Missouri Deer Season

It's 17 degrees this morning it did not feel as cold to me as yesterday morning, drove around Pony Express CA, part of it borders my place.

It's a fairly large CA, normally on weekends during deer season there will be so many vehicles it looks like Walmart parking lot on black Friday.
Counted four vehicles and that's counting the one that passed me on the road that looked like they were leaving.

While out on my horse through out the year I have spotted a lot of dead deer, so I'm sure our numbers are down some.

We do have some pen raised deer over at Amity, that's not to far from my place.
I have not stopped and talk with the guy that has them, so I don't know if he had any problems with disease in his herd.

To those still trying to fill a tag, good luck and stay safe.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
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JMP, those fenced deer didnt happen to be at Jamesport or Carrolton did they? Just curious

You are correct, they were at Jamesport. The one place right on the main road had two monsters and the other place there looked like there was some big ones but I couldn't see in the fence very well. I wish I would've taken pics but I didn't want to be too nosy.

Didn't know about Carrolton, have to go look there next time I'm out there. Saw a couple nice bull elk in a pen somewhere by Braymer too.
The Amish at Jamesport have had deer there for a long time. I grew up about 10 miles northwest of there. They had to put up that screen on some of thos fences to keep deer from getting shot, people were shooting them from the highway.

I have never hunted Pony Express CA, never needed to since I have my parents farm to hunt, but a buddy of mine from Cameron sets up out there for bow season and told me that he hasn't seen many deer at all.
I have been seeing slick heads almost every day. Antlers have been a different story. Friday evening I had a parade of 8 come by my ladder stand from 20 to 50 feet apart. About half an hour later 5 O'Clock Charlie launched from under my stand when I moved around on the seat. I had no idea I had a deer anywhere around me. Saturday I saw a slick head coming down the ridge across from my stand all by it's self. I figured it was the dry doe I had let go by the first Saturday of season. I got to thinking about that later, and decided I should have filled my Antlerless ONLY tag with her, and not a younger doe. I got all set up with the 480 Ruger Super RedHawk. When the deer got in the clear I discovered it was 5 O'Clock Charlie again, and not the big doe. So I let the little fellow pass again.
Old 5 O'Clock Charlie is a button buck sized deer that is running by himself/herself. And has been for a while. We see this deer in the field by the house about 3 times a week. I have been seeing him when driving the Ranger to my stand about every other day on the ridge. No idea what happened to the mom.

I saw a couple big bucks the first three days of season. One was in heavy brush at about 60 yards with a doe. The other one cuts across the valley at the watering hole at about 100 yards. Just not completely confident of my shot at 100 yards yet. The 4 MOA Dot on my 30mm UltraDot sure takes up a lot of space on the side of a deer at 100 yards. This spot is in heavy shadows most of the time when I see deer also, not a big help.

Saturday evening I heard 3 shots. This evening it was calm and cold, I did not hear a single shot. Other than seeing 5 O'Clock Charlie when driving to my stand, I did not see a single deer.

Looking like I may need to plan on Alternate Weapond Season in December. We can now handgun hunt Alternate Weapond Season in Missouri.

I am not much for handgun hunting deer, nothing against it, I just choose not too. I bow hunt and rifle hunt.

I went out again this evening and it was eerily quiet. Had to hunt for a squirrel or a Blue Jay even. The wind was fairly calm with a few gusts now and then but nothing was moving tonight. I did hear a lone shot way off to the west of me but that was it. This is the first day I have been out hunting this year and not seen a single deer. I thought it would be a good evening with the temperature in the low 20's finally but I guess I was wrong. Maybe they are laying low after the pressures of last weekend...
Went out again this afternoon. Cold with virtually no wind. Nothing stirring in Eastern Franklin county tonite.

Was sitting on a spot where trail cam has seen does fairly frequently in the last month but not tonite. :mad:
My neighbor and I took the oppurtunity for a "flas hunt" at McClure CA sunday morn between 8:00 am and 10:30, I spooked two deer on the way out and never saw them but those grounds did look cool... Heading back to Mussel Forks for next weekend for antlerless season.... need a fat doe for burger..
Got the eight pointer from Thomas Farms sunday after hunt and they didn't fail to amaze me on their quality of packaging and the bologna is to die for!!!!;)
The neighbors and I are heading back to Mussel Forks to pick up some doe meat, weather is decent, and have antlerless tag burning hole through my pocket.... wish me luck fellars!!:D
Very nice, stolivar.

My buddies and I all came up short this year. We hunt in Iron County, not far from Tom Sauk mountain. Unfortunately our property borders a ding-bat who lets his dogs chase deer, and of course a dog has no understanding of a property line. Those dogs have the deer in the area so hunkered down that they don't ever move during the day. The only deer we saw was when the stupid dogs were running on our property and flushed out a couple of does... does that we had been walking over and around all day, and they stayed concealed and un-shot :mad:

Sunday morning was 10 degrees. Our cabin was 38 degrees, which made for a slow start that morning. I am getting too old to sleep in a 38 degree cabin...
stolivar, congratulations on a nice buck.

I know we have all heard these stories before but the day after buck season there was one heck of a big buck about 100 yards south of my barn.
I never got a good count on his rack as he moved behind some cover.

Makes me believe the bucks do carry calendars, like I've heard some claim.

btmj, I know what you mean about sleeping in the cold.
I remember the days I used to roll out a bed roll on the ground and sleep,
I believe them days are behind me now.:)

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
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Great buck, Stolivar! Those additional brow tines give it character.

Looks like he's got a good amount of gray on his face. Got any idea how old he was?
Yep, just type in "2013 Deer Harvest Map" in the search bar and it will bring up a map that will tell you all the totals for the state. You can hover over every county and it will tell you how many antlered, antlerless and button bucks were harvested in that county.
I've been killing a deer every 3 or 4 days and processing but put that on hold for a few days. At single digit temps, the carcass will freeze solid in one night making processing difficult. Maybe whack another before the current season ends to work up next week.
We tried Pawnee Prairie CA, it was -5 when we climbed out of truck. The prairie is pretty open with little trees and brush, I educated a coyote thats about it, left at 9:00 and heade south to McClure ca, my son connected with a little doe, (super eatin) but I saw nothing all day...:rolleyes: