Minnesota Mall gets gun sniffing dog

I believe you are incorrect. Whether or not a "No firearms allowed" sign carries the force of law depends on state law. According to www.handgunlaw.us , in Minnesota it is illegal to carry in a private establishment (which a shopping mall is) if the premises are posted.

This is from a reliable source.

Regrettably, the Mall will lie to us.


"The Mall of America has long had a policy to prohibit lawful carry of firearms by Minnesotans, including posting signs throughout the mall and removing permit holders seen to be carrying firearms.

Minnesota law, however, prohibits a landlord from interfering with the carrying of firearms under MN statute 624.714 by tenants or their guests.

The Mall of America is well aware that as landlords they cannot ban lawful carry. Carrying at the Mall of America does not violate the law, only the mall's wishes.

The current threat environment makes it unconscionable to seek to prohibit self-defense by the mall's customers."

- Bryan Strawser, Executive Director, Minnesota Gun Owners Political Action Committee
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The law mentioned above is MN statute 624.714

Subd. 17f to be more precise.

(f) A landlord may not restrict the lawful carry or possession of firearms by tenants or their guests.

Both the Mall of America and the news media know this, but they continue to pretend that the Mall can ban guns.

Of course, they CAN ask you to leave.........and if they ask you to leave and you refuse you then will be committing the crime of trespassing and that's not a smart move.
Good find. You are correct. For once, Handgunlaw is not correct.

Readers in other states, however, should still remember that the law on this may be different in their state.
You need to go read the section on the MN Page at www.handgunlaw.us
https://www.handgunlaw.us/states/minnesota.pdf Page 4 under the section Do No Gun Signs Have the force of Law. Then go to the BCA FAQ page and read what they say.

The wording in the places off limits is directly from the BCA FAQ page at

Q. Can private establishments prohibit carrying pistols on their premises?

A. Yes, private establishments must post a notice banning guns on their premises or personally notify patrons that guns are not allowed.

This is not the only place you will find conflicting information. Many states have conflicting information concerning the carrying of firearms between agencies and their law and what the Police state and what the law is. Just remember you can be arrested anytime. You may be released quickly and charges dropped or you many have to wait for a court to decide.
This is silly. How could there possibly be any guns in the mall if they have a sign saying "No guns allowed"?

Neither the dogs, nor the machines are infallible, both miss things sometimes and both give false positives, sometimes.