minimum power to see .22 holes at 300 yards?

What do you mean I owe you :p

Then who is to say I was kidding....The gal at Impact Guns gave me the idea. They have one I think they use when shooting 50BMG or something :rolleyes:

Karsten, I think he was referring to the "astrological" telescope instead of an astronomical telescope. I guess if the planets are aligned right and the seeing is good, there could be one in your future. ;)
MS, I recently bought a Fujinon 80mm spotting scope with a 20x60 zoom and I can see .30 and .22 cal holes at 300yrds with no problem. I don't shoot black targets (I make my own targets on the computer and copy them on light colored paper) and so far heat distortion has not been a problem. The two down sides so far are the price($550 at and the size. The up sides are good quality optics for a lot less than the top brands and not having to walk or drive to the target. I Don't know if the large objective lens makes any difference but I also wanted to be able to watch the deer in our pasture in low light situations so I spent the extra $$. If you are looking at the lower priced scopes you should try one out (if possible) before buying. Good luck.
Karsten, I'm sorry. I thought that you had made a great funny, at least it caught me that way :) No problems though, the puter cleaned up just fine:D Sorry to be late with the reply but my puter at work is an AS400 that I will not allow to be connected to the internet. All of my post are from home.

I'm going to get up with yankytrash on that WalMart scope myself! My old Redfield 20x60x60 will barely show a 30 cal hole at 300 if the light is right.
I can usually see .22 holes at 300 yds.

My Leupold 6.5-20 resolves well enough that I can see .22 holes at 300 yards. As long as the target is not Black I usually can make out the holes quite clearly - unless my .22-250 is making holes larger than .22 cal in which case my bad... :)

Yeppers.....after re reading it I had the snicker too :D I guess that would have had too have been a clairavoyant with extremely good eye sightOh well, get a bigger calibre for the short comings of the spotting scope, say the 458 Socom, 50 BMG ot that 550 what ever the heck it was.....Those leave a hole you don't need the spotting scope for....You need a new target :eek:

Now as far as the target at 100, 200 and 300....well 2-5 rounds of well placed 5.56 at 300 and I wouldn't need a spotting scope :confused:

Honestly I bet the Telescope deal would least you could see the target way off.

For my 200 yd target (farthest range I have) I use a 20"x30" white poster board with 6- 3" orange target spots for aiming points. I can see .30 holes with my 3x10x40mm Shepherd scope and .22 holes with my 5x20x50mm Tasco scope with this set up. Plus I can fire six groups before I need to walk to the target. I then cover the groups with new target spots and/or white target pasters and shoot it again. That way one target usually lasts all day. You might give this set up a try and see how it works for you.