
7-4-99 606PM EDT As a Christian, I believe the Mark will come and it will of coarse be voluntary as the NWO implements its new economic system in a post Y2k calamity. The old system will be destroyed and the Bible is quite clear that you will not buy or sell without the Mark on weither your forehead or hand. I believe there will not be a Pre Tribulation Rapture,but that Chistians who do not take the MARK will be killed(Revelations mentions beheading and rumors are around that Justice Dept has a good supply of Guillotines stashed away). But some Christians will surviveaand be protected by God ; awaiting the Second Coming of Jesus Christ who will sweep away Beast system. As a after thought, the persecution of Christians has already begun the good old US.
The tracking is the easy part. Refer back to my previous posts on On Board Diagostics system III (ODB III) intended for cars. If this system goes into use, every car built will be capable of satallite communication and GPS tracking. If they can locate your vehicle, it's only a matter of time before they locate you.

As for putting chips in people, I think they would start with welfare and food stamp reciepiants to "cut down on fraud". If you don't voluntarilly accept the chip, Big Brother will cut you off. With so many thousands on public assistance programs, getting their foot in the door will be very easy. Many of these people are blacks who insist on their rights but fail to realize that they are little more than modern slaves to the government. "Do as we say or we'll cut you off and you'll starve!" These folks really need to wake up. If you depend on the government to survive, they own you.
come on Ivan, the justice dept w/guillotines?
now i believe the government is capable, and probably willing to do most anything that promotes their ideas, but guillotines?? just can't buy that, sorry...

what me worry?
7-4-99 1103 PM EDT That subject of the guillotines is ,of coarse, not actually confirmed. I probably should not have mentioned it until I have some proofbesides accounts that are second hand. The detention centers are in existence though. Of coarse we do not know why they(camps) are being built. Or do we? If I find out the facts on those infernal devices,I will let you know.