Mindset: It will never happen here.

The painter in the shop next to mine poo-pooed my gun toting ways for the year he was there. Said he had a bat and that was all that was needed. I went to my shop one morning and had Police Line tape all over. Somebody took an axe to him.
Most of the hoods in the area know me. Once while inside doing paperwork, I heard somebody say "Not here! This guy shoots! Let's go somewhere else." Evidently, they're learning.
I'll take this a little further too....

Funny thing about events "not happening here." For many people in many communities all over the US, it never happens there. This doesn't make the mindset correct, but only notes that the mindset is fully supported with long term support for many people in many communities/locations.

It is a funny thing that we are vigilant because we know it can and does happen, even if it hasn't happened to us...and we have the stats to back up our assertions. At the same time, the naysayers have have the stats to back up their assertions as well. Even if it does happen in their community, it still may be wholly unlikely to happen to them...statistically speaking.

On the down side, those living in remote areas where "it will never happen" may feel confident that it won't and it certainly may not, but if it does, help isn't likely to just be minutes away (which is already too long), but 10s of minutes away.

I'm not big on stats(I waste money on a lottery ticket here and there...go figure), but if you want to talk stats: many many times(and it has been documented and studied multiple multiple times), a rapist, burglar, car trespassing thief, or whatever the case will find the window that is open with only a screen, the unlocked door. He might have been at your neighbor's house but that area was secure or had lights. the stats say you are more vulnerable. An entire family(mother, father...both young w/multiple young children) was killed in richmond virginia this millenium on new years day while getting ready for an afternoon party, get together. the absolute only reason why they were chosen was the bad guys saw the front door open as they drove by. one child was actually dropped off while the bad guys were there and the mom answered the door and let her in(she apparently only thought she was being robbed...the family was burned to death while bound).

pretty much ramblin...bottom line there is no such thing as "it doesn't happen here"
Well I have been preaching to the girls to always keep the garage door shut, and look when they hear a noise out in the front of the house. They are nieve and seem to think that just because we are out in the country that nothing will ever happen. I am starting to convince them otherwise, but it has taken a long time to get them there. It just seems like women refuse to beleive that anybody would really want to harm them. They use to argue with me that there is no crime ever in our area, and nobody would ever hurt us, on and on. They use to think that I was just paranoid which really made me mad. So it has been a tough road to convince 2 women that they need to be aware and on guard. They are both 35 years old, city girls, and have never in their lives been exposed to a violent act, so they just do not understand the mind of a criminal!
It had become more common in Orlando, too, but many of those robberies seemed to target illegal immigrants - who were extremely unlikely to call police.

I moved back to Illinois from Florida in 2007; there was a noticable uptick in home invasions in the couple of years before I left though. Mostly middle class areas. The HI was typically the result of someone leaving a garage door open at night and the bad guys entering through the garage; or someone out in an open garage late at night confronted by the bad guys.

Live by these two words: Home Carry

Something good to know is also your typical area LEO response time. I had to call the cops for the first time sunday night; there was a drunk guy who could not stand in the lobby of my building. Cops were there in about 2 mins; I was rather impressed.
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DNS, I can't debate your post, but I am hardpressed to believe that "nothing truly happens here".

they might say that when something happens there or when something happens to them, but stuff does happen. nearly every single community has some dirt even if you do go back some decades. the saying is flawed for people to say that too. the truth is it can happen to them. many many crimes are completely and totally random bad luck. basically, you just won the lottery but you're not getting an annuity "in cold blood" movie/book/true story just one of ten million examples. we're all going to the same place it is just a matter of when and how: murder, palne crash, car crash, accidental shooting, heart attack, frozen cybergenics(spelling:cool::), and so-on

PS- you quoted my ramblin line so I sortof followed it up in this post:D

all the best
It just happened here,,,

This morning at approximately 7:50 a junior high student here in Stillwater, Oklahoma "...died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head...".

This article gives a few details about what happened this morning.

I'm not stunned by the news of this apparent suicide,,,
Perhaps I'm getting too familiar with the frequency of these type of events.

I am deeply saddened at the grief the parents will have to endure,,,
I truly hope the media shows some empathy in their reporting of the event.


A couple of things that you can use to help inform yourself and loved ones. My local PD/Sheriffs office(they're integrated) provides this service, which maps incident reports. I'd imagine other PDs might have similar services. Also there's a company called alert id, which is a bit broader allows users to post info along with other LEA provided information.
A lot of us though who live in or near major urban areas have a big issue. The media under the direction of political forces/the police tend to under report, mis-report or not report at all on many crimes. Obviously if a #1 male kills a wealthy family with a hacksaw it gets coverage but your average B&E's; Home invasions etc do not get all that much media play so it is difficult at times to know just how common something is and if it is happening in your area.
Some people just have their heads in the clouds. I have a family member like that. Doesn't own guns, doesn't expect any mischief at all in his area no matter how much I preach to him. My Detroit mindset will not change when I move. In fact there are plans in the works for a video surveillance system in the new house-something I don't even have here.
I have converted some friends and relatives to my side. They belived that it couldn not happen here, or stuff like that doesnt hapen here....and the why do you need to carry......till recent news happenings involving murders, drugs, robberies. now people see the light.
It's not just the criminals from the bad part of town coming into your neighborhood you have to worry about. Your neighbor down the street who make a couple of million a year might have a kid messed up on coke or meth. He is dangerous too. You never know where it wil happen.
For some reason, that name sounded familiar...so I did a quick Google search.
Here is what 30 sec turned up...



Looks like this guy is no stranger to our Judicial system.

Not sure if NH has a Three Strikes law, but if they do, maybe this will be the last we hear from him for a while...hoping so, anyway.
Seems that criminals around tend to go after the exact type of neighborhoods that are supposed to be safe, affluent where people have a sense of security.

Always new stories popping up about home invasions in the least expected neighborhoods.

I live in a 40 year old ranch style home in a very blue collar neighborhood with relatively low crime although this summer we had several Hispanic homes robbed by Hispanic thieves.
It seemed they were targeting Hispanics that had at least one illegal living there ...probably in hopes they would not report the thefts.

In one of the homes a painfully beautiful 21 year old female opened the basement door when she heard someone tampering with the lock,in her downstairs apartment.
When she asked the two Hispanic males what they wanted they told her they must have had the wrong home and left in a hurry.
She is an illegal and did not report it but told my neighbor who told me.
She was the only witness to the crime so I contacted my meighborhood watch officer and asked if they would leave her alone if she cooperated with them as she was the only eyewitness to these two criminals.
They assured me that they would not even question her legal status as getting these guys off the street was their only concern.

Thank God the bad guys did not rape,or kill her.

There were three of these incidents in one week alone on my street and on an adjacent street.

The cops went door to door and did not seem too thrilled at the " We don't call 911" sign made out of wooden block letters and a wooden revolver on my front door.
They told me " You know you still need to call 911 right?"

I said " If someone breaks into this home I will call 911, but only to clean up the mess."

They both actually smirked while trying to act serious.....LOL.
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If you do some research on this subforum, you might see that such a sign can bite you on the rear end if you go to court on an ambiguous shooting. You might think it is a 'good' shoot but the DA might not.

Then the sign and the officers' testifying about what you said - won't be funny.

The cops went door to door and did not seem too thrilled at the " We don't call 911" sign made out of wooden block letters and a wooden revolver on my front door.

If you do some research on this subforum, you might see that such a sign can bite you on the rear end if you go to court on an ambiguous shooting. You might think it is a 'good' shoot but the DA might not.

Then the sign and the officers' testifying about what you said - won't be funny.


Good advice.

Too, the wooden revolver on your front door does nothing but increase your chances of getting burglarized as it advertises that most likely there are guns in the house.
I have a .45 double stack and an AR-15 and a few shot guns around the house. I dont worry about being invaded. If it happens then they will find an 50 yrs old Marine that is well armed and more than ready to deal with the problem at hand. I am not one for living paranoid.