Michigan concealed carry "mental illness" question?

"Have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective, or have you been committed to a mental institution?"

IANAL but taking medications for minor anxiety is much different from being judged mentally defective. I'd check no. The wording of the question strongly implies a legal decision that you are incompetent.
And, there are very few mental institutions around - most psychiatric cases are handled by ordinary hospitals.

And some of these do in fact have psychiatric wards, and you can still be committed to them.

Don't be fooled by general definitions. In the eyes of the court it would mean the same thing if you were committed to the psych ward of an "ordinary hospital."
Don't be fooled by general definitions. In the eyes of the court it would mean the same thing if you were committed to the psych ward of an "ordinary hospital."

Maybe......or maybe not. I don't believe that this part of the definition has been tested in the courts. Now, I'm not saying "hang your hat on the definition of mental institution". But, what I am saying is (if were ever to come up) that BATFE is going to have a difficult time explaining to a judge and possibly an appellate court why it didn't change its 40 year old completely out-dated language to something a little more applicable to today and applicable to all states.

The bottom line is that the wording of that sentence isn 't just a little defective. It's antiquated and completely defective. It's simply not reasonable to think that an ordinary person answering these questions saying "no" when some BATFE agent thinks he should have said "yes" is going to be held responsible for BATFE's screw-up in not updating the 40-year-old language in its forms.

Enuf said on that - let the bureaucrats figure it out on their own.
"Any other members who know why I'm doing this and can help the OP out with these posts I'm making, please do so, and take it to PM so I don't see it. Thanks."

Doing what? I've worked in the field for 35 years, and been a gun owner for 50-plus years, and I'm supposed to guess at what I can or cannot post? I'm lost.

"BATFE is going to have a difficult time explaining to a judge and possibly an appellate court why it didn't change its 40 year old completely out-dated language to something a little more applicable to today and applicable to all states."

Bogus. They know already. Here...


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at the risk of outing myself. I checked yes on the box. I didn't add anything to it, but I checked yes. Because I have been diagnosed with insomnia, treated for alcoholism, depression and anxiety (I think they're all the same thing, too be honest) and spent time on and off medication for all of them. I figured "I'll just be honest, and if I get denied, I'll appeal it" and, you know what? Illinois gave me my FOID and nics let me buy guns. I'm guessing they saw that, did the check, so nothing but sporadic prescriptions and doctors' notes and said "hey, at least he told the truth."

Since the first time, though, I've switched to saying no to that question. Cause I think what they really mean is hospitalized or deemed mentally insane.