Meth. Guns and Glory

Gun control is alive and well.

I have not given up my position on this there is a need in a Democratic society or Republic to have some controls.

Sorry but that is the truth.

It's just the way it is. Look at the mess we are in, across the sea and over the mountains. Isolation and idiots go hand in hand. Social is better than not.

Trip20, put something up, besides pot shots, OK.


C'mon. That was no "pot shot" by any stretch of the imagination. I asked you a direct question. What I didn't do was take 5 paragraphs to ask the question. If I've offended you, I apologize.

The question was to find out if you blame the person, or the items to which the person had access, when determining fault for the crime committed.

You didn't necessarily answer the question as directly as it was asked, but I don't want to get involved in an unproductive argument, so I'll bow out.

Take care.
Harley, that article moves stock outta getting mental health treatment for tweekers and into making meth manufacture/distribution something we put people on deserted islands for...I've heard of some pretty crazy crap involving meth but that takes the cake. God, someone just send him to prison so someone can put him down already. Regardless of any stance that anyone can logically have, that guy should not be alive today (And even if he's found to be worthy of snuffing, It'll be a decade before he gets a needle...maybe. Justice delayed...)
No don't bow out Trip20

What are you asking? Was it directed towards me or???

Let's discuss it further. I apologize if I came on to strong.

I am easy, really.

Assistant Public Defender Eluid M. Romero told jurors during closing arguments that his client was guilty of second-degree murder because drug-induced delusions kept him from rationally making decisions involving a specific intent to kill, which is required in first-degree murder.

This is yet another self-serving statement made as an excuse for unacceptable behavior. A lot of people are in jail for nothing but eating/sniffing the wrong material because others, like this guy, would rather blame meth than own up to committing two brutal murders.
I believe it is pretty well established, it fries the brain

I think this is one of the reasons, I feel it is not one of the drugs that can be
allowed to go public.

They (LEO and public) see nothing but the bad effects of the stuff. Do some use it to be able to work harder, Yes. But when they are working harder and longer they tend to make many mistakes.

I did repair work (pick-up) after some of the super framers and meth users,
mistakes were all over the place even with lines and marks to show them the way to build it. When they were using they messed up continuiously, when not they were ok.

They would use drugs to enhance and drugs to sleep. They would miss days of work and did'nt know what day it was. Very bad deal in my opinion.

It might be utopia if we could figure out a drug to make them not use this stuff, but it would probably be just as bad.

We all agree it is not a simple situation.

Ok im throwing in my2 cents and thats it.In europe theyve battled heroin addiction by legalizing it it to addicts,and crime rate has gone way down.The system works very well,doctors come and shoot them up and they leave.No more having to rob and kill for money to get it.Once they die =one less addict.The street value of the drug has gone down,and penalties higher for illegal use so why not have them all controlled.To me it seems like a very good solution.And how many pot heads kill people driving while high,im not sure but id have to say a lot less than drunk drivers,and alcohol is still legal.