Minimum price on guns

Nope, there are those (law-abiding) people who want a firearm, but either cannont or will not pay for an mid-high priced one. It is not our place to determine how much disposable income one should have in order to have access to firearms.
Its funny i have been using high-point for many years now and prefer them to many higher priced firearms they also have reached in the 250.00-300.00 range for the carbines yet they still sell, i think this minimum is a bad idea ill-concieved gun restrictions especially ones like this only hurt the good law abiding citizens. why put stricter laws on us when it would be smarter to put stricter punishment on those who brake the law, which are really the only legit reason people ever come up with regarding harsher gun control laws is that it will take guns off the streets when it simply isn't true it will take them out of the houses of the good true law abiding red blooded americans who have every right and deserve to have them.
I didn't realize this was still being kicked around.

but I think there's some pertinence to the idea of a floor on gun prices will affect the market in a way that the manufacturers can be damaged
Well, yeah, Hi-point would go out of business. The guns already in that range with a higher quality would probably see a rise in sales.

So what you're saying is that poor people shouldn't be allowed the means to defend themselves.
No I am not saying this. I am saying that the bleeding heart liberals who want gun control don't give a crap about anyone second amendment rights and have long been pushing the poor people into this country to be reliant upon them for everything. You think they don't want to add protection to that list? Saying it is infringing on their 2A rights won't get us anywhere at all.
I know quite a few people who own firearms who have minimum wage or slightly higher jobs. In y experience they all own medium grade firearms. Taurus, Mossberg, etc. Actually the only people I know who own hi-points are people who own multiple firearms like myself and keep them for cheap guns they don't have to worry about.

Some shady contractor is trying to rip off one of my clients, GTG.