Met the most interesting fellow while hunting this weekend

the 30 pound rock is total overkill. i use half a concrete block w/ a rope tied to it for quick reloads.
Forgot to tell ya, a couple of other things about this gentleman. Whenever he sees a deer, he immediately drops to his knees, or down to one knee, so that the deer won't see his head and make out the fact the noisemaker (from the deer's perspective) is human. Then he waits for his head shot.

Also, seems he used to be a hunting guide somewhere up north, and one time he was taking some city slickers on a horseback hunt. They were crossing a creek, when one of the city boys fell off his horse into the creek. He begins writhing and squirming and shouting in pain, since his battery-powered electric-heated socks, top, and bottoms got wet and shocked him. Lol.

where do they find people like that and for another thing who sold him the gun they shouldnt have anyway i think i need to google and see if anyone actually does make a 50 power scope
Redneck is lying!! That wasn't him you met, it was me!

Redneck is always claiming to be me! He hasn't even hunted with me since I made that 650 yard running shot on a big albino muley/whitetail cross buck. (I make most all of my running shots, even if the deer is moving, too.) The fact that it was a whiteout blizzard meant that could only see the pink nose and red eyes.

I DO usually do have two deer hanging by the first day, and my son is right, I haven't killed one in six years. That's because I stun them by shooting off the lesser of the two brow tines, drag them back to camp, hoist them up, take their pictures, and then cut them loose. Yes, I am the first catch and release deer hunter. I urge you all to develop your skills to the point where you can consistently use your fifty power scopes to ding deer.

As for the cougar, I was most worried that he would take advantage of my recently released but disoriented deer, and try to make a meal out of them. That is why I waited for him.

I was also misunderstood about the hollow. I said he stayed within a certain "holler". You see, I can call in all manner of predators by mouth, and this particular cougar is so enamored by my special cougar call, that he refuses to any farther than my "holler", meaning my call.

...and I am not a retired Navy SEAL, I said I was a "tired" Navy SEAL, and I am tired because they won't let me retire. Too valuable to the Nation's Defense, ever since my suicide mission on Iwo Jima in '42.
;) Man- You guys are hilarious!
My brother's friend tells of how he hunted Moose from a helicopter in Alaska. He would have the pilot fly over them and hover and he'd jump out on their backs and if that didn't break their backs, he'd cut their throats on the run!

Down here in Texas where it gets so hot you have to light a fire to keep cool, we don't get into all that physical exertion. We sit in an air-conditioned deerstand complete with wire-less interent (deerstand mounted on top of the oil-derrick) and type true stories of our hunting prowess while we wait to see a cape-buffalo or real mastadon.
That's right, JH99 - -

I got to talking hunting with an old timer down at the courthouse square one day. He shook his head sorrowfully as he told me his tale of why he quit dove hunting.

His daddy had raised him up to be strictly observant of the law. He and his family hated to encounter birdshot while eating the game, so he used a .22. When the ruling was made that you had to hunt migratory species with a smoothbore gun, he learned he was too poor a gunner to always make head shots with the very edge of the pattern. He did fine with deer slugs, but they were just too expensive, so he gave up on mourning dove.

The guy is a loon. You ought to talk to his son if you can about him claiming to be a SEAL. Those guys take offense at Seal Wannabe's. There are several sites that deal with wannabe's. He shows some of the classic symptoms of being a wannabe. He may be harmless and crazy but he is stealing the SEALs honor...
i'm a okie too and i think i meet this guy down at honobie creek. told me he almost got the world record buck but, its antlers got caught in his 12' high tree stand and dumped him out before he could shoot.

i should have been careful before i beaked this guy. after running through a list of my cousins it would appear to me that he's likely a long lost relative who moved to the states.