MI bill to allow carry on college campuses

The committee death is interesting. What I gather in TX is that 'pro-gun' legislators will talk up the bills to get support from the gun folk. But they are heavily lobbied by business interests (liability scuzzbuckets with money for YOU), not to pass the bill - so they engage in committee shennigans to keep the bill in committee. The business interests reward them and then they can complain to their citizens how they supported it but the process screwed the little guy. Send a donation and they will fight for carry the next time. :barf:
An armed society is a polite society. By banning guns on campus, all they're telling these nutjobs who are considering going on a shooting spree is "You will be the only one on this campus with a gun".

I recall hearing once that once a shooter, such as one on campus, gets engaged by Officer's with guns, they typically take there own life.