Hey, DonQatU, we all loved Bill Ruger right up until he made THE BIG MISTAKE. We all make mistakes. Hell, I should've never gotten divorved for the second time. Live and learn.
To me, he's still one of the great firearms genious' of the twentieth century.
This was the catalyst that drove the stake into our ten round hearts- Nut case guns down a bunch of children in a Stockton, Ca. school yard. Sick-o kills a bunch of people in a high rise in downtown San Fransisco, Ca.
Diane Feinstein took these two cases and ran to Washington with them. What followed was Diane Feinstein, Bill Clinton and a wife of one of those killed in the high rise parading around the country wanting hi-caps reduced or banned. This was the catalyst, not Bill Ruger.
The old guys retired anyway....maybe things will change a bit at Ruger. Not that you'd care.