Mini-14/30 -- are they really as bad as I hear?

Have an accurized mini. Cost me $385.00 but with the new barrel etc. it shoots honest moa! Almost any rifle can be made to perform by the right methodology. Just that sometimes it's expensive!! There are a number of companies that will make your mini perform. I'm happy.............
I own a Mini-14, and while I agree that it isnt as accurate as some other guns in the same caliber, I am offended by WalterGAII's remarks about boat anchors. As far as I'm concerned, most AR's are the boat anchors.

I recently attended a large gun shoot at a local range, and while the AR's were jamming and failing to feed, the Mini-14's were going strong. NOT ONE MINI -14 REFUSED TO FIRE EVERYTIME. EVERY AR I SAW HAD PROBLEMS.

Walter GAII
I dont want to start a flame war, but while you're trying to get your gun to fire, mine will be going strong, and accurate enough to get the job done.

While accuracy is a good thing, reliability is a better thing,

[This message has been edited by mhannah1 (edited January 28, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by mhannah1 (edited January 28, 2000).]
Hanna, dont mind walt he's always this way when someone mentions mini 14s. :)
Have one and know of friends with 4 others and they all seem to work fine if the mags are decent. Cant complain, but if I were to do it over I would stick with 7.62 guns and forget the little stuff.M14 with match barrel for the accuracy stuff, and HK or FAL for the keep on going with no problems guns. These three I belive beat all the Minis and ARs. But then again I like the sound of "Lock Stock and Barrel" See my reply on Georges post about his screwed up ar.
No flame taken or intended by me. I can only relate my own experiences. I mostly shoot my own reloads in my Bush Shorty. Have shot three or four thousand rounds through it, with not one single failure to feed, function, fire, etc., etc.

I wasn't the originator of the "boat anchor" tag put on the Mini's. Just passed it along. In my usual humble opinion, they're terribly-designed, inaccurate rifles. Not that my friend's 12-yr-old doesn't enjoy playing with the one that I gave him, but he's enjoying my AR a lot more, right now, as he's had it on loan for a couple of weeks right now. (He's 15-yrs.-old now)
I have never shot one, but from the looks if you like the looks, get one of the old Tokarev rifles, i think they came out just before the SKS. the first russkie semi. anyhow, full powered cartridge, good accuracy, (at least my uncle's has) and similar looks.

For those having accurcy problems with the Mini 14, might want to check what the twist of the barrel is on your particular rifle and "feed" it accordingly. Some of the early ones had a 1/7 twist and some went up to I believe 1/12. That will make a difference. Have two of them and they work like a weapon is supposed to-every time!!

You seem to have seen a lot of really bad AR's. I am surprised to hear your description of the match where all the AR's were having trouble. Were they all built by the same local "gunsmith" or something?

I have shot NRA Highpower with an AR for 4 seasons now and am starting my 4th year shooting combat rifle matches with the National Guard state rifle team. I can go back through my data books and add up all the rounds for you, but the 2 AR's I use in Highpower are both on their second barrel. I shoot rack issued M16's in the combat matches. Last year alone, I shot just under 6,000 rounds of 223 through black guns (both combat and Highpower). I had two malfunctions last year, both while testing loads for a 1000 yard match. The loads were a WEE bit hot and had sticky extraction. In actual match shooting over the course of 4 years, I can think of only 1 malfunction in a Highpower match and a couple in the combat matches. The line at Highpower matches is thick with AR type rifles and I have yet to see a rashive outbreak of function problems. What type of match was it where they were shooting Mini's?

As I put out in an eariler post about Mini's. I have owned 2 of them. Both shot VERY poorly. Both had function problems. And yes, using factory mags, handloads or relaods. I suspect we all base our opinions on our own experiances.

We could beat this subject to death, but bottom line is, some guys like the Mini's and some like the AR. Some like both, and good for us all. If we all liked the same stuff it would be a boring place.

[This message has been edited by Tom D (edited January 29, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Tom D (edited January 29, 2000).]
My Mini14 Ranch was accurate enough till it heated up. Unfortunately, with the rear "washer" sight falling off and magazines goingin with some trouble, I didn't much trust the gun. The HBAR15 has had ZERO malfunctions (Mini had a misfeed in 40-50 rounds using 20rd Ruger or PMI mags) and is much more accurate. For ergonomics, Mini was different, better in some ways and worse in others. The problem with getting magazines is a real sticking point...same for parts.
Well I must put my 2 cents worth in this conversation.

First, I have owned a Mini 14 Ranch rifle in stainles for almost three years now. I purchased it after I had to sell my AR-15 A2 H-Bar to pay for my son's birth. My wife said she was glad to see the Colt go, I did not have an opinion on the Colt. It was a fun gun and neat.

I got the stainless ranch rifle on a trade with a Colt paratrooper AR-15 that was shot out pretty good.

I would not trade my little mini-14 for another Colt AR-15.

The mini-14 has never jammed either with reloads or any cheap surplus ammo. My Colt would jam on a consistant basis.

The mini-14 is accurate enough for me. A buddy keeps downing its accuracy, I tell him stand out at 100 yards and let me take the first shot, then he can have the second. He has yet to take me up on the challenge (CASE CLOSED)

They are accurate enough. They were not designed to be tack drivers. You want a tack driver get a target M77 II in .223 they are accurate.

Have fun and happy shooting

Judge Blackhawk

Governments ability to control is directly related to its ability to disarm
I have found Mini's to be tougher than AR's. Yeah, you might get tack driving accuracy with an AR, but what are you using the rifle for?

A Mini-14/30 will get the job done and when those cool looking Black Rifles are but mere memories, the Mini will still be around.

Hi-Caps are nice, but not a necessity. I like the stainless model myself. No scope, just iron sights, a good comfortable sling and a few boxes of ammo.