Military Style, Weapons of War?

Why in the world would he hand it over in the first place, never surrender your weapon. But let's assume there was a good reason, why in hell didn't he clear his weapon before handing it over?

OOPS! Was refering to the postabove where some Idiot cop handed over his full auto rifle cocked and locked to Pelosi without clearing it even.
Yeah, this kinda went a little sideways and the term to describe military rifles as AW's came up in CA back in the 80's.

As 44 Amp posted, the school yard shooting is what brought on the first ban in CA. Senator Art Agnos was the one that kept pushing the term assault rifle/firearms to describe military weapons.

It will never change now, no matter what we call them or refer to them as. The media and politicians have latched onto the term assault weapon(s) and will continue to use it because it scares people.

Rat's! My 1903 Springfield fully customized is an assault rifle!
It is true that the well known Democrat politicians are big on assault rifles and weapons of war. It is also true they don’t know what they are talking about. If you think that is the problem you are a fool. The people that are the think tank of the Democrat party know exactly what their subject matter is. They spend a lot of hours dreaming up ways to lie and mislead the public. Same deal they use on immigrants/ illegal aliens. The Left promoted the illegal aliens to illegal immigrants so it a short time they were just immigrants. When they reach that point they are purposely confusing the public. They further present the gun issue as one of public safety. We all know it’s a must for Marxist governments to outlaw private ownership of firearms. That way you can’t resist when they tell you there is no more private ownership of real estate or business. You got to look for the real motive for many of the Lefts agendas. None of it is for the benefit of humanity.
Pahoo, so you’re 100% informed as to the current gun laws and legislation in all 50 states? My hat is off to you, sir!
The media has stopped calling them "military style weapons" and started calling them "long rifles/ long guns."
I wonder what new buzzword term they'll call them next week? Probably what ever scores highest in their focus group testing...

It would seem that the communist/left is on shaky ground with all the new gun owners out there----ironically caused by the rioters under their umbrella.
It would seem that the communist/left is on shaky ground with all the new gun owners out there---

Short of proposing outright confiscation, that ground might not be as shaky as you think with the new gun owners...

Some will, I'm sure, take up the gun rights cause as their own, but I'm afraid a lot of them will not be very concerned with future laws, because "they've already got a gun"....