for $269 to $499. I truly feel much better about my two Mitchels Mausers now LOL When I got mine a couple years back my MM's were just $239 each with all the gadgets you can imagine. They were neither super scrubed or polished. They are/were however nice, clean and crisp Mausers. They were NOT remarked.