Missouri Deer Season

Bucks are going nuts(literally)in north MO. I've seen about 20 bucks of various sizes this week including a couple of "decent" sized ones. Had a little 6 point actually run within 50 yards of my moving ATV and stare at me like he was in a trance.
First order of the season is to try to get 8 year old Grandson a chance at a buck. He got a mature doe during the youth season(his first deer) and is now in full "buck mode". Looks like it's going to rain so my expectation is for a long day in the "deer house" so he doesn't get wet, cold, and sick.
Yep its time, going to be windy, warm, and possibly rain, then cold front Sunday night. Be safe and be sure you enjoy the hunt not just the kill. I will probably hunt some, but mostly just enjoying the time in the woods while waiting for the sound of my wifes .243.
I've decided not to go this year, I just don't have the desire anymore.

However to everyone that's going I wish you the best of luck and stay safe.

Mobuck, tell that young feller I wish him the best on getting that buck.
I remember the first buck my oldest Grandson shop, those are memories that will stay with me forever.

Saw a nice 10 pointer this morning.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Saturday turned out fine, I took a nice sized eight pointer at 7:30 am. so I have meat gettin fixed up at the locker, and some friends need help working up the few they took yesterday...

The wind was horrible, but we stuck it out all day.... it was fun.:D
P.S. as soon as I find my camera I will post pics here...;)
I live by a conservation area, I only heard a few shots.

My Son and two Granddaughters were hunting in a portable ground blind on their farm, my Son told me it about blew the blind away several times.
I told him I was surprised they did not end up getting blown to the next county.

I know the wind was ferocious at my place, it sure would have been hard to make a shot from a tree stand.

Good luck to all and stay safe.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Living temporarily out at Innsbruck (till tomorrow, then PCS time). I'm seeing a lot if deer moving in the evening, but next to no action in the morning. Seen a lot of bucks in rut mode chasing does, as well as a few sparing matches.

My 12yo stepped out on the deck 2 days ago and watched a 10pt casually walk through.

I've talked to a few local hunters and although a couple have done well in the AM, the PM seems to be more productive.

Good luck out there. Get an extra one for me!
Things where I was in Osage county (about 25 mi out of Jeff City) it wasn't a good weekend. Eight of us between Sat & today got very brief looks at 3 deer, sent 1 coyote to the happy hunting ground, and saw a white squirrel.

Between the wind, rain, and warmish temps the deer weren't really moving and didn't see any signs of the rut.:(

Now, time spent visiting with friends and a chance to be outdoors, PRICELESS!!!:D
The very tree I set next to had a huge scrape under it on the field side, they've definitely been rutting for a few weeks there.
All 3 ground blinds were blown away or damaged by Saturday's winds. The more substantial wood stands faired better. Grandson passed several opportunities to shoot a doe and finally missed a spike. He's going out with me Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning to try again.
We did see quite a few bucks both Sat and Sun but high wind and distance made shooting too chancy. I went with the "long gun"-257 Wby, this morning and killed a nice 8 point with some stickers at 364 yards before the wind picked up.
Got off early today but rain has found its way here, was going to use black powder rifle to hunt a particular CA, because centerfire not allowed.... need permission on private land to hunt does, to fill freezer for winter and summer eatin.:o
I was there for opening weekend south of Chillicothe. Saw a lot of does and medium size bucks. Hunting with my cousin from that area and he calls it Wyoming hunting because we don't do the tree stand thing, all stalking. I shot a 120+ inch buck a couple years ago and was being very picky this time because I'm there for the trophy - meat won't get wasted but it is secondary. Had one chance at one he estimated above 150 but it was only 100 yards from a house and I wouldn't like someone shooting that close to mine so we passed up on him. Monday we did see a few big ones that were probably big enough for me but they were in a hurry and never got a good enough look at them to see for sure if they were 150+. Had a lot of fun but the weather wasn't very agreeable.

Funny how in some places a little wind is completely normal but some places it looks like the end of the world is coming. Wind that we find normal and not out of the ordinary at all was breaking big tree limbs and making the deer go into hiding.

Might go back at the end of December and try to fill the tag with muzzleloader but haven't decided, might wait until next year.

Saw two that were over 300 inches, they were impressive. They were also behind fences at a deer farm but still neat to see.
I did not see much activity today as far as hunters go, maybe the cold weather kept some from going.

At first light I went out to feed and water the horse, cat and my neighbors dog ( who pretty much lives at my place) and my thermometer was reading 20 degrees, it sure felt colder then that.

I did not here any shots today, however I was inside most of the day.

It's going to be another cold one tonight, so to everyone going out tomorrow, bundle up in warm clothes, stay safe, and good luck.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
I went out last Monday and bagged an older 10 point that probably doesnt measure much more than 120-130 inches but he was a tough old buck that had been fighting, he had two tines broke off and split down into his main beam on his right side. I also got a decent sized doe (about 105 lbs.) that same day. Last Monday was a lot better than opening weekend, weather wise, but still didnt hear that many shots around except for the idiots that just unload on about anything...pause...then reload five more. Pretty safe to say that one got away when you hear ten shots from the same spot.

I will be braving the cold Sunday and Monday to try to get another doe on the ground and more meat in the freezer. Funny how last weekend I was hesitant to let them hang for too long due to the warm temps and now I will be struggling to get them hung before they are stiff from the cold temps.

JMP, those fenced deer didnt happen to be at Jamesport or Carrolton did they? Just curious.
Not many seen in my imediate hunting area around Thomas Hill lake. Last year's drought, and the resulting increase in bluetoungue disease (not to be confused with CWD) took a lot out of the herd. Over thirty, including some big bucks, were found dead around the lake.
We didn't see near the numbers we usually see. Even through the Spring, and Summer. So we let anything without antlers walk, with only a couple of them seen. There were reports of a few good bucks taken, around the area, but not on the farm we hunt.
Also, a farmer friend about 10 miles North of us usually has several deer hanging in the barn from people hunting his place. When we went up there Saturday night, nothing!
The EHD hit hard up in the northwest part of MO last year too. No reports of CWD this far west of the area of concern on the state. I remember walking a portion of the 102 River and seeing about 12 dead deer just in a mile stretch. According to MDC a rough estimate of 40-50% of the population was affected, and thats just what was reported, who knows what went unfound. I know when we were harvesting last year and in some of our CRP fields this spring we were still finding deer.

Although the population numbers are down throughout the state, it seems that harvest numbers are pretty close to on par with past seasons. Where I hunt on my parents farm in Daviess county I have had no problem seeing what I would say is normal deer numbers. I have seen deer everyday that I have hunted through bow and rifle season so far.
Went to Mussel Forks CA testerday and froze my potatoes off,(still looking) I saw nothing but my son took a shot at a walking buck and missed:p,(needs range time), Neighbor and I are heading to McClure CA today, maybe see something dont know..... waiting to warm a little..:o
You might be waiting awhile, last I saw its supposed to be pretty cool all week long with highs only reaching to the low 30's up here, not sure what they are calling for down in the KC area.