minors and firearms-law questions

pier-rat's question was about a "gun" in Virginia and his status as a minor. He did not state whether the word "gun" referred to a long arm or a handgun.

NavyLT's post about 18 USC 922 (x) seems to only restrict possession of handguns.
So would an emancipated minor be able to give himself the written permission to posess a handgun? (he still wouldn't be able to buy it from an FFL)

"a juvenile may possess and use a handgun or ammunition with the prior written approval of the juvenile’s parent or legal guardian and at the direction of an adult who is not prohibited by Federal, State or local law from possessing a firearm;
(iii) the juvenile has the prior written consent in the juvenile’s possession at all times when a handgun is in the possession of the juvenile; and
(iv) in accordance with State and local law; "

I'll say yes...

(this was a lot simpler before 1968, and I don't remember it being a problem)
I doubt it.

Depends on the state probably and whether once emancipated they are still a ward of the state or not.

later down the original poster stated his father was getting him/her the gun. I think that kind of means the parent is really in charge and they are the one responsible for the 'ownership' and such.

Virginia is sill a pretty free state.
Okay here is the deal. My father and I have worked out a deal. the deal WAS that I would get $1,000 dollars when I beat him in tennis, now the deal is, I get a gun and safe and no $1,000. Basically I am paying him off $600 dollars to let me have a gun. I am looking at getting a .22 revolver Ruger mark 3 or bolt action .22 rife. Now in the future can I "give" him some money and he will "give" me a gun? What about if he just comes to the store with me and I pay right there and everything?
You're making it too hard. (I don't blame you, the :cuss: laws make it hard.) He buys the gun for you as a gift. No money changes hands. The gun might actually still legally belong to him until you are 18 (he's holding it in trust for you.)

You should try to get a .22 pistol and a rifle out of the deal. ;)
maybe I should, it was a 1,000 dollars. Really I want a ruger mark 3, some sort of bolt action .22, a .22 revolver and a 870.
Tell him you feel bad because you beat him at tennis and you will give him his money back ONLY if he buys certain guns with the money. Later on he gives you the guns as gifts.

You paying for guns he buys at a dealer is a bad idea, likely just to get you kicked out of the store.
Go for the Mark III target in stainless steel...

don't settle for a 22/45....

I think I'd go for the pistol and a 10/22 while I was at it. You'll love both, and the 10/22 can be dressed up... he can do this for you as you beat him worse and worse.

Here's my two:



I took the scope off the MkIII, it's much more fun to shoot with the Iron sights. Disregard the cigar, they are bad for you at your age. Besides that, you can buy 2 or 3 boxes of 22lr ammo for what one of those Ashton cigars cost.