Mini 14 accuracy

Well Tom, for about a year now I have been complaining about the liberal conditions in America. I swore that after I finished college I would get outta here. I had thought that Europe would be good in a few ways, but worse still in others. But never having visited, I had no clue. Now I know, Europe stands at the gage of hell itself! Tom, gotta get outta there quick! What I just cannot understand is how people (and so many of them) can be so unbelievable blind. I cannot comprehend the level of pure stupidity and idiocy that drives people to think what they do about guns. How can people be *SO* so so so so devoid of rational thought? It makes me sick to think of these people that condemn guns as the same people that take care of their children, drive cars, and operate heavy machinery! Have they been checked to make sure that all their brain is actually there?! I cannot understand how one can think that guns are the problem! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Ergh, when will people wake up? The real problem is that these people won't listen to reason. They have their spoon-fed, sugar-coated, substanceless lies that they cling to and they have the audacity to call what they "believe" Truth! They have no clue what really is going on, but they all make a heck of a lot of ruckus trying to sound as though they do. They need to either get the truth, or shut up! It reminds me of people on a plane wandering around trying to find their blasted seats and talking about how their peaches weren't ripe this morning because they really aren't in season yet. SHUT-UP AND SIT DOWN! Of course for the anti's, its more of a "LISTEN! SHUT UP! HERE'S THE TRUTH!" I am sick to death of liberalism. I am sick to death of liberals. And I am sick to death of their repeated, unoriginal lies.

The answer to the problem is God -- not government.

Tom C UK, how could you folks just sit back and allow that to happen? I realize that there is a lot of incremental anti gun laws happening here, and I think in part it's because the politicians fear what would happen with an attempt to do an all out ban such as yours.
If anyone doubts why good men died so that we wouldn't have a monarc on our money, then he/she ought to read this pitiful thread!!!
WalterGAII, you are right and wrong!!

Right, the thread is pitiful and so many people died to stop the monarch on your coinage.

Your wrong considering that it is our monarch that has forced these laws upon us. We have our elected politicians and the MEDIA, to thank for that.

Yes our New Labour man Blair and his lefties with a heavy sprinkling of do-gooders have put it onto the media to support their ban everything shooting / sporting campaign.

I guess your country seems to be collecting many of these types of people, sadly in this race, we got there first.

Tom C

The land where only the criminals have handguns, and semi-auto rifles, and they use them on the rest of us.
Police cameras. MI5 reading your e-mail. Citizens disarmed. Socialist, uncaring parliament. VAT tax.

Tom, you need to flat-out escape that Island.
Run to "the colonies". We still have a chance over here. Come on over and join the NRA and GOA.
Need to escape is right, but I bet the Bliar party will bring in a law like Russia had, you have to leave the rest of the family behind !! or even worse my Steyr 308 rifle.

I am a member of the NRA (your US one)and I really look forward to their magazine, great to see.

Best wishes
Tom C