Minor rant on "what if" scenarios...

Dr. Rob, you are mistaken. Tinfoil *does* block mind-reading lasers (at least the current-technology mind-reading lasers), its *aluminum* foil that doesn't block the lasers. Has to do with tin's higher electrical resistivity. However, my friends at NSA think they'll have tinfoil beat within 10 years.

What I always love about the "what if Cannibal Mutant Biker Hordes surrounded..." threads is that the discussion always deteriorates into certain canonical arguments; shotgun vs. AR, AR vs. M1/M1A vs. AK, etc. A hardware solution to a software problem. The old Russian proverb says "Don't buy the house; buy the neighbors."

I like the "Zippy the space poodle" gambit. I'll have to try it the next time AT&T offers me a great deal on long-distance busy signals. Libertarian, for added effect lose the hat and keep a pair of chrome handcuffs handy by the door. Have 'em in one hand when you answer the door, and fidget with them while listening.

If you really want to freak someone out, maybe keep a sixer of homebrew beer in the fridge, with a plastic cockroach in the bottom of each bottle. Walk over to their house with a surveyors stick, and tell them you are "just working on my range card."
Rob, where are the Radioactive Zombies that keep atacking my place? Are you discriminating against the zombies in favor of bikers? Can ya tell me the best load for these guys? Something that I can conceal and fits my hand well but must have maximum stopping power and still not over penetrate or be able to hurt bystandards, you know the rad free zombies.

Maybe just a mace of disruption?hehee
Dr. Rob, most people use about 10% of their brains, large or small. Every now and then, I think your brain receives a power surge that lights up the other 90% too. te he.
I used to use more than 10% of my brain but then the radioactive zombies ate the rest of it.

Speaking of which -- What if you were attacked by a crack-smoking radioactive zombie bear with a motorcycle, jumping out of a black UN helicopter ? Would you be able to draw your laser-sighted .50 BMG derringer in time?
I'll have to go with the 'act psycho' clause on this one. Just what would that crack-smoking radioactive zombie bear with a motorcycle do if I started throwing my bullets at him, rather then shoot them at him? Maybe I could do a little dance and try to commandeer his motorcycle while singing about the chickens I raise up in the North Pole. A nice touch would be to get a red sheet and play matador with him.
And about the % of brain power I'm working with, I got about two hours of sleep and I'm working all alone all night tonight so maybe negative numbers would best describe my brain situation.
Oh, and about the mormons/jehovah's witnesses/avon ladies/friends of the trees/local city council members. My husband was cleaning his rifle one-day and just happened to answer the door with it still in his hand.
I think the poor Jehovah's witness peed his pants, and for some odd reason nobody bothers coming to our house any more. I guess word travels fast around people who don't know much about guns. I mean why would anyone be frightened of a rifle that isn't even fully assembled let alone loaded and ready to kill?
I was a missionary for two years. In that time I had two guns pulled on me. A series 80 Colt, and a S&W N frame. I just told them "Hey, nice gun." and then we wound up talking guns. Most Mormons like guns. Like John Moses Browning for example.
bokkie ive actuly done that and home to get rid of sales people i use a katana all the way through the leg gets rid of them every time

Tank Girl..

Too bad you are already married. ;)

as for radioactive zombie bears jumping out of un black helicopters?? Well i think Its time to retreat to the sewers and fight another day.

Vive la resistance!!!!


[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited December 06, 1999).]