Mexican Militia/Cartel In Arizona

AZ Med18

New member
I was listening to the radio at work this morning and a news story came about that got my interest. Mexican military here in Arizona in the Maryvale part of town. The newspaper first played it as a home invasion but the DJ called the President of the Police union here in PHX and said that they were members of the Mexican army.

Here is one link there are several.

What are your thoughts on this. Mexico now has armed military personnel sneaking in. What should the government do in your opinion?
Yeah, we've been going through the same thing over here too. Seems the mexican army is providing protection for the drug smuggers into the states. I look at it as an invasion also and think we should act as such.
but the DJ called the President of the Police union here in PHX and said that they were members of the Mexican army.

That was JD Hayworth, former US Congressman, now talk radio host on KFYI, right?

I heard that too and was literally floored by it.

Then I listened more carefully to the PLEA rep (not president of the union, he's the press spokesman for the union).

The group of unknown people were dressed in police raid style clothing and appeared like SWAT members. They reportedly had clothing that indicated they WERE police. They were armed with AR-15's, sidearms and "tactical gear." They approached a house in the 8300 block of West Cyprus and opened fire on it, suppressing any defense or escape from windows and doors.

They killed one individual inside.

When the police responded, these men fled the scene. They did not fire on police. JD attempted to infer that they "would have" if they hadn't run out of ammunition. One of them admitted to being a member of the Mexican military.

Meanwhile, Calderon had previously stated he was going to get tough on drug smuggling and organized crime on both sides of the border, US and Mexico.

Meanwhile, Janet Napolitano and the governor of Sonora (can't remember his name) had a quiet discussion about law enforcement standards on each side of the border regarding drug smugggling.

I suspect that this was a group of Federales or Zetas (Mexican equivalent of Rangers or Green Barets) sent on a "hit list" mission into the US, to kill drug cartel members.

This is not unlike what our CIA does... we just do it quieter and better, and usually don't rile up the locals too much.

JD has greatly over-reacted here to feed the border frenzy and to get conservatives to make this a poll issue this November.

That being said, I hope these Mexican armed forces members are tried and convicted for premeditated murder in the US as well as something else resembling the breach of the peace and potential act of war they initiated.
Does Arizona utilize the death penalty?

That being said, I hope these Mexican armed forces members are tried and convicted for premeditated murder in the US as well as something else resembling the breach of the peace and potential act of war they initiated.

Not me, that would just mean more Illegal Aliens in the judicial system that we would have to support. Try them for espionage/war crimes/something and killem. Or drop them off in Iraq and let them earn thier way out.
Not me, that would just mean more Illegal Aliens in the judicial system that we would have to support. Try them for espionage/war crimes/something and killem. Or drop them off in Iraq and let them earn thier way out.

I agree, we've already got too many illegals in our prison system that we are already paying for with our tax dollars. I say death by firing squad....I'll even donate some ammo for the cause. :)
Not sure but we have Luke Air Force base. It has alot of F-16s so I think we will have enough firepower.

But is this to be considered an invasion since it does not seem to be an isolated incident. I mean it is happening in Texas and Arizona apparently.
But is this to be considered an invasion since it does not seem to be an isolated incident.

IMO (not that that means anything), anytime they (mexican military) step foot across the border onto U.S. soil it's an invasion and should be treated as such.
Hoy, now do you think that our government will do anything. Although Gov. Napalatono(SP?) was one of the first Govenors to declare a state of emergency a couple years back. I would hope if this repeats she does and we do strengthen our border down south.

This is a safety issue not only to the citizens of the state but also the men and women that want to keep civil peace. Our Law Enforcement might not be armed to deal with a group of 5 men armed this way.
I heard it from JD too. to me it just sounds like a hit. whether or not the hit men are or were Mexican military isn't as important as if they were operating on orders from the Mexican government. I doubt the Mexican government sent a squad into Maryvale to kill one guy.

If the Mexican Government wanted to send a squad here they would probably send a rusty pickup full of operators in civilian clothes as to not draw a ridiculous amount of attention as this incident did. They wouldn't even have to try to blend in with the local population.
If the Mexican Government wanted to send a squad here they would probably send a rusty pickup full of operators in civilian clothes as to not draw a ridiculous amount of attention as this incident did. They wouldn't even have to try to blend in with the local population.

Given that the major news isn't biting on this at all...

And given that the issue of these men being "Mexican military" is being swept under the rug by Jack Harris (Phx Chief of Police), Phil Gordon (Phx Mayor) and Janet Napolitano (Governess)...

And given the HIGH visibility of the incident to the type of people who like to stay "in the know" while the simultaneous LOW visibility to most of America...

I find it highly likely it was a Mexican military hit squad out for vengeance killings on foreign soil. Probably sanctioned by a beaurocrat based in Mexico City that speaks to Calderon once a week, but not Calderon himself.

This will resonate in the drug community. This will resonate with Minutemen who watch the border and are concerned enough about their safety to bring handguns, but not long guns. This will resonate with Border Patrol who use paintball markers as a first line deterrant rather than supersonic lead.

Mexico can disavow any knowledge of these men, but "suggest" they be extradited back to Mexico for proper punishment. BTW, they committed murder but due to our treaties they can't be executed if convicted. So you might as well just send them to us to rot in one of our jails, wink wink.
Here is one link there are several.

What are your thoughts on this. Mexico now has armed military personnel sneaking in. What should the government do in your opinion?

I like how the link attributes the military aspect to the World Net Daily - not a credible source. They report some real stuff and some paranormal stuff.

So maybe some Mexican military folks have come into the US. It would be wrong if they were here in an official capacity. Of course, it isn't like the US military doesn't go into other countries without permission and not always in subtle ways.
Zetas started as mexican special forces trained by us(Delta and Ranger). Green beret are trained to train foreign guerrilla units and operate as "force multipliers."
A couple years ago the Zetas realized the Mexican Gov't wan't paying them crap and most deserted to the drug lords. In many cases entire units with their command structure intact. They have since recruited normal Mexican military to help them out. It is a total mess. Police chief in charge of fighting drug cartels was killed today.
Situations like this have happened repeatedly for the last 2-3 years. In one instance a Texas Sheriff was in a high speed pursuit following some drug runners back across a closed border. About two miles from the border a Humvee with a .50 cal on top was parked in the middle of the road. The drug runner swerved around it and it stood in the way until the Sheriff turned his car around. To be clear, all on US territory.
A couple years ago the Zetas realized the Mexican Gov't wan't paying them crap and most deserted to the drug lords. In many cases entire units with their command structure intact. They have since recruited normal Mexican military to help them out.
Most, maybe all, of the Army units assigned to border duty freelance to the highest bidder.
this is nothing new, there have been many instances where the mexican military ahs driven over the border and shot at our border patrol and/or private citizans. the mexican government is in control of a large aprt of the drug trade that takes place between them and us. military personal are also used to carry out these opporations, (the zetas are all run by current mexican military brass)

however none of this stuff ever gets to the mainstream news(wonder why) and border patrol are under strict orders to not return fire from the mexican side. i think we need to take a complete turna nd change our policy on the border and show these people a thing or two.
I lived and worked on and near the southwest border close to 30 years it is in my opinion more corrupt and dangerous then ever before and yet our government denies or has a blind eye to the truth.
I suspect that this was a group of Federales or Zetas (Mexican equivalent of Rangers or Green Barets) sent on a "hit list" mission into the US, to kill drug cartel members

That's plausible only if you assume they were acting on orders from a rival drug cartel...given the active participation of the Mexican armed forces in protecting drug shipments into the US.