Miltary in Mesa, Arizona


New member
Two separate and reliable people I spoke to related this to me today:

Seen at 11:30 PM November 29th @ Mesa Dr.& Brown in Mesa, Arizona.

2 M1 Abrams, barrels lowered, on rubberized treads headed south, followed by 2 troop transports (16 men each) with magazines in rifles.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
So? I saw a Huey flying over deserted parts of W. TX on Monday morning... what of it?

Our troops. On our soil. Not exactly a significant force, either. 'S all right. For now.


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


Check the above link if you want something to worry about.

Not that I think they are going to take over, I just don't think it's a good idea to have foriegn troops on US soil.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Well, when was the last time you saw two tanks and 32 armed GI's rolling through a highly populated part of town?

Aren't tanks usually transported on truck?

Don't GI's normally have the magazines OUT of their guns?

Are the .50's on those tanks NORMALLY loaded with their belted ammunition with someone manning them?

I've never seen it before, and I thought it highly irregular...

So, set me straight! :)

LP, We see Apaches and Long Bows flying over regularly, but this was a definite change of pace.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
When you say thew main tube was lowered, do you mean it was locked in the cradle? If so, its nothing to worry about. No tank crew would go into combat with the main gun locked down. Tanks normally travel with the main tubes pointed in opposite directions to cover fields of fire. If the tube is locked, they're just traveling from here to there.
A couple of years ago I was traveling to Denver going South on I-25 when 14 howitzers with full support went past me heading North. Of course they were just going from Colorado Springs to Wyoming but to some people it may have seemed like an invasion.

They have to get materiel from one place to another somehow; and the Eisenhower Highway System seems to be the logical choice being as that is what it was designed for.
RE: The Luftwaffe base in New Mexico. Well, all I have to say is that at least it's a German outfit. It could have been Chinese. THERE I would have a real problem.

Here's a question, to open up a can of worms: What's the difference between our bases over there and their bases over here (apart from the obvious)?

Putting on my asbestos...


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Ulfilas, no flames here, just answering the question. Our bases were for NATO to give us immediate response capability in the event of an attack by the Warsaw Pact from eastern Europe. To be the same thing as a NATO base in Germany it would seem that we would expect an attack from Mexico. Maybe next the Brits will have a base in Montana in case those pesky Canadians start trying to flex a little muscle.
Ok were their belts on the copula mounted .50s?? Was the side canvas on the trucks rolled up or missing?? Yes usually they transport tracks by truck but not always especially if the CO doesn't care about his maneuver damage costs. My unit once powdered 5 miles of those little ceramic lane markers that they like to use out west and dug up tons of hot asphalt on one exercise in 1987. Also wasn't the 29th a Monday that’s usually the day you go to the field for a week.

Oh were there black plastic caps on the ends of the M-16s (they make a black plastic tube that is closed a one end that fits over the flash suppressor to keep dust and dirt out of the barrel of the rifle) or were there little red blank adapters on the ends of the barrels... were the dust covers closed.. was every one including drivers and shotguns wearing helmets and their M-16 rifles (Drivers and other front seat riders)weren't hung upside down on the front window screws?? Were the tanks combat locked or were there heads showing??
If they stopped did the herring bone and put out flank security? Was their a tank in the lead and one following with the turret facing backwards with the trucks in the middle?

A Mag in the well doesn't mean a thing we routinely did it to keep the rifle clean from dust. Generally when the arms room issued a M-16 for Field training one mag was issued too.

Sounds to me like some green LT was trying to get from one place to another and decided to take the road.

As for are those .50 normally loaded... get real we never saw rounds until we got to the range. They were always brought on a seperate truck and you had to account for every piece of spent brass or live ammo left too, before you could leave.

[This message has been edited by Alan B (edited December 01, 1999).]
The reason the germans are here is they cann't train in their own country. Tornados take too much area and fly too low for the heavily populated areas of Germany. Also the weather is ideal for air ops unlike over the plains of Germany where they are shut down for flying because of clouds, fog and weather. Also dropping live ordnance (full yield )is extremely hard in Europe for the reasons of pop density and the potentials of the Greens going nuts about it.
oberkommando, what are my papers?

It's normal to have a magazine in the rifle, especially under dusty conditions, helps to keep the dust out.

I know that the Germans aren't here to invade and are here because of the reasons stated.

But, still, this could be the begining of a a world army. Think this is mentioned in one of those books...hmmm oh, yea I remember the name was a book called the Bible.

[This message has been edited by Jimmie (edited December 01, 1999).]

A world army. Now what the heck would a world army be good for? Who would be the enemy? If the world were united enough to field a single army, it should be equipped with laser satellites, space-fighters and other similar weapons to repel an *alien* attack.
Okay, Alan.

I called and asked your questions.

<LI>Ok were their belts on the copula mounted .50s??


<LI>Was the side canvas on the trucks rolled up or missing??

Down on the sides, open in the back.

<LI>Also wasn't the 29th a Monday that’s usually the day you go to the field for a week.

It was 11:30pm Monday night. And if so, they certainly took an unusual route to the field.

<LI>Oh were there black plastic caps on the ends of the M-16s (they make a black plastic tube that is closed a one end that fits over the flash suppressor to keep dust and dirt out of the barrel of the rifle)


<LI>or were there little red blank adapters on the ends of the barrels...


<LI>were the dust covers closed...

Couldn't tell. It wouldn't have mattered, anyway.

<LI>was every one including drivers and shotguns wearing helmets and their M-16 rifles

Yes. All were wearing their helmets; they were not blue. :)

<LI>Were the tanks combat locked or were there heads showing??

One head, the one manning the .50

<LI>If they stopped did the herring bone and put out flank security? Was their a tank in the lead and one following with the turret facing backwards with the trucks in the middle?

No to both points. It was Tank, Tank, Truck, Truck. The barrels of the tanks were not locked in their cradles and pointing forward. The rear tank could have blasted the a$$ of the forward tank without moving the barrel. And both tanks were set up for urban use.

<LI>Sounds to me like some green LT was trying to get from one place to another and decided to take the road.

<LI>As for are those .50 normally loaded... get real we never saw rounds until we got to the range. They were always brought on a seperate truck and you had to account for every piece of spent brass or live ammo left too, before you could leave.


My point in this post was to note the ->unusual<- occurance, and the ->increasing<- unusual occurances across our country.

Dismiss it, if you like. Call me crazy, if you like, but I'm done nit-picking fine points.

There is only one fact that is important to me: I do not trust my government!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited December 02, 1999).]
Thanks, Jeff--My question came out of my personal experience with the German attitude to the US military presence over there (Grafenwöhr, Ramstein, etc.). I guess having German bases here gives us a little idea as to what they went through after the Cold War sublimated.

But your answer made absolute sense--we needs all the help we can gets from the overwhelming firepower of the Mexican armed forces ;) (Which, if Slick Willie keeps cutting back our military, might prove to be a reality)


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
It's a shame no one ever seems to have a camera to document these alleged incidences. We have more photos of Bigfoot then we do of these military maneuvers that are such urban legend.

It's not paranoia, they really are out to get me.

I dont trust the gubberment any farther than I can throw it either. But

1130 at night

The only time my platoon did things like this was late at night (some pencil neck who goes home at 5:30 locked the gates we needed to use) Intresting that at night you could see belts in the .50 but not see if there were blank adapters present. (on the .50s or the M-16s)

So if they were on a public road did anyone bother to look where they came from or went to. Any tracked vehicle leaves marks on a hard ball road (the rubber on the treads only works so good) oh all treads have rubber pads how much rubber depends on how long its been since the pads were changed.

Could be something to this,
but since the war bonus riots in the 1930s and the kent state incident in the 60s the Government has been real anal retentive on giving troops live ammunition unless they are at the range or under very tight control, outside combat conditions. Rember the Marines in Beruit could not defend themselves because they were not allowed to keep a loaded mag in the well while on guard duty. While guarding the ammo dump at an army post, (with open trailers loaded with munitions out in an open area between berms) we were not allowed to lock and load until we had challenged the intruder the second time with “halt or I will Shoot”.
Used to be, before WWI all rifles were kept in the barracks with ammo, now weapons are kept in the armory where the arms are usually in a locked room in a locked cage and locked 5 at a time to a rack. Ammo can be stored in the arms room but only a short time ie over night or only a few days in the case of a NG or reserve unit. Paranoid does not even come close to the Armys control of ammunition in everthing but a combat envoriment and there are times in combat envoriments when troops are denied ammunition

By the way why do you say the tanks were setup for Urban use what was the clue for this statement?
Had a Colorado national guard C-130 buzz me in wyoming at a hieght of 100 feet... he circled and waved his wings (i was field dressing an antelope at the time).

Was really cool but did give me the red dawn willys for a moment ;) (he's coming around??? what the hell for?? then he waved as he passed over)

On the national guard live ammo and antelope:

The State of Colorado recently Paid the state of wyoming reparations for 2 Colo. National guard warplanes shooting up a herd of antelope during a ground attack training mission.

Seems EVERY hunting season i see more military aircraft but NG and CAP handle search and rescue in colorado so i suppose that's normal.

"just cause I'm paranoid doesn't mean they AREN'T out to get me" Catch 22

Last time I went to Las Vegas I got buzzed by an F-18 flying VERY low. I ID every military jet on the planet - but this thing was going so fast I am not 100% sure it was an F-18. I am 100% positive it was in full afterburner. What a sight!

I noticed it had a load of arms. AGMs and some Mk 84 slicks...
That was strange. Very Strange - that doesnt happen all to often.
But I aint worried.

Johns observation was a littel different.
I would be very curious as to just WTF was going on.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?