Mexican President Calderon Calls for Reinstatement of the AWB

4 months in front of an election after being graded with a resounding F- by the Brady Group, and catching serious flack from another part of the base supporters over immigration reform that was promised, it's all politicing, it's not reality and logic doesn't apply.
Who will vote for certian candidates if not even the anti-gunners and immigration reformists? I don't look for deep meanings, I look for real shallow ones.
I look for shallow meanings as well - in this case, I don't even think you have to involve the Obama administration. It could be as simple as Calderon looking for some external factor to blame for the violent cesspool his country has become. It's been a pretty standard strategy from the politician playbook throughout history.
These are US military weapons given to the Mexican Military as military aid. Then sold by corrupt Mexican military officials to the drug lords.

I read recently that the Clinton Administration is largely responsible for giving or selling weapons to the Mexican army. Is that true, or are many administrations to blame ?
I really don't think this is as insidious as many think. It looks to me like Calderon is trying to distract everyone from the fact that he either can't or won't do anything about Mexico's real problems. It's easier and more politically expedient to pass the buck off to the United States. Calderon is probably smart enough to realize that he chances of a renewed AWB in the current political climate are slim at best, so he has a ready-made excuse, for the time being, as to why he's not getting results.
nice speech. 5 minutes of truth. Refreshing to hear. So sad it couldn't have ended with "keep your big mouth shut!", but I suppose that would be unpolite.

Honest, but unpolite.