Michelle Obama Proud of US for First Time

She reminds me a rather lot of Hillary, but without any of the soft edges or restraint. She seems to have something of an acid tongue; while she has dialed it back a bit, it has not gone away. While it is true that we elect a candidate and not the spouse, it seems like she would play as large a role in an Obama administration as Hillary played while Bill Clinton was president.
Good for her! Now her husband's campaign will be if full damage control.

And remember, "hope is not a method."
This isn't going to get any traction till Obama secures the nomination. It might not get any traction even then.
Remember Obama can do no wrong cause he's the guy bringing us all together.
Come the general election we'll see who the media likes more, Obama Or McCain. Both are pretty much untouchable so far.
As soon as the conventions pass, the media will fall in step behind the Democrat nominee and savage McCain. All those fawning stories about the "maverick" McCain, willing to speak truth to power by tweaking the GOP panjandrums? Out the window. Once it's a two horse race, it will all be about his ethical lapses, personal life, and volcanic temper. Oh, and he supports "Bush's war," don't you know?
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Liberal mindset on display. Constitution, bill of rights, D-day, lunar landings, etc., notwithstanding, the US is bad and should feel guilty. Now that her husband is doing well selling hope, she is proud. Scary.
She seems like an angry, militant feminist.

On the other hand maybe I should be president. I have the audacity to look under my car seats and hope that I find change.
OMG a political speech being interpreted how novel

So here we are in the midst of an election year and the pundants are going to focus on every statement like they are the only words being spoken.

There probably are a few web sites that specialize in such trivia. So search for those site to find the few words that will justify your candidate selection at the poles.

I wonder if we could find 100 such interpretable statements between all the candidates to make this thread continue. I'm sure we can.

Given Dybya classic speech lines throughout his presidency I won't worry about one line in a speech made by a candidates spouse.

It these classic approaches to analyzing candidates the made the National Inquirer required reading for some.
Her statement also included "...as an adult," so a moderal reaction should be a bit less harsh, IMO. Overall, I think she was trying to convey this; that the generations of Americans alive today have seen everything from Jim Crow laws to the possible election of a black president. To many African-Americans and others, this means...hope, progress and pride.
How is slavery to the plantation owner for blacks worse than slavery to government for all non-government employees? The latter is just more inclusive.
My dad, a right wingnut, told me of this... I replied HUH... First time huh? Well not that I would ever vote for him but EVERY time I discuss my southern pride, My disdain of certain issues I am PROUD to be an American with the constitution behind me... Every time, and I mean EVERY SINGLE time I slide a round into the magazine I am TRULY proud and THANKFUL to be an AMERICAN. Many other liberties I just take for selfish granted...
People here are making a mountain out of a mole hill for political gain. This is nothing more than Republican political spin trying desperately to find something to hurt Obama. Sorry it won't be that easy, nor do I suspect much of anything will stick to Obama. I bet if this McCain's wife made the statement many of you would be trying explain it away.
People here are making a mountain out of a mole hill for political gain. This is nothing more than Republican political spin


The Obamas are among the elite in this country, and they have every reason to have been "proud" of their country way before now. They both attended expensive Ivy League universities, have had rather cushy jobs as a result of that education, and have a net worth of around 1.3 million dollars. They both should be "proud" of the country which has afforded them the opportunities they have enjoyed. She and her husband should both be embarrassed by her remarks!
The Obamas are among the elite in this country, and they have every reason to have been "proud" of their country way before now.

You know full well that this comment was taken out of context by the conservative media to make political point with their base. She is as much a American as you or I. If you are that blinded by partisanship then I feel really sorry for you. Granted her statement was not clear but to make political hay over this shows the Republicans are grasping at straws when attacking Obama. If this is all the Conservatives have then surely they will loose big in Nov.
You know full well that this comment was taken out of context by the conservative media to make political point with their base. She is as much a American as you or I. If you are that blinded by partisanship then I feel really sorry for you. Granted her statement was not clear but to make political hay over this shows the Republicans are grasping at straws when attacking Obama. If this is all the Conservatives have then surely they will loose big in Nov.

This comment was certainly NOT taken out of context. And nobody here has said anything about her not being an American.

Mrs. Obama made the statement that up until now she has had no pride in this country during her "adult life". She said it and "partisanship" has nothing to do with it. You can attempt to spin it any way you like.
It's funny to watch the libs try to spin her words then pretend rightwing zealots are the ones politicizing it.
She clearly said it was the first time as an adult that she was proud of her country. She's what, 45 years old? I don't know if she is just stupid or an America hater but she certainly isn't a class act.
I am much more afraid of having her as first lady than I am of having her husband as president. From what I have seen so far it would be worse than having Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton as president. She will polarize this country on race relations and empower a new generation of black women. Gun control will not be our main problem.
It must be tough being a Democrat and not having anything to be "proud" of! I guess that Mrs. Obama wasn't "proud" of her husband when he became a U.S. Senator (?). She wasn't "proud" when she gave birth to their children (?)

Personally, I think that ALL politicians (and their spouses) say STOOPID things at one time or another, but I have to wonder what the underlying aspect of Mrs. Obama's statement actually is.

I also wonder why Opray Winfrey called Barrack Obama "The Chosen One". If he can't walk on water, he's nothing more than a rip-snorting effective orator with VERY LITTLE experience but a WHOLE LOT of lip flapping!

"That lady just fainted! Give her some room! Are there any EMT's here?" (Obama has used this 4 times! A spin off of Giuliani's wife calling him on his cell phone while he's giving a speech?)
You know full well that this comment was taken out of context by the conservative media to make political point with their base. She is as much a American as you or I. If you are that blinded by partisanship then I feel really sorry for you. Granted her statement was not clear but to make political hay over this shows the Republicans are grasping at straws when attacking Obama. If this is all the Conservatives have then surely they will loose big in Nov.

You're funny. I'm not sure what the conservatives have that will be loose in November, but I might recommend some Loc-tite or a torque wrench for it.

This is likely brought up because the media (not conservative, they're moderate at the very least, probably no less than mildly liberal, and leftist nutjobs on occasion) loves to make hay out of a single quote. The "conservatives" have yet to tear in after Obama; there's no need until the Democratic nominee has been finalized. It could yet be Hillary. Obama has his weaknesses, but they have yet to come out. They will, if he is the nominee.

Mrs. Obama needs to remember that the media loves to twist a person's words; this is not the first time her mouth has gotten her negative publicity, and I do not expect it to be the last. Like I said, she reminds me a lot of Hillary, but without the years of political experience that has softened the rough edges and taught her moderation in public. Michelle Obama, like Hillary, is intelligent, articulate, and seems possessed of an elitist point of view that says "we can make things all better if you just listen to us." I resist swooning to people who claim to be the messiah.
Not everyone is gullible enough to believe she was speaking in parables. The words are simple, plain and to the point. She wasn't discussing a theological nuance but plainly said she was finally proud of the US. It's been out there long enough, if it was a badly phrased comment, seems like she would have addressed it since hubby is running for president. But maybe the spin team is hard at work on it.