Met a guy from Illinois today

Another can't do without and FOID card

A couple of years ago, I attended a Gun Show in central Illinoise. In observation of my gun show ediquate, I asked a dealer if I could look at an old Savage-99. He said no problem, if I could show him my FOID card. I replied that I was from Iowa and we do not issue these but I did have an Iowa Pistol Purchasing Permit. He was rather hesitant as he did not know how to handle this. Finally let me look at the 99 and after handing it back, asked him what that was all about. ... :confused:

Could be a bunch of smoke but, he stated that dealers are not allowed to let anyone handle their guns unless they had a valid FOID card so as not to allow a felon to have a gun and they could be procecuted for doing so. Seems as if there was an incident up-stated that got a dealer into trouble for allowing a felon to "hold" one of his guns. ..... :eek:

Looks like it's not easy to be an FFL dealer, especially in Illinoise. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
So IL does not register guns per se... but the worse of two evils, the dreaded potential gun OWNER...

...which makes sense from a politicians POV. Gotta know WHO might have what. I'm sure it's all about Officer Safety, much like handgun registration in Clark CO NV (Las Vegas et al) which has been around since 1965.

How long has IL been registering citizens who might own guns & ammo? Just curious as to the history and time frame. I guess... 1968 perhaps? (looked it up) Yep. What happened that year? Let me think... oh yeah, Yippies in Chicago upsetting the DNC convention. dirty dam yippies (Abbie Hoffman IIRC)

...and ever since, peace reigned in the land of Abraham
Yep, I was there then. That's when King Richard the first quelled the uprising of the masses. Made the Rodney King beating look like a cake walk.
You don't need a license to steal a car or to use a stolen car. And you don't need a FOID card to steal a gun or to use a stolen gun. But it sure keeps the honest people honest....LMAO!
It always blows my mind how casually people accept restrictions and infringements on their constitutional rights. It makes me wonder how long it will be before someone decides that a permit is needed to own books or personal libraries are limited to a arbitrary capacity.

I'm not sure. Another family member had went up for a vist and found primers and powder on a heckuva sale at a sporting goods store. He asked if he needed a FOID card to buy supplies and he was told no and could buy all he liked. (Which he did.) Could have been a screw up on the clerk's part, but I would just imagine they are pretty well trained.
It always blows my mind how casually people accept restrictions and infringements on their constitutional rights. It makes me wonder how long it will be before someone decides that a permit is needed to own books or personal libraries are limited to a arbitrary capacity.

We have at least a half dozen or so cases going on right now fighting the nonsense here in IL. A lot of people are fighting hard over here.
If you think the Feds *AND* the state of Texas doesn't know who owns what and how much/many, you are sadly mistaken. Are they supposed to keep that info? No. Do they? I'd bet a paycheck that they do. Just wait and see.

If a terrorist event hapens, Marshal Law will go into effect, and they WILL be knocking on everyon's door that has purchased a gun (from a dealer or through a FFL) or ammo (online or locally with a atm/credit card), and you'll be standing there wondering how they knew.

I hope you have a place to hide your stuff...
you can buy ammo in IL without an FOID if you are not from IL. Individual firearems are not registered in IL. FOID and gunhateing pols are one of the reasons I left IL
Don't know much about Ill laws, always wondered how they would act regarding the LEOSA.

Last fall I took a motorcycle road trip to Camp Perry OH. I crossed through Ill on I-90/80, (the part where you have to pay extra to drive, we don't have them in Wyoming). At one of the rest areas I was warming up and met some Chicago Cops who were on a MC day trip.

I was wearing my old APD leather Jacket (it was cold) which still has a faded APD Patch. One of the guys ask me if I was a cop. Jokingly I told him I had been but stole the coat when I retired. That didn't seem to impress him. He asked if I was carrying and I just grinned and say "don't know, am I"? He just shook his head and walked away.

They didn't seem as friendly as most cops I've run across. Hope it wasn't an example on CPD. Later I found out about Chicago being uppity to people traveling through with guns.

They got some funny rules back east.
Yep, kraig, you met Chicago's finest, and their elitest attitude that only they should carry. I know state troopers from my way, who have been hassled by CPD. Seriously. They don't think any off duty officers should carry, save for themselves.

And I could go on about the way they act off duty, in personal vehicles traveling through down south. Some of my favorite traffic stops, lol!!!
rising tide

Now that every state in the republic allows ccw for law abiding citizens in one form or another, except THIS state, I'm sure the politicians and CPD can feel the water up around their necks. The 2nd Amendment is getting its day in court all over the state and I believe, if we all do our part, writing our legislators regarding this issue, it is inevitable that a non-discretionary ccw law will be passed in the near future. If not, it is further inevitable that the districts outside of Cook county will begin nominating and returning pro-2nd Amendment candidates for seats in Springfield. I, for one, am actively involved in this effort. I urge my fellow Illinoisans to do the same. NRA-ILA can help us get organized. Visit the NRA-ILA website, Grassroots page, to find out more.

From Southern Illinois,
Let's get busy!