Missing American in Australia

George - thats probably not so funny here :)
we did have jokes about that too around the time it happened but I wouldn't try that joke in Australia.
On another topic I've yet to hear an American do a convincing Australian accent. There are plenty of Australian actors who can do yours.
e.g Anthony lapaglia and his brother. Both on a couple of your tv shows.
I suppose it's because you don't hear many Australians. I know from the short time I was in the USA maybe 1 in 4 or less could tell I was an Australian.
You need more of our TV shows.
All Americans should be forced to watch Neighbours, Home and Away and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo every day. That will pay you back for The Nanny, Dawsons Creek and RosieO'Donnel.
Hey RA!!

Don't be cruel to our friends ;)

Seriously, though -- he's right. My American relatives are physically incapable of differentiating between an Australian accent and a Cockney accent -- though the two are poles apart. My wife (private school upbringing, quite refined voice) sounded "more Australian" to the Americans we visited because she sounded more English than I did.

Mind you, when I started saying things like, "Strewth, sport, don't try comin' the bloody raw prawn with me or I'll have to feed you a knuckle sandwich -- a man's not a total drongo you know!", they would just smile, shake their heads and change the subject. :)

You gotta love it!

Your missing countryman -- this arvo (afternoon -- Sunday) they found a "cache' of his gear in the desert, including clothes, bread (?) and water bottles.

The head of the American S&R group believes he is trying to finish the trek across the desert "by himself" to prove some sort of point. He has one line of breakways left to cross. (Breakaways are sort-of hills -- they were originally underwater mountains that have broken down under erosion over millions of years. The ones I've tried to climb have been almost impassable -- they are "rotten" rock -- very sharp and very treacherous. They crumble underfoot quite easily.)

The American team was going to call it quits, but Bogucki's parents have begged for another couple of days.

So, he's going naked, without food or water into one of the most hostile places on earth?!

He must be trying to prove something to himself, like, "Look, Ma, no life!"


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

Some kinda of self test....He sure would saved a lot of worry and hassle for everyone if he'd a just let folks know.......from were they found his cache and the direction he is traveling how much further does he need to go to reach reasonable safety. How can i find his location and direction on the map? Coordinates are fine, towns, geographic markers anything will help....what are your weather conditions att, when is the last time that he could have had water? Do I remember right that he is barefoot?......whats the terrain like, heavy rock, cockle burr type grasses or anything of that nature?, Is their shade available along the route he's started....
btw....do the searchers still think that he mighthave gone troppo?, Ive yet to hear anything about this in our press......although I could easily have missed it.....fubsy.
So another American is missing. Not to be callous, but we've got plenty of missing Americans on our own continent.

That set aside, does anybody else remember the bicycle invented by our own Dr. Richard Gatling? Besides the normal pedals, the handles were pumped back and forth to help propel it. Dr. Gatling's notion was that the upper body also needed exercise too; predating the Nordic Walker exercise machine in this regard.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Bad news when someone gets lost in the Aussie backcountry. Rabbit assasin, the Aussie accent is easy to speak or rather copy. here is what i mean. It was the day before D Day and a American and Aussie soldier were looking across the Channel towards France(Aussies werent at D-Day but bear with me) The American GI, contemplating their fate says: "You know, we came here to die". The Aussie GI looks at him and replies: "Really Mate!. We came here yesterday!" I get a big kick out of that joke. Also when I was in the Army overseas and ran across Aussie GI's, it was hard to keep up with you guys in the beer department. But I did notice that Aussie GI'sdidnt like to be called English. Regret that i never got down to Australia.

After nearly a month, rescuers found the bloke this morning (Monday) our time.

Details are sketchy, but he appears to be in good health, all things considered.

Early reports as to why he did this centre on the fact that he's a fairly fundamental Christian (they found his Bible at his last "campsite"; it was heavily annotated with writings that have not been/will not be released, except they did say he had scrawled "Bogucki Oh you faggot" down the spine???) and apparently was searching for "spiritual enlightenment" -- the "40 days and 40 nights in the desert" type of test.

If all this is true, the man needs his a*se kicked until his nose bleeds buttermilk, IMHO.

For those who asked for map references, the closest I can get is 123 deg. E, 19 deg. S.

For those without grid references, but a decent map, try this:

1. Come down the coast road about 200 km south of Broome -- that's roughly where he started.

2. Draw a line from there to Fitzroy Crossing. He made it almost two-thirds of the way along that line (from SW to NE).


Bogucki was found by the Channel 9 helicopter.

He had covered almost 400 km, but had lost 28 kilos (almost 62 lbs) in the process. He would not have made it his destination, the Derby -- Fitzroy Road. He was far too weak and hadn't eaten for days.

He saw the planes and choppers but didn't realise they were looking for him.

His explanation was as alluded to previously -- "to make my peace with God".

Because it was deliberate, not accidental, some authorities are talking about charging him for the costs of the rescue mission(s) -- variously estimated at about $50 000.

He'll be home within the week, once he puts on a bit of weight.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>If all this is true, the man needs his a*se kicked until his nose bleeds
buttermilk, IMHO.[/quote]

I am dying here..Howling!! Man, you know how to turn a phrase Bruce!! :)

He should be charged the cost of the rescue....unfortunately it will likely be his parents to pony up the bread...plus that which they spent on the American rescue team. That putz probably only succeeded in impoverishing his parents.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Hmm, I could stand to lose about 62lb.... ;) You may end up with a bunch of fat Americans coming over to wander the desert for 40 days!
Shank's pony(American?) was the dumbest way to go. I feel sorry for his parents. Maybe A Current Affair will pay him a lot of money.
40 days and 40 nights spooky eh?
I am glad they found the guy. Fasting is good for the soul. Maybe people are too hard on this guy,but we live in a materialistic society and someone has to pay the bill for the rescue mission. Rasputin,when he was a young man, went all the way to Jerusalem on foot. That must not have been a easy journey either. Glad you liked the joke, Rabbit assassin.

If that area is as bad as you say, I've got to hand it to the guy for making it as far as he did on as little as he permitted himself to have.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
