Met the most interesting fellow while hunting this weekend


He was camped next to us in a public camping area adjacent to some public hunting lands. In the course of a short conversation, I learned the following:

1. There are no deer down in this one hollow - no sign; none whatsoever; the reason being there is a mountain lion down there (for some reason he doesn't roam beyond this hollow); this guy saw the mountain lion - it was very old and was 10 foot nose to tail. He found a covered up half-eaten deer kill, so he climbed inside an hollowed-out tree stump to wait for its return to observe it, and sure enough, it came back. Mind you, there are not many pumas at all in OK.

2. He only uses an AR in .223 for deer. He takes head shots only.

3. The scope on said AR is 50 power he said - that's F-I-F-T-Y power.

4. He's looking for this big buck nicknamed "Heart Attack".

5. He normally has 2 deer hanging in camp by this time of the season/week, but had none at this time; bad luck. Strangely, however, his 11 year old boy had come over to our camp earlier in the day and explained that his dad has not gotten a deer in six years. Hmmm.

6. Earlier in the year, he shot a 700+ pound feral pig in this one public hunitng land.

7. Finally - get ready - yap, you guessed it - he's is a RETIRED NAVY SEAL!

He did make a mean bean and ham soup, however. Not bad coffee either.

I hunted with a bunch of old and Navy Seals up at Northern Hideaway about eighty miles northwest of FtKent, Rod Sirios is the Master guide of Northern Hideaway, he is also a Navy seal from the nam days, Bunch of good old guys, but real serious hunters, they all had some really nice rifle's, all customs, it seemed with 50MM scopes ;) this was the last week of baited bearhunts in Maine, All the Navy Seals are old friends from the hay days and there was some submarine guys as wel,l all connected. I enjoyed there company at the camp fires after the hunts. They had some good stories to learn from, Made some good friends. Aim small hit small. RAMbo.
Cool. Yeah, a 50 mm scope would make sense, but he reiterated clearly that it was 50 power, after I said "50 power?!?", after the 1st time he said it. :)
First Freedom
It was nice meeting you too. I don't get to stay out there nearly as long as I'd like on my yearly hunt trips and its great to teach some of you younguns a thing or two about huntin. Maybe next year I'll take you down into that hollow with me, an we can shoot that puma with my special buckmark pistol. Its got a 32 (THIRTY TWO!) power scope on it and I routinely shoot half inch groups at 100 yhards with it (offhand of course, and you have to use match quality ammo like Remington golden bullets). Its a much better gun for hunting cougars in a hollow than my tricked out AR cause the 50 power scope just isn't fast enough handlin for a fast moving cougar in a small hollow.
Remind me to tell you about that bear I killed with my navy seal tactical knife, and I'll show you how to skin a deer with a special forces folding shovel.
Until next year, your friend
That's funny. I swear, I met him, or his brother, a coupla years back while airing up my tires at a truckstop on I-35. He asked about the tires on my truck, and then went on to tell me about how he'd been hunting up in OK, and after having missed a chance to shoot a big buck because it walked under his tree stand, he dragged a 30 lb river rock up there the next day, and killed it by dropping the stone on the buck. :)
He and all his friends hunt in Africa every year! He also kills Cape buff with a 22-250 (only brain shots!)

Ooooo...... we love these hunters! They give the hunting faternity in South Africa a great perception about american hunters!!
Sounds like the father in the movie "Big Fish" Our Australian friends would say he knew how to spin a good yarn and would offer to buy him a beer. Or three, if the yarns kept coming.
the more I read about that guy you met I wonder two things.........

1) what the hell is my uncle Raymond doing in Oklahoma when he is supposed to be "privately contracted" to bounty hunt osama?

2) when did uncle Raymond learn to make coffee?

I'm very concerned
Did he mention a 30 lb squirrel he took with a blowgun made from a straw and a toothpick?

I love stories about these guys. That 30lb squirrel came from a one of my dad's hunting partners that would always one-up the competition when the hunting stories started.
what the hell is my uncle Raymond doing in Oklahoma when he is supposed to be "privately contracted" to bounty hunt osama

Bwaaaahahahaha - maybe uncle Ray has a hot tip that Bin Laden is hiding out in the place where he'd be least likely to be suspected - the U.S. (hiding in the woods). :D
With a game warden watching him, he shot a three point buck (this is an old X zone in Calif where it was three point or better only). The warden walked out with him to validate the deer, but when he got there he found out it was a forked horn and a spike standing side by side. He got them both.

Warden just said, guess the convic's we'll be eaten venison tonight, and let him go.
How about this one!

A guy at work told me he shot the antlers off a deer........ seems he had no more room in his freezer, but he couldn't pass up those big antlers.

I just wonder if these people know how ridiculous they sound. Where do these people come from?