

New member
I took this from a post on another list Im on.......---- But this was in a
local paper: (News of the Weird column - compiled by Chuck Shepherd,
Universal Press Syndicate)

>>" Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading (England) University told "The
Times" of London in May that "several" firms had approached him about
surgically implanting transponder microchips into their workers as a way
of keeping track of their hours and whereabouts. Cybernetics expert
Warwick last year put a chip into his own forearm to demonstrate the
technology, which will be further exhibited in England beginning in 2001
to keep track of pets adn might, he said, be used to keep track of people
who are granted licenses to carry firearms."
Sounds like Big Brother is getting a lot of help from technology!! The
scary part is that the chips are so easy to implant- just a shot, like
for the flu, etc...... England is a small, controlled population, easy to
test stuff like this out.
Hmmmm...they won't do that (or the radio ankle bracelets) to paroled and repeat sexual offenders but its a good idea for gun owners huh?
No wonder the limeys always need us to bail their sorry butts out of the fire

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
My thoughts exactly and you know if this goes through in England or anywhere else it will be but a short time before the anti's will bring it here......once again because these durn foreign countries roll over it makes our fight that much harder---I wish they would wise up.....fubsy.
I wonder how easy they would be to remove...


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

what they will do is start with an encripted smart card

Use it at the ATM and you don't pay the 1.50 bank charge

it will seem like a good thing

we are being tracked by several databases

immunization, employment, SSN, State driving records

maybe we are all to paranoid
Maybe the second amendment is strong
Maybe they can't and won't attempt to disarm the population


All the more reason to stay healthy. There is an important reason to socialize medicine in this Country. To collaberate physicians into personal data providers, via DNA samples, and potentially implanted microchips (GPS).

In addition, many HMO and PPO providers are currently asking questions about firearm ownership on required forms.

There will be more and more news about the need to have DNA databases for a number of issues, most importantly crime solving. They're already collecting DNA in European countries. Don't let modern technology boggle your brain tissue, giving up this sort of information to anyone affiliated with government is an infringement of your Constitutional freedoms.

Grocery stores who offer discount cards to customers are actually collecting data on your purchases and uses. Same with video rentals. Credit card purchases contain a host of information on a particular buyer. Imagine now who knows about all of those Y2K supplies you just stored away, purchased with a credit card.
I agree that you should keep your information private; whether it’s your purchasing habits or DNA sequence. I'm posting this reply to debunk some of the hysteria I have heard (not necessarily here) about GPS tracking individuals. I would imagine I am probably the GPS super freak of this group and am VERY familiar with the technology and where it’s heading.

Lets take a look at a scenario, which has basically been posited here:

1. A GPS device is injected, inserted, or otherwise attached to an individual.

2. The government, black choppers, or whomever, tracks said individual.


Is this system tracking in real-time, near real-time, or does it log the individuals movements for a specified time (hour, day, week, etc) and then upload them to a tracking station?


Let's assume real-time tracking. In order for a GPS receiver to calculate a position it needs three components: an antenna (which must have an unobstructed view to the sky), a computer (to resolve C/A code and carrier phase measurements) and a power source. If you are going to work in real-time you also need a transmitter to communicate with a tracking station.


Assuming all this exists in a small enough package to be inserted under the skin (it doesn't), you still need tracking stations. The logistics of tracking thousands of transmitted signals is onerous. Power limitations on the roving unit (the one that’s attached to some poor soul) would preclude long range transmissions. So they would have to put receiving (tracking) stations all over the place.

If it was not a real-time system then the power requirements and ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) requirements are diminished, but you have to have increased memory to store the individuals track log. You also would need to upload the track log at some point, which would probably require a wireless link.


IMHO this is all very unlikely in the next 20 years. What you should really be worried about is a system that already exists and many of you probably own—mobile phones. As long as that phone is on “they” can track you from cell to cell, and “they” are now starting to put GPS in the phones as a public safety issue:

“Hello 911, I have an emergency!”

“Calm down sir, what is the nature of your emergency and where are you?”

“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up, --I don’t know where I am.”

You get the idea.

OK, I’ve stopped ranting--- ;)

[This message has been edited by Mendocino (edited June 29, 1999).]

It's already being done. A year or so ago, the local Sheriffs Dept. ran a campaign to have ID markers placed, by local dentists, into a tooth of area children to help in identifying them if they were, for some reason, to turn up missing.
Hi Guys!

The resources to impliment such a system are pretty much in place. There was a show on The Learning Channel two weeks ago detailing the amount of survelance that various government agencies are capable of. Quite scary.
Tracking someone with an implanted gps is going about it the hard way. This may get long, but here it is. The chips implanted in dogs, cats, etc (to my understanding) do not have a power source. The scanner has to be pretty close, but the rf energy it beams at the chip has enough power for the chip to transmit back its unique, identifying signal.

The human chip that was developed approx 15 years ago uses (probably improved since then) a small lithium battery. This provides enough power to say signal a receiver at the atm, or in a doorway, or at a traffic signal. That receiver would then record the identifier of the person who passed that way. With enough of them around, you wouldn't need GPS to keep fairly good tabs on someone.

Now the good part. I do believe in the Mark of the Beast and the chip fits very precisely in the puzzle. The battery in the chip will eventually run out of power if it isn't recharged. I've heard/seen the interview with the man who developed the chip, so this is from the horse's mouth. I've still got the video. The chip includes a bi-metallic strip. For those of you who might not be up on this trivia, a bi-metallic strip is a strip made of two dissimilar metals. They have different coefficients of expansion and applying an electrical current to the strip will cause it to heat slightly and bend due to the dissimilar expansion. The reverse is also true. Changes in temperature will cause the strip to flex, generating small amounts of current. This is what keeps the battery charged. In order to maximize the charging effect, they studied the human body to determine which parts go thru the greatest temperature fluctuations througout the day. The two areas they identified as optimum were the forehead and the back of the hand. Specifically the right hand as the majority of the population is right handed. Beginning to sound like Revelations?
It gets better. They also determined that if anything caused the battery to rupture, the lithium would cause an ulcerating sore that would be very difficult to heal. See Revelations.

Personal weapons are what raised mankind out of the mud, and the rifle is the queen of personal
weapons. The possession of a good rifle, as well as the skill to use it well, truly makes a man the
monarch of all he surveys.
-- Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle
The Mark of the Beast...
I dont know about the MARK...
We all have the number of the beast...
and the ONE World currency...
It is called VISA.

Any questions?

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


The first time I had ever heard of the idea of microchip implants was about two years ago. I was forced (I didnt want to offend a relative) to watch a four hour long "end-time" prophecy video by a man named Monte Judah. He said the very same thing that Dorsai just said about the lithium batteries.."grievous sores"..and so forth. Monte Judah is a very radical christian "end-time" prophecy sect leader. I am a Christian..one who thinks with reason and logic..but I am skeptical about the various personal biblical interpretations that different people have. I do have to admit though, that the microchips do seem to be a potential "mark of the beast." It seems to fit perfectly with the move toward a cashless society. It's frightening
Some time back I ran across the deal where you have to show your SS Card (the original) to renew a driver's license. I raised an eyebrow, but since they didn't write down the number I didn't think much of it (other than my usual sneer).

I believe it was in today's WND where there was a story about a lady who got crosswise over this, over in Carolina.

Anyway, the story went on to say the rationale for showing the SS card is "For The Children". They can catch "Dead-Beat Dads".

Now, this is federally mandated, said the article. Hmmm.

They didn't do any check of my SS #. How could they know if I'm a DBD?

If it's for DBDs, why hassle women? How many women have been ordered to pay child support?

I'm 65. Thanks for the compliment! Hmmm, again: I think I'll start DEMANDING they check me out for DBD! :)

Best regards, Barfie
I worked for the company that introduced the first working system of 'microwave id tracking' it just happened to be from our friends in Germany, where else.....

It was installed in Saab's automotive plant back in the early eighties... the id was passive and got its energy from the tracking sensor , a burst of mw sent at the chip and it returned its data.... new data could be registered onto the chip with the proper frequency sequence, then the next station would get the new data as well when it sensed the chip. Now this was all quite benign as they were only assuring that the car of xxx serial number ended up with all the correct options installed, but with new micro-miniaturization this chip was infact makde for bio implant and was used in Desert Storm so that they could find downed pilots or dead troops on the ground from a chopper 3000 ft in the air.

Now , on the cashless system, they wouldn't do continuous tracking , except in active searches for arrest purposes and ongoing active investigations of dessention leaders. The purpose would be to gain the ability to check on anyone they determined they needed to check on.

All the money devices would have sensors, and all public buildings would have sensors , and things like cell phones and their associated antenna stations would be capable of participating in the search net.

People who tried to avoid the the system, would have no means of buying anything, because money would not be allowed. Only the PIC ( Personal Identifier Chip ) would allow you to make purchases or access your personal finances or government facilities, or even to start your car... need to prevent car theft you know!!!

Additionally, when they went to active search mode they could identifiy any person or vehicle passing a sensor that did not respond to the sensing attempt and flag it as a potential 'terrorist' or what ever. and the gestapo would soon be closing in!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
This is off topic so I'll keep it short.
In 1973 I was divorced. I had sole custoday granted to me, by the court. I earned less than $9,000.00 a year. My ex earned over $27,000 a year at the time, and later her earnings went to over $70,000 a year. My kids went without a lot of things. She never paid a penny of support. The court laughed when I brought up the subject, and said the only way support could be obtained was for me to quit working and go on welfare. I refused.
"For the children" my ass.
"Fair share" my ass.
All the f**kers were interested in was collecting their poundage in the most efficient manner. Forceing a woman to pay support would have cost them money.
From the following article:

........(snip) "For a business, the potential is obvious. You can tell when people clock into work and when they leave the building. You would know at all times exactly where they were and who they were with."..........(snip)

Then it goes on to say....

....(snip) "OK, there'll be some opposition at first. There'll be those who'll put up a small amount of resistance. Some will holler: 'The Constitution this, and the Constitution that.' But only those social misfits, kooks, and rebels with something to hide will hold out strongly. Little will they know, the very act of objecting, in itself, will suffice to 'identify' them as trouble-makers. They can then be arrested and force-chipped as part of the booking process!.........(snip)


They better put it someplace I can't cut it out from!


They can be force-chipped? I've read revelations and although not recently,,, It was my understanding that in order to be condemed by God that taking of the Mark of the Beast had to be voluntary?

I cant see God condeming you if they held you down and surgically implanted a chip without your consent.

I dont think it will ever come down to that, in order for salvation and condemnation to work... "free will" has to be maintained. It will be up to the individual as to whether they accept the chip or not.... NOT, will result in the inability to funciton in this society. As for myself, I would rather starve (I know, easy to say now)... If this came to pass, I'm headed for the mountains where I can hopefully hunt and fish to survive... the early settlers did this, hope I can too :)

Of course, they'll probably ban individuals from our national forest to "preserve" them and track you with infrared helicopters to locate rogue individuals in the bush.

I'm 33, hope all this crap happens after I'm dead (and yes I am concerned about my children and grandchildren).

There is one solution right now before you though! Get your life right with God now, and the Rapture will spare you the 7 year trials and tribulation.

Just my .223 worth,
