Midway stupidness

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I expect I'm in a minority, but I have never liked Midway. I have found their web site to be virtually unnavigable, and I don't like their attitude. I followed a link from an Internet search on .22 speed loaders and it brought me to Midway, where I spotted this:



What's so stupid about a chamber flag? Nothing, really. Except:

[quote][B]Gunsmithing required:[/B] Disassembly and Assembly required to replace part[/quote]
Don't hardly think so.

[list][*]Some parts may require installation by a qualified gunsmith
[*]Factory replacement parts are manufactured to the exact same specifications and tolerances and use the same manufacturing materials as the original parts[/list][/quote]
Again, I just don't think a chamber flag requires a gunsmith to "install." And what's the bit about specifications and tolerances? It's a chunk of molded plastic that fits multiple calibers, fer cryin;' out load.
For myself,I make it through my day without letting stuff like that bother me.
Its a S+W part. I suppose Midway ,on a blanket level,has a policy selling S+W factory parts.(We sell the part,you are responsible for fit and function)The staff obeys policy,without having a meeting to come to consensus or asking Harry Potterfield if this part should be an exception.

I consider Midway a valuable resource for all of us who choose to use them.
They are as likely to have whatever in stock at a reasonably competitive price as anyone,and I have Natchez,Grafs, Brownels etc for alternatives

I try to shop my LGS Mom and Pop,but past that,its easier to get online than drive to Big Box.I will often choose waiting a few days for delivery over driving in traffic a couple of hours.

I don't recall,at present,anything but good customer service from Midway.

And if I did not like Midway,I'd be absolutely free to not log on to the site,so they would not annoy me.

Wow. Thank you,Aguila,for helping me be aware of my own inner peas !!!

Now I'll go to my "Happy Place" (I'm getting hungry and a beer sounds good)
I'm fine with the disclaimers.
But I don't like the catalogs/flyers that have no pricing in them.
"Go to our website for options and pricing"

Either put the prices in the catalog/ flyer, or quit sending them to me.
^^^^^ Do you know why? Little if anything is on sale anymore. I know they have 50000 items on sale, but prices seem to be set by a bot. The first one of us that learns to trick the bots is gonna clean up! They will have some $500 item marked $2.99 because of the price compare the bots are doing!
Like mentioned, looks like it's just a general, generic disclaimer. Don't think I will boycott them just yet.
Wow, much ado about nothing here. This is little different than all the things written in 98% of firearms owner's manuals (or on the barrel of a Ruger)

MidwayUSA and Mr. Potterfield invented the NRA Round-Up and with it have pioneered a method that has resulted in millions of dollars toward the Pro-2A cause.

This discussion is fine... the subject line is a corn-filled cowpie that slags a fantastic company. Far more offensive than a plastic chamber flag that has a silly caveat in the description that most folks don't get pantie-twisted over.
MidwayUSA and Mr. Potterfield invented the NRA Round-Up and with it have pioneered a method that has resulted in millions of dollars toward the Pro-2A cause.

This discussion is fine... the subject line is a corn-filled cowpie that slags a fantastic company. Far more offensive than a plastic chamber flag that has a silly caveat in the description that most folks don't get pantie-twisted over.

I agree. Life is for too short to get bent out of shape over nothing. Blasting a company for adding a disclaimer to cover their rears from stupid customers or litigious troublemakers is silly.
I buy local no shipping no Hazmat and I find a good price . Midway I have ever used . I use a lot of Unique and keep 16.LB or more I buy primers 15,000 at a time when a good deal happens . I not going to stop reloading and shooting soon .
I am getting to be not much of a fan of any of the discount places. Nothing like getting catalogs of huge inventory and then seeing "Out of stock" when you look something up. Why bother to catalog it?
Get off the mailing list.
If I can post here,I can go to the website.Don't need a catalogue.In stock/out of stock is posted.
Goes in the cart.
I have a plastic card dedicated to online purchases. No overdraft.I only put money in that one as I use it.If I'm going to spend $285,I load $300.
That's the only card number out there.
Works for me
Didn't mean to create a big deal out of it. I just thought the notion that a chamber flag requires gunsmith installation was a bit over the top on liability CYA.
I yearn for the old days of browsing through a "Herter's" catalog, but that's me. At 64, my computer skills are no where as refined as some of the youngsters here.

I view Midway the same as Mid-South, Graf and Sons, etc., but I miss the huge Midway catalog discontinued a few years back.
Eh, it's the world we live these days. I'm no Midway fan but have bought from them and will continue.

I agree with you, their website kinda sucks.
There's plenty of online sources if one is disagreeable.
Personally, I admire the folks at Midway for their support of the shooting sports, the NRA and, so far, their excellent service.
I, too, had a problem with their web site and wrote them about it, along with a suggestion for a possible cure.
To my great surprise, I got a reply - from Mr. Potterfield himself.
And they did cure the problem.
I'm a fan.
Do you happen to have high blood pressure, OP?

Also if you find Midway to be "virtually unnavigable" you must have a hard time with a lot of websites.
Also if you find Midway to be "virtually unnavigable" you must have a hard time with a lot of websites.
In fact, I do.

And, FWIW, in the "good ole days" of MS-DOS, I was a beta tester for several software companies. The reason I was good at it is that I followed the instructions, and the problems with software were (and are) that it often doesn't behave the way the instructions say it will. With web sites, the "instructions" are right there on the screen, in the form of links. If the links don't perform as one expects them to, or you have to execute multiple clicks to get where the first click should have taken you -- that's a problem with the design of the web site.
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